Event details
Sunday Worship Service with guest preacher, Rev. Dr. David Buschman - Virtual Event
Join us online for Sunday Chapel Worship; the service will have magnificent music provided by Penna Rose, Director of Chapel Music and Eric Plutz, University Organist. The recorded service is available Sunday at 8am here Chapel Service . This service will remain archived after the premiere (along with concerts and other amazing programs), and we encourage you to return to them whenever you might find that to be helpful.
Please note this is a fully virtual event.
Guest preaching today Sunday, June 20 is Rev. Dr. David Buschman, Baptist Chaplain & Chaplain for Athletes in Action at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
Summer Service Bulletin for Sunday, June 20, 2021
Invitatory: Prelude on “Land of Rest” by Wilbur Held (1914-2015)
Welcome & Introduction of Guest Preacher: Dean Thames
Call to Worship
Sermon: Rev. Dr. David Buschman
Hymn: God Marked a Line and Told the Sea (Kedron)
God marked a line and told the sea its surging tides and waves were free to travel up the sloping strand but not to overtake the land.
The line, the limit, and the law are patterns meant to help us draw a bound between what life requires and all the things our heart desires.
We are not free when we’re confined to every wish that sweeps the mind. But free when freely we accept the sacred bounds that must be kept.
Pastoral Prayer
Lord’s Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for Princeton: O Eternal God, the source of life and light for all peoples, we pray you would endow this University with your grace and wisdom: give inspiration and understanding to those who teach and to those who learn; grant vision to its trustees and administrators; to all who work here and to all who bear her name give your guiding Spirit of sacrificial courage and loving service. Amen.
Voluntary: Toccata in Seven by John Rutter (b. 1945)
Today’s Guest Preacher: David Buschman (aka, "Busch") has served as the Baptist Chaplain at Princeton University since 2000 and the Director of Athletes in Action since 2006. Born in Staten Island, NY, and raised in Alexandria and Fairfax, VA, he graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech, then later completed his Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (TX) and his Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (MA), where he focused on the integration of faith in the workplace. He has served as a campus minister for 30 years: 1 in Georgia, 8 in Pennsylvania and 21 in New Jersey. Busch is an ordained Baptist minister. He and his wife, Lynn, have 2 grown children and reside in Lawrenceville, NJ.
The University Chapel is a welcoming community of faith. We gather to sing God's praises, to hear God's living Word, to seek justice, and to proclaim God's love for all people.
University Chapel Staff: The Rev. Alison L. Boden, Ph.D., Dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel; The Rev. Dr. Theresa S. Thames, Associate Dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel; Penna Rose, Director of Chapel Music; Eric Plutz, University Organist; Elizabeth Powers, Chapel Administrator; Edgar Gomez, Sexton; Lisa McGurr, Sexton
Calendar: All events are fully virtual and available online at chapel.princeton.edu. For additional info, please call 609-258-3047 or visit chapel.princeton.edu
Next Sunday, June 27, 2021, Summer Chapel Service. Our guest preacher will beBrian Lee, Clergy Candidate in the Mountain Sky Conference of the UMC, Denver, CO.
Summer Preacher Schedule Continues:
Sunday, July 4 - Jenna Reed, Princeton Chapel PTS Seminary Intern 2019-20, St. Andrews, Scotland
Sunday, July 11 - Rev. Dr. Aqueelah Ligonde, PCUSA & Ministry Architects & Ministry Incubators Interim Pastor/Coach/Consultant in New York City, NY
Sunday, July 18 - Mark Elsdon, Executive Director at Pres House at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Sunday, July 25 - Rev. Julie Wilson, Missionary at the UMC General Board of Global Ministries, Winston-Salem, NC
Sunday, Aug 1 - Rev. Stanley A. Williams, III, Assistant Pastor at Zion Temple United Church of Christ, Durham, NC
Sunday, Aug 8 - Shannon Sullivan, Senior Pastor at Trinity United Methodist Church, Frederick, MD
Sunday, Aug 15 - Dwalunda Alexander, Preaching Associate at Greater Saint Stephen First Church, Fort Worth, TX
Sunday, Aug 22 - Hector Herrera III, Associate Pastor at Tokyo Union Church, Tokyo, Japan
Sponsorship of an event does not constitute institutional endorsement of external speakers or views presented.