Abulof, Uriel (work in progress). Death, Freedom and the Pursuit of Meaning: Human Odyssey to Political Existentialism.
Abulof, Uriel (work in progress). Existential Conflict and Coexistence in Israel-Palestine: Incompossible Peoples? (under contract, Routledge).
Abulof, Uriel (forthcoming). Abyss & Horizon: Political Existentialism and Humanity’s Midlife Crisis (under contract, Cambridge University Press).
Abulof, Uriel and Markus Kornprobst (eds.) (2017). Communication, Legitimation and Morality in Modern Politics: Studying Public Justification. New York: Routledge.
Abulof, Uriel and Karl Cordell (eds.) (2016). Self-Determination: A Double-edged Principle, New York: Routledge. [Also as a special issue, Ethnopolitics 14(5)]
Abulof, Uriel (2015). Living on the Edge: The Existential Uncertainty of Zionism [in Hebrew]. Haifa: Haifa University Press. The winner of the Bahat Prize for the best Hebrew nonfiction manuscript.
Abulof, Uriel (2015). The Mortality and Morality of Nations. New York: Cambridge University Press
Abulof, Uriel (2018). Nationalism as Legitimation: The Appeal of Ethnicity and the Plea for Popular Sovereignty. Nations and Nationalism 24(3): 528-534.
Abulof, Uriel (2017). Why We Need Maslow in the 21st Century. Society 54(6): 508-509.
Abulof, Uriel (2017). Be Yourself! How am I not Myself? Between Essentialist and Existentialist Authenticity. Society 54(6): 530-532
Abulof, Uriel (2017). “Can’t Buy Me Legitimacy”: The Elusive and Illusive Stability of Mideast Rentier Regimes. Journal of International Relations and Development 20(1): 55-79.
Abulof, Uriel and Markus Kornprobst (2017). The Politics of Public Justification. Contemporary Politics 23(1): 1-18
Abulof, Uriel (2017). Conscientious Politics and Israel’s Moral Dilemmas. Contemporary Politics 23(1): 34-52.
Abulof, Uriel and Markus Kornprobst (2017). Unpacking Public Justification. Contemporary Politics 23(1): 126-140.
Ogen Goldman and Abulof, Uriel (2016). Democracy for the Rescue - of Dictators? The Role of Regime Type in Civil War Interventions. Contemporary Security Policy 37(3): 341-368.
Abulof, Uriel (2016). Behemoth vs. Leviathan: RIP R2P?, 6 January 2016
Abulof, Uriel (2016). We the Peoples? The Strange Demise of Self-Determination. European Journal of International Relations 22 (3): 536-565.
Abulof, Uriel (2016). Mirage or Vision: Binationalism in Theory and Practice. Ethnopolitics 15 (4): 422-437.
Abulof, Uriel (2016). Public Political Thought: Bridging the Sociological-Philosophical Divide in the Study of Legitimacy. British Journal of Sociology 67 (2): 371-391.
Abulof, Uriel (2015). “The People Want(s) to Bring Down the Regime”: Rethinking Nationalism and Legitimacy in the Arab World. Nations and Nationalism 21 (4): 658–680.
Abulof, Uriel (2015). The Confused Compass: From Self-Determination to State-Determination. Ethnopolitics 14(5): 488-497.
Abulof, Uriel with Wolfgang Danspeckgruber (2015). In Search of a Common Ground Between Self-determination and Grand Strategy. Ethnopolitics 14(5): 555-558.
Abulof, Uriel and Ogen Goldman (2015). The Domestic Democratic Peace in the Middle East. International Journal of Conflict and Violence 9 (5). [Winner of the Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov Prize for best article, Israel Political Science Association (ISPSA)]
Abulof, Uriel (2015). The Malpractice of Rationality in International Relations. Rationality and Society 27(3): 358–384.
Abulof, Uriel (2015). Normative Concepts Analysis: Unpacking the Language of Legitimation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 18 (1):73-89.
Abulof, Uriel (2014). Deep Securitization and Israel's “Demographic Demon”. International Political Sociology 8 (4):396-415.
Abulof, Uriel (2014). The Role of Religion in National Legitimation: Judaism and Zionism’s Elusive Quest for Legitimacy. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53 (3): 515-533.
Abulof, Uriel (2014). Revisiting Iran’s nuclear Rationale. International Politics. 51 (3): 404-415.
Abulof, Uriel (2014). National Ethics in Ethnic Conflict: The Zionist “Iron Wall” and the “Arab Question”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 37 (14):2653-69.
Abulof, Uriel (2013). Nuclear Diversion Theory and Legitimacy Crisis: The Case of Iran. Politics & Policy 41 (5): 690-722.
Abulof, Uriel (2009). Small Peoples: The Existential Uncertainty of Ethnonational Communities. International Studies Quarterly 53 (1):227-248.
Abulof, Uriel (2008). Back to the Future: A Comparative Ethical Look at Israeli Arab Future Vision Documents. Israel Studies Review 23 (2):29-54.
Abulof, Uriel (2006). Israeli-Jewish Existential Uncertainty [Hebrew]. Tchelet 27:74-98.
Book Chapters
Abulof, Uriel (forthcoming). The Zionist Absurd. In Search for Meaning in The Israeli Scene, edited by Ofra Mayseless Pninit Russo-Netzer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Abulof, Uriel (2019). Reading Maslow in the Land of (Magical) Realism: The Hierarchy of Human Needs in Israel’s Politics. In The Edinburgh Companion to Political Realism, edited by Robert Schuett and Miles Hollingworth. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Abulof, Uriel (2019) Free or Fearful? Zionism’s Responses to Jewish Insecurity. In Routledge Handbook on Israeli Security, edited by Stuart Cohen and Aaron S. Klieman, pp. 13-24. New York, NY: Routledge.
Abulof, Uriel (forthcoming). Humanity’s Gadflies: The Existential Vocation of Small Nations. In Small Nations, edited by Joseph Yvon Thériault. Montreal: Université du Québec à Montréal [English and French]
Abulof, Uriel (2017). Mirage or Vision: Binationalism in Theory and Practice. In The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Reflections on the Politics of Stalemate, edited by Karl Cordell, Brendan O'Leary, and Stefan Wolff. New York: Routledge.
Abulof, Uriel (2016) Free to Fight? Testing the Democratic Civil Peace in the Middle East. In Democratic Peace across the Middle East: Islam and Political Modernisation, edited by Yakub Halabi. New York: I.B.Tauris.
Abulof, Uriel (2014). Introduction [Hebrew], with Ephraim Lavie. In Nationalism and Ethics: The Zionist Discourse and the “Arab Problem,” edited by Ephraim Lavie, pp. 9-21. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University.
Abulof, Uriel (2014). Zionist Political Ethics in the Last Generation [Hebrew]. In Nationalism and Ethics: The Zionist Discourse and the “Arab Problem,” edited by Ephraim Lavie, pp. 337-356. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University.
Abulof, Uriel (2013). Binationalism Beyond Israel. In Nationalism and Binationalism: The Perils of Perfect Structures, edited by Yedidia Z. Stern, Alexander Yakobson and Anita Shapira, pp. 1-13. Sussex: Sussex Academic Press.
Abulof, Uriel (2010). Political Land and Space. In Nobody’s property: art, land, space, 2000-2010, edited by K. Baum. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Art Museum.
Abulof, Uriel (2009). Zionism. In Encyclopedia of Nationalism and Ethnicity (composite), edited by J. H. Moore, pp. 36-40. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA/Thomson Gale.
Abulof, Uriel (2008). French, Canadiens, French-Canadians and Québécois: The Survival-Identity Complex. In Coping with Crisis: Conflict Management and Resolution, edited by S. Barzilai, A. Churchman and A. Zysblatt, pp.213-235. Jerusalem: Magness Press, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Review Articles
Abulof, Uriel (2019) Response to Arjun Chowdhury’s Review of the Mortality and Morality of Nations. Perspectives on Politics 17 (1):185-186.
Abulof, Uriel (2019). Review of “The Myth of International Order: Why Weak States Persist and Alternatives to the State Fade Away” (2018) by Arjun Chowdhury, New York: Oxford University Press. Perspectives on Politics 17(1): 186-188.
Abulof, Uriel (2017). Review of “The Politics of Majority Nationalism: Framing Peace, Stalemates, and Crises published” (2015) by Neophytos Loizides, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Perspectives on Politics 15 (4): 1196-1198.
Abulof, Uriel (2017). Review of “Nations Torn Asunder: The Challenge of Civil War” (2016) by Bill Kissane, Oxford: Oxford University Press. The Review of Politics 79 (4):740-743.
Abulof, Uriel (2016). Review of “Zionism and its discontents: a century of radical dissent in Israel/Palestine,” by Ran Greenstein, London: Pluto Press. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Abulof, Uriel (2015). Review of “Divine Service? Judaism and Israel's Armed Forces,” by Stuart A. Cohen, New York: Ashgate. Journal of Israeli History 34 (1): 113-116.
Abulof, Uriel (2010). Land, Blood and Ballots: The Curious Case of Resident Alien Franchise (Book Review). International Studies Review 12 (2):320-322.
Abulof, Uriel (2009). The Last Clash (Review Article on Clash of Identities by Baruch Kimmerling). Israel Studies Review 24 (2):114-116.
Treatises & Op-Eds
Op-Ed Column in Haartez Israeli Daily Newspaper (2009-present).
"How and Why Tribes Are Taking Over" Forward, 30 December 2016
"The Liberal Uncanny" The Huffington Post, 11 January 2016
"The Meaning of Life and Death (in Politics)" The Huffington Post, 2 December 2015
"Living on the Edge" The Huffington Post, 10 September 2015 & on Cambridge University Press' Blog, 11 September 2015
“Israel 2015: The Politics of Fear and Bad Faith” The Huffington Post, 26 March 2015.
“Self-Determination, Redux?” The Huffington Post, 20 March 2014.
“The Greengrocer That Broke the Camel's Back,” The Huffington Post, 3 January 2012.
“What Is the Arab Third Estate?” The Huffington Post, 10 March 2011.
“Ever After… The Pursuit of Wealth and Happiness,” (Treatise) Eretz Acheret, 13 February 2011.
“On the Jewish State As an Alien State,” (Treatise) Eretz Acheret, 4 November 2010.
“Poll the People,” YnetNews, 9 May 2010.
“Make History, Don't Record It,” The Huffington Post, 5 May 2010.
“Obama Must Follow Balfour on Palestinian State,” RealClearWorld, 22 September 2009.
“A Shadow on the Wall,” Common Ground News Service, 13 August 2009.
“Too Little, Too Late,” Ynet News, 1 July 2009.
“Obama’s Pudding,” LISD Commentary / Princeton University, July 2009.
“Arab-Israeli Conflict About Identities, Not Borders,” RealClearWorld, 22 May 2009
Op-Ed Column in Maariv Israeli Daily Newspaper (2003-2008).