3rd International Workshop on
Flame Chemistry
July 30th
- 31st 2016, Prima Hotel in Seoul, South Korea
Saturday, July 30th 2016
8:00-8:30 am Registration + Breakfast
8:30-8:35 am Welcome: N. Hansen
Session 1: Modern
Aspects of Engine Research
Chair: S.
Goldsborough (Argonne National Laboratory)
8:35-9:10 am Role of low-temperature chemistry in unburned hydrocarbon emissions from heavy-duty Diesel engines
J. OConnor (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
9:10-9:45 am Tailoring charge reactivity using fuel
reformate for gasoline compression ignition strategies
I. W. Ekoto (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
9:45-10:05 am Coffee Break
Session 2: Low-Temperature:
Experiment and Modeling
Chair:B. Rotavera (Sandia National Laboratories)
10:05-10:40 am New cool flame chemistry and its impact on ignition at extreme conditions
S. M. Sarathy (KAUST, Saudi-Arabia)
10:40-11:15 am Role of the low temperature chemistry on the non-premixed ignition of condensed hydrocarbon fuels at elevated pressures
A. Frassoldati (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
11:15-11:50 am Recent developments in
kinetic modelling of alkane oxidation
J. Bugler (NUI Galway, Ireland)
11:50 am-12:25 pm Optimized reaction mechanism rate rules for auto-ignition of alkanes
L. Cai (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
12:25-14:00 pm Lunch Break
Session 3: Experimental Developments
Chair: A. Farooq
14:00-14:35 pm Shock
tube experiments and their relevance to flame modeling
R. S. Tranter (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
14:35-15:10 pm Multiplexing for isomer
resolution in flame chemistry - photoelectron-photoion
coincidence spectroscopy
T. Kasper (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
15:10-15:45 pm Using rapid compression machines to determine the
rate constants for some combustion relevant elementary chemical reactions
B. Yang (Tsinghua University, China)
15:45-16:00 pm Coffee Break
Session 4: Cool
Chair: R. West (Northeastern University)
16:00-16:35 pm Towards chemical kinetic study using weak flames in
micro flow reactor with controlled temperature profile
H. Nakamura (Tohoku University, Japan)
16:35-17:10 pm Dynamics and chemistry of cool flames
C. B. Reuter (Princeton University, USA)
18:00-20:00 pm Dinner
Sunday, July
31st 2016
8:30-9:00 am Registration + Breakfast
Session 5:
Non-Equilibrium Chemistry
Chair: S. Klippenstein (Argonne National Laboratory)
9:00-9:35 am Elucidating the flame chemistry
of common combustion radicals
N. J. Labbe (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
9:35-10:10 am Molecular
populations and steady states in unimolecular reaction systems
M. Olzmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
10:10-10:30 am Coffee Break
Session 6: Group
am What do modelers want experimentalist to
measure? What new experimental approaches and targets are needed to develop
better models?
Chair: H. Curran (NUI Galway)
11:10-11:50 am What are the gaps in the development of predictive low-temperature chemistry models? Where do we still need to improve our theory and modeling codes? What are the greatest uncertainties in mechanisms?
Chair: Y. Ju
11:50 am-12:30 pm Cyber infrastructure and big data
Chair: P. R. Westmoreland
12:30 pm-12:45 pm Action
Chair: N. Hansen
12:45 pm Adjourn