Event details
'The Greek World: Before and After 1821' with Molly Greene (A Virtual Event)
Molly Greene, professor of history and Hellenic studies and director of the Program in Hellenic Studies, will outline the contours of the Greek world from the 15th through the early 20th centuries, a world that is generally little known and which bears only a tenuous relationship to the country we know as Greece. This year is the bicentennial of the Greek revolution, and the lecture will also consider the significance of the events of 1821, what changed and what didn’t change with the establishment of the modern state of Greece.
Having spent quite a bit of time dwelling in the Mediterranean, at least metaphorically speaking, she is now working on a project on the Greek mountain world during the Ottoman period.
Register here: princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcucuirrzwqE9OH7xMvSxvtSuCPNob-yieb
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