Event details
'The Eccentricities of a Scholar’s Library' with John V. Fleming (A Virtual Event)
Please join us on Sunday, August 29 at 3 p.m. when Professor John Fleming discusses his extensive personal library, which includes 16th century Italian editions of the works of Petrarch as well as 10 folio volumes of The Cornelius à Lapide’s Great Commentary from the 1700s. His collection, despite being that of a scholar rather than a collector, takes an interest in the provenance of many of his books, most of which he has purchased second hand. His talk promises to be an unapologetically eccentric tour through some of them, somewhat in the fashion of Tristram Shandy.
Register here: https://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrcOiorDIpH9IPPySlc48ZlrwqGB1NDod8
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