Writings: I occasionally write on matters outside Physics.
 | (Book Review) Enoch
Powell and the Invention of Thatcherism, Biblio, August 1999, New Delhi. |
 | (Book Review) The
Road to Pokharan, Biblio, December 1999, New Delhi. |
(Article) Astrology,
Science and the Tragedy of Murli Manohar Joshi, Outlook, August 26th
2001, New Delhi. |
(Article) Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory , Asian Age, November 5th
2001, New Delhi. |
(Book Review) Real
Hegemons Don't Pass the Buck, Biblio, February 2002, New Delhi. |
 | (unpublished) Some
Indian Lessons for an Iraqi Democracy, April 2003. |
 | (unpublished) China, Tibet and Pakistan's Bomb, February 2004.
 | (Article)
Nautam Bhatt, The Asian Age, September 14th 2005. |
 | (Article)
Enlarge the
Pie and Insure the Sunnis, Econbrowser, November 21st 2006; Asharq
al-Awsat, December7th 2006 (Arabic)
(with Michael Cook). |
 | (Article) Nuclear
Deal Politics Is Systemic Failure, The Asian Age, September 10th
2007. |
 | (Article)
The Task Ahead,
OutlookIndia.com, September 8th, 2008 (with Aaron Friedberg). |
 | (Article)
Challenges of Indian Higher Education: A View from Physics,
September 13th, 2009 (with T. V. Ramakrishnan). |