Event details
The Electoral Innovation Lab presents a Friday Forum: A Talk with Dr. Daryl DeFord
This is a Princeton-only event. Please RSVP to coopersmith@princeton.edu.
About the speaker:
Daryl DeFord is an Assistant Professor of Data Analytics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Washington State University.
He was previously a postdoctoral associate at MIT (CSAIL) in the Geometric Data Processing Group, and associated with the Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group (MGGG) at Tufts University, working on the mathematics of redistricting. At MGGG, Daryl focused on understanding mathematical representations of political geography and developing open-source software for analyzing district plans. Additionally, he has studied the potential impacts of proposed language in citizen’s initiatives and ballot measures on VRA compliance and partisan fairness.
Daryl holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Dartmouth College, with a focus on analyzing the dynamics of information flow in social networks. He is also the recipient of Dartmouth’s Hannah Croasdale Award and Graduate Student Teaching Awards.
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