HIS 584

Topics in Urban History


Alison Ellen Isenberg

Course surveys the rich recent scholarship on the history of cities and their regions, which intersects with many disciplines¿including geography, political science, visual studies, the built environment, planning, policy, and architecture--as well as with established historical fields of research in race, ethnicity, gender, class, and culture. Seminar covers evolution of the field from detailed community studies of the 1960s to recent interdisciplinary and national studies, addressing problems of place, social processes, and human experience. Students focus on methods, frameworks, and narrative strategies.

HIS 585

United States Intellectual History: Method and Historiography


Peter Wirzbicki

Issues and methods in the interpretation of American intellectual and cultural history, through the study of topics ranging chronologically from Puritanism to the present, are the focus of this course. Students may elect to take the course either as a reading or a research seminar.

HIS 587

Readings in Early American History


Michael Albert Blaakman

A comprehensive introduction to the historical literature and problems of American history from the Great Awakening of the 1740s through the War of 1812.

HIS 588

Readings in American History: The Early Republic through Reconstruction, 1815-1877


Sean Wilentz, James P. Oakes

A comprehensive introduction to the literature and problems of American history from the Era of Good Feelings to the conclusion of the Civil War and Reconstruction.

HIS 589

Readings in American History: Reconstruction to World War I


Alison Ellen Isenberg, Margot Canaday

A comprehensive introduction to the literature and problems of American history from the end of the Civil War to the United States entry into World War I.

HIS 590

Readings in American History: World War I to the Present


Rosina Amelia Lozano, Joseph M. Fronczak

A comprehensive introduction to the literature and problems of American history in the most recent period.

HOS 594 / HIS 594

History of Medicine


Keith Andrew Wailoo

Problems in the history of medicine and the medical sciences. Topic varies from year to year. Representative subjects would include the history of health and disease, medicine and the body, and the history of the mind and mental illness.

HOS 595 / MOD 564 / HIS 595

Introduction to Historiography of Science


Angela N. H. Creager

Introduces beginning graduate students to the central problems and principal literature of the history of science from the Enlightenment to the 20th century. Course is organized around several different methodological approaches, and readings include important works by anthropologists, sociologists and philosophers, as well as by historians of science.

HOS 599 / HIS 599

Special Topics in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine


Jennifer M. Rampling

This course explores special topics in the history of science. The precise topic varies from year to year.