- American Prospect column:
- "What Happened to Center-Right America?" New York Times, October 22, 2018.
- American Prospect column:
- "A Shocking Increase in White Death Rates in Midlife--and What It Says about American Society," The American Prospect, November 2, 2015.
- "The Politics of Frustration," The American Prospect (Fall 2015), 104.
- "Cultures of Impunity," The American Prospect (Summer 2015), 5.
- "The Crash of The New Republic," The American Prospect (Winter 2015).
- "Breaking the Long Deadlock," The American Prospect (September-October 2013), 5.
"Bad Faith and Budget Politics," The American Prospect
(May-June 2013), 5;
- "Did Republicans Lose the Election?" The American Prospect (January-February 2013), 5.
- "The Sixties at 50" American Prospect (July-August 2012), 3.
- "Mitt Romney, Hero of Finance," American Prospect (March 2012), 4.
- "The Health Care Mandate Really Was a Mistake," The New Republic, January 2, 2012.
- "The Fanatics of the Center," American Prospect (January-February 2012), 3.
- "Their Preexisting Condition" [Title in print edition] "In 2012 Obama and Romney Would Both Bear the Burdens of Health Reform" [Web title]Washington Post (and other papers), November 27, 2011.
- "The Case for a Clinton-Biden Switch," American Prospect (online only), November 7, 2011.
- "Obama's Fate and Ours," American Prospect (November 2011), 3.
- "The Ultimate Republican Threat," American Prospect (September 2011), 3.
- "The Demise of the Moderate Republican," American Prospect (June 2011), 3.
- "The Healthy Fallout from Fukushima," American Prospect (May 2011), 3.
- "Troubled States," American Prospect (March 2011), 3.
- "The Republicans' Senior Moment," American Prospect (January-February 2011), 3.
- "Back to Deadlock," American Prospect (November 2010), 3.
- "Better than Tea," American Prospect (June 2010), 3.
- "Last Chance for Health Reform," American Prospect (April 2010), 3.
- "The Opt-Out Compromise," American Prospect, March 9, 2010.
- "A Health Insurance Mandate With a Choice,"
New York Times, March 3, 2010.
"Moving Up the Pace of Reform," TPM Cafe, Dec. 21, 2009.
"An Alternative to the Mandate," TPM Cafe, Dec. 18, 2009.
"What Is in the Health Care Bill," TPM Cafe, Dec. 17, 2009.
- "Deal or Die on Health Care,"
American Prospect, December 15, 2009 (web only).
- "Faster, Please" The
American Prospect (December 2009), 3.
- Journalism Without
Its Public," Columbia Journalism Review (November-December 2009), 53 [posted online under
the title, "Journalism Minus Its Old Public," Oct. 19].
"Averting a Health-Care Backlash," American Prospect, December 8, 2009 (web only).
- "Fighting the Wrong Health
Care Battle," New York Times November 30, 2009.
- "Bipartisanship in One Party" The
American Prospect (October 2009), 3.
- "Health Care Reform Gets a Booster Shot,"
American Prospect Online, September 11, 2009.
- "In Sickness and in Health,"
Interview, "On the Media," National Public Radio, August 21, 2009.
- "Sacrificing the Public Option,"
American Prospect Online, August 19, 2009.
- "The Public May Need to Subsidize
Itself," Cato Unbound, July 17, 2009.
- "Perils of the Public Plan" The
American Prospect (July-August 2009), 3.
Follow-up debate with Robert Kuttner and Robert Reich, June 29, 2009.
- "Are We on Track for a Golden
Age of Serious Journalism?" A debate with Steven Johnson. Prospect Magazine [U.K.], May 2009.
- "Revolution Amid Recession" The
American Prospect (May 2009), 3.
- "Breaking the Grip of the Past" The
American Prospect(March 2009), 3.
- "The American Collision"The American Prospect(October 2008), 3.
- "The Year of Passion"The American Prospect(July-August 2008), 3.
- "Lullaby of Baghdad"The American Prospect(May 2008), 3.
- "Bringing the Race to Closure"The American Prospect(July-August 2008), 3.
"Watch It, Democrats. You Could Still Slip Up," Washington Post, January 20, 2008.
- "Hold That Tax" The American Prospect (December 2007), 3.
- "Iraq Trap 2" The American Prospect (October 2007), 3.
- "Why Immigration Reform Matters" The American Prospect (July-August 2007), 3.
- "Is Rising Inequality Reversible?"
The American Prospect (May 2007), 3.
- "Congressional Battleground"
The American Prospect (March 2007), 3.
- "The Way Out" The American Prospect (January-February 2007), 3.
- "Pyongyang Boomerang," The American Prospect (November 2006)
- "Rendezvous with Failure," The American Prospect (September 2006)
- "Next Stop Iran?" The American Prospect (May 2006)
- "Bush v. Constitution" The American Prospect (March 2006)
- "Starting Over," The American Prospect (January 2006)
- "Slouching Toward Disaster," The American Prospect (November 2005)
- "Letting Go of Iraq," The American Prospect (September 2005)
- "End of the Private New Deal," The American Prospect (July 2005)
- "The Price of a Free Society," The American Prospect (May 2005)
- "Political Networking," Technology Review, April 2005.
- "Their Sun Also Rises," The American Prospect (April 2005)
- "The Liberal Uses of Power" [with Michael Tomasky and Robert Kuttner], The American Prospect (March 2005).
- "Why We Need Social Security," The American Prospect (February 2005).
- "Winning Cases, Losing Voters,"
The New York Times, January 26, 2005.
- "Security Flaws," The American Prospect (January 2005).
- "Morals of the Election? The American Prospect (December 2004).
- "A World Apart? The American Prospect (November 2004).
- "Liberalism in Arms" The American Prospect (September 2004).
- "The Return of Energy" The American Prospect (August 2004).
- "Check and Balance," The American Prospect (July 2004).
- "The Meaning of Abu Ghraib" The American Prospect (June 2004).
- "Step Back," The American Prospect (May 2004).
- "Reclaiming the Air," The American Prospect 15 (March 2004), 57-60.
- "Judicial Overreach," The American Prospect (March 2004).
- "The Republican Lock," The American Prospect (February 2004.
- ?The New Politics of Medicare," The American Prospect (January 2004);
- "The President's New Crusade," The American Prospect (December 2003).
- "The Democrats' Military Option," The American Prospect (October 2003).
- "Elections as an Exit Strategy," The American Prospect (September 2003).
- "Will Bush Pay for Deception?" The American Prospect (July/August 2003).
- "The Bush Bankruptcy Plan," The American Prospect (June 2003).
- "A License for Power," The American Prospect (May 2003).
- "A War for Democracy?" The American Prospect (April 2003).
- "The Easy War? The American Prospect (March 2003).
- "The Repudiation Syndrome," The American Prospect (November 18, 2002) [reprinted in Washington Post].
- "No Choice but War?" The American Prospect (October 7, 2002).
- "9-11, One Year Later," The American Prospect (September 23, 2002).
- "How Bushes Get Beaten," The American Prospect (July 23, 2002).
- "The New Politics of Diversity," The American Prospect (June 17, 2002).
- "Catholic Crisis, Jewish Nightmare," The American Prospect (May 20, 2002).
- "Peace by Other Means," The American Prospect (May 6, 2002).
- ?The Democrats? Energy Problem,? The American Prospect (March 11, 2002).
- "Rethinking the Unthinkable," The American Prospect (April 8, 2002).
- "Liberty Since 9-11," The American Prospect (January 28, 2002). [Reprinted as "American Presidents and Civil Liberties," in Danny Goldberg et al., eds., It?s a Free Country
(New York: RDV Books, 2002), 28-31.]
- "Airpower and Our Power," The American Prospect (December 17, 2001).
- "The War about the War," The American Prospect (November 19, 2001).
- "The War We Should Fight," The American Prospect (October 22, 2001).
- "What Killed the Boom?" The American Prospect (September 10, 2001).
- "A Believable Politics," The American Prospect (August 13, 2001).
- "Failure to Convert," The American Prospect (July 2-16, 2001).
- "Parodies Lost," The American Prospect (June 4, 2001).
- "A Reform That Doesn?t," The American Prospect (May 7, 2001).
- "The Executive-Class President," The American Prospect (April 9, 2001).
- "Mr. Bush Gets His Honeymoon," The American Prospect (February 26, 2001).
- "Bush's Luck, Clinton's Dilemma," The American Prospect (January 29, 2001).
- "The Betrayal," The American Prospect (January 1-15, 2001).
- "The Morning After," The American Prospect (December 4, 2000), 4.
- "War, Peace and the Election," The American Prospect (November 20, 2000), 5.
- "Squeak or Sweep?" The American Prospect (November 6, 2000) 6;
- "Why I'm Not a Populist," The American Prospect (September 25-October 9, 2000) 6.
- "Liberalism After Clinton," The American Prospect (August 28, 2000).
- "Thy Kingdom Dot Com," The American Prospect 6-7.
- "Reckless Predictions," The American Prospect (March 13, 2000), 6-7.
- "The Defining Issue," The American Prospect, v. 11, no. 7 (February 14, 2000), 6-7.
- "The Perils of High-Mindedness," The American Prospect, v. 11, no. 5 (January 17, 2000), 6-7.
- "What You Need to Beat Goliath," The American Prospect, v. 11, no. 3 (December 20, 1999), 7-9.
- "America's Parliamentary Election," The American Prospect, v. 11, no. 1 (November 23, 1999), 8-10.
- "The Return of Health Reform," originally in Washington Post (October 17, 1999).
- "The Choice in Kosovo," The American Prospect, no. 45 (July-August 1999): 6-9.
- "The Storm Amid the Calm," The American Prospect no. 43 (March-April 1999): 6?8.
- "The American Recovery," The American Prospect no. 39 (July-August 1998): 6-9.
- "The Homeless and the Public Household," The
New England Journal of Medicine 338 (June 11, 1998).
- "The Legacy of Three Gambles,"The New
Democrat (January-February 1998).
- "The Loophole We Can't Close," The American Prospect no. 35 (January-February 1998): 6-9.
- "Cyberpower and Freedom," The American
Prospect no. 33 (July-August 1997): 6-9.
- "Democracy v. Dollar," The American Prospect, no. 31
(March-April 1997), 6-9.
- "The Clinton Presidency, Take Three," The American
Prospect no. 30 (January-February 1997): 6-11.
- "Twice
Hospitals and Health Networks, November 20, 1996.
- "Damage Report," The
American Prospect no. 28 (September-October 1996): 6-10.
- "Restoration Fever," The
American Prospect no. 25 (March-April 1996): 6-11.
- "Between a Swing and a Lock,"
The American Prospect Fall 1995, No. 23, 6-9.
- "Look Who's Talking Health Care
Reform Now,"
New York Times Magazine, September 3, 1995. pp. 42-
- "Who Owns the Future?" The
American Prospect Spring 1995, No. 21, 6-10.
- "Rebuilding Black Institutions," The New Democrat,
May/June 1995, 26-27.
- "Foundations and the Internet,"
Chronicle of Philanthropy, February 8, 1995.
- "State of the Union?
Someday, Paralyzed," The New York Times, January
24, 1995.
- "The Disengaged," The
Prospect, Fall 1994, No. 19, 7-8.
- "Reform is Dead. Long Live Reform," The New York Times
(Sunday op-ed), September 4, 1994.
- "Why the Clinton Plan Is Not the Enthoven Plan,"
31 (Summer 1994): 136-140.
- "The Undertow," The American
Prospect, Summer 1994, No. 18, 6-9.
- "Alliances for Progress," The New York Times (Sunday
op-ed), March 6, 1994.
1993 and earlier
- "Health Alliances are a Good Choice," Chicago Tribune,
December 7, 1993.
- "Detoxifying the Debate," The
American Prospect No. 13 (Spring 1993): 122-126.
- "Passion, Memory, and Politics, 1992,"
The American Prospect No. 11 (Fall 1992): 9-11.
- "The Deadly Marathon," The American Prospect No. 10
(Summer 1992): 7-10.
- "An Electoral Fantasy," The Washington Post, May 12,
- "Civil Reconstruction: What to Do Without Affirmative
The American Prospect no. 8 (Winter 1992): 8-14; condensed
and revised version published as "Race and Reparations," The
Washington Post, April 19, 1992.
- "The Ideological War Over Health Care," The New York
Times, February 2 (?), 1992.
- "No Vietnam: The
Liberal Case for War," The New Republic (February 19, 1991).
- "The Cultural Enemy Within,"
American Prospect, no. 4 (Winter 1991): 9-11.
- "The American '80's" (contribution to a symposium),Commentary, September 1990.
- "Privatization: The Case for Skepticism," in William Gormley, ed., Privatization and its Alternatives (University of
Wisconsin Press, 1990), 25-36.
- "A World Unlocked," The American Prospect No. 1
(Spring 1990): 7-9.
- "Double Binds and Double Standards," Health Management Quarterly (1989) 11: 19-24.
- "Commencement Address," Bulletin of the New York Academy
of Medicine, March 1986; given at Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, June 4, 1985.
- "A Nation of Numbers Watchers," Wilson Quarterly,
Summer 1985, with William Alonso.
- "The Political Economy of National Statistics," Items,
Bulletin of the Social Science Research Council (September 1982), with
William Alonso.
- Comment ("On the Origins and Cure of Warped Incentives") in
Mancur Olson, ed., A New Approach to the Economics of Health Care
(American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research, 1981).
- "Throwing Symbols at Problems," Working Papers for a New
Society, May/June 1980.
- "Changing the Balance of Power in American Medicine,"
Health and Society (Milbank Memorial Quarterly), January 1980.
- "Kennedy's Conservative Health Plan," The New
Republic, June 9, 1979.
- "Controlling Medical Costs Through Countervailing Power,"
Papers for a New Society, Summer 1977.
- "A Coming Doctor Surplus?" Working Papers for a New
Society, Winter
1977, reprinted in the Washington Post and other papers.
- "Social Policy," New Society (London), June 17, 1976.
- "Rebels After the Cause--Living with Contradictions," The
New York Times Magazine, October 16, 1974.

- Testimony before the New Jersey Legislative Task Force on Public Broadcasting," September 14, 2010.
- "A Future for Public Media in New Jersey: How to Create a New Basis for Public Radio, TV, and Online Media in One of American Journalism's Worst Covered States" (with Scott Weingart and Micah Joselow), New Jersey Policy Perspective, August 2010.
- Statement to the Federal Communications Commission Workshop on the Future of Media and Information Needs of Communities, March 4, 2010.
- Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, Hearings, 103d
Cong., 1st sess., September 14, 1993.
- Testimony before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources,
Senate, in Achieving Effective Cost Control in Comprehensive
Care Reform, Hearings, 102d Cong., 2d sess., December 17, 1992,
- Testimony before the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, in
Comprehensive Health Care Reform and Cost Containment, Hearings,
102d Cong., 2d sess., May 6, 1992, pp. 36-38, 389-393.
- Testimony before the Committee on Small Business,
Antitrust, Impact of Deregulation, and Privatization, U.S. House
Representatives, March 28, 1988.
- Testimony before the Committee on Small Business,
Antitrust, Impact of Deregulation, and Privatization, U.S. House
Representatives, June 11, 1987.
Last modified, January 20, 2019