Event details
Sunday Worship Service - Summer Schedule

Sunday, 10am, Princeton University Chapel
Join us each Sunday for worship in the University Chapel, led by the dean and the associate dean of religious life and of the chapel, that draws students, faculty, staff, and townspeople together to hear God’s word, to sing God’s praise, to lift up the University in prayer. Each season, marvelous guest preachers are invited to preach in the chapel as well. We hope you can join us!
Summer Preaching Schedule - All services begin at 10am for the Summer
Sunday, May 29 - Joey Heath-Mason, United Methodist Campus Minister, American University
Sunday, June 5 - Enger Muteteke, Resource Director, Greater NJ Conference, United Methodist Church
Sunday, June 12 - Donna Owusu-Ansah, Founder & Creative Director, Inspiring Creativity Ministries
Sunday, June 19 - Shannon Daley-Harris, Author, Child Advocate, and Retreat Leader Princeton, NJ
Sunday, June 26 - Jimeka Jones Setzer, Pastor, National Community Church, Lincoln Theater Campus, Washington D.C.
Sunday, July 3 - Theresa S. Thames, Associate Dean of Religious Life & the Chapel, Princeton University
Sunday, July 10 - Kevin VanHook, II, Executive Director for Episcopal Charities of New York
Sunday, July 17 - Corrie Berg, Director of Educational Ministries, Nassau Presbyterian Church
Sunday, July 24 - Wesley Rowell, 2022 Summer Princeton Chapel Liturgist, M.Div. Candidate, Princeton Theological Seminary
Sunday, July 31 - David King, Member of the Episcopal Church, M.Div. Candidate, Princeton Theological Seminary
Sunday, August 7 - Kate Mackereth Fulton, (Incoming) Pastor of Trinity United, Methodist Church, Germantown, MD
Sunday, August 14 - Catherine E. Williams, Lancaster Theological Seminary, Assistant Professor of Preaching and Worship, Director of Chapel Worship
Sunday, August 21 - Phoebe Quaynor, Mt. Nittany United Methodist Church, State College, PA
Sunday, August 28 - Otis Byrd, Jr., Office of Religious Life Intern ‘21–’22 M.Div. Candidate, Princeton Theological Seminary

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