Event details
Summer Carillon Bell Concerts
March 27, 2017 – Celebrating 25 years of community recitals, the Princeton University Carillon at the Graduate School located at 88 College Road West, Princeton, NJ 08544 will again host a season of summer concerts for the surrounding community. All concerts start at 1:00PM every Sunday during July and August and are held rain or shine. Admission is free. Please call 609-258-7989 or visit
for additional information and directions. https://gradschool.princeton.edu/about/carillon
“Tune the Sky!”
July 2 Jim Fackenthal, Chicago, IL
July 9 Kipp Cortez, Concord, WV
July 16 Wesley Arai, Berkeley, CA
July 23 Thomas Le, Berkeley, CA
July 30 Lynnli Wang, Washington, DC
Aug 6 Lisa Lonie, Princeton, NJ, Carillon & Digital Tracks
Aug 13 The Treblemakers – Duet Carillonneurs: Lisa Lonie & Janet Tebbel, PA
Aug 20 Tatiana Lukyanova, Hampton, CT
Aug 27 Andy Zhang, New Haven, CT
Sept 3 Joey Cotruvo, State College, PA
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