List of Figures
List of Tables
Abaqus Beam Element Variants
Abaqus First Order Plate/Shell Element Variants
Abaqus Second Order Plate/Shell Element Variants
Abaqus Brick Element Variants
Abaqus Point Element Variants
SPRING1 element definition.
Elements without Physical Properties
Elements With A Thickness/Area Property
Elements with Beam Section Physical Properties
Elements with Contact Properties
Elements with Mass Physical Properties
Elements with Spring Physical Properties
Elements with Dashpot Physical Properties
MAT material arguments.
GENERAL material arguments.
ELASTIC material arguments.
EL-PLAST material arguments.
THERMAL material arguments.
ACOUSTIC material arguments.
PIEZO-S material arguments.
PIEZO-E material arguments.
POROUS material arguments.
FLUID material arguments.
Degree of Freedom Names
MPC Number-Name Mappings
Initial Conditions Supported
I-MFLOW initial condition arguments.
I-PORE initial condition arguments.
I-RATIO initial condition arguments.
I-RVEL initial condition arguments.
I-SATUR initial condition arguments.
I-STRESS initial condition arguments.
I-GSTRES initial condition arguments.
I-TEMP initial condition arguments.
I-VEL initial condition arguments.
I-PRES initial condition arguments.
Manual Step Definition Arguments
ABAQUS Procedure Arguments
ABAQUS Procedure Arguments (continued)
Default Result Output Requests for *BUCKLE
Default Result Output Requests for *COUPLED TEMPERATURE-DISPLACEMENT
Default Result Output Requests for *DYNAMIC
Default Result Output Requests for *FREQUENCY
Default Result Output Requests for *GEOSTATIC
Default Result Output Requests for *HEAT TRANSFER
Default Result Output Requests for *MODAL DYNAMIC
Default Result Output Requests for *RANDOM RESPONSE
Default Result Output Requests for *RESPONSE SPECTRUM
Default Result Output Requests for *SOIL
Default Result Output Requests for *STATIC
Default Result Output Requests for *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS
Default Result Output Requests for *VISCO
PRESCRIBE command arguments.
PRESCRIBE Degree of Freedom Names
FEMGEN load command arguments.
ABAQUS Load Types Supported
PRESSURE load arguments.
FORCE load arguments.
DISPLACE load arguments.
GRAVITY load arguments.
TEMPERAT load arguments.
HEAT load arguments (for surface fluxes)
HEAT load arguments (for forced convection)
HYDROSTA load arguments.
CENTRIFU load arguments.
DFLOW load arguments.
FLOW load arguments.
MFLOW load arguments.
CECHARGE load arguments.
DECHARGE load arguments.
CFLUX load arguments.
FLOW load arguments.
C-INTERF load arguments.
MODEL-CH load arguments.
VELOCITY load arguments.
Environment Variables
Femsys Limited