Roland J. M. Bénabou
Theodore A. Wells '29 Professor
of Economics and Public Affairs,
Princeton University
Papers published here for personal use only.
Most Recent
- "Mindful Economics: The Production, Consumption, and Value of Beliefs", with Jean Tirole, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30(3), Summer 2016, 141-164.
- "Image Versus Information: Changing Societal Norms and Optimal Privacy", with S. Nageeb Ali, NBER Working Paper 22203, April 2016.
- "The Economics of Motivated Beliefs," Jean-Jacques Laffont Lecture, Revue d'Economie Politique (2015), 125(5), 665-685.
- "Religion and Innovation", with Davide Ticchi and Andrea Vindigni, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings (2015), 105(5), 346-351.
- "Forbidden Fruits: The Political Economy of Science, Religion, and Growth", with Davide Ticchi and Andrea Vindigni, NBER Working Paper 21105, April 2015.
- "Bonus Culture: Competitive Pay, Screening, and Multitasking", with Jean Tirole, Journal of Political Economy, 124(2), 305-370. (Link to main paper only).
Economics and Psychology
- "Groupthink: Collective Delusions in Organizations and Markets", Review of Economic Studies (2013) 80, 429-462.
- "Laws and Norms", with Jean Tirole, NBER Working Paper 17579, November 2011.
- "Identity, Morals and Taboos: Beliefs as Assets," with Jean Tirole, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126, (2011), 805-855.
- "Individual and Corporate Social Responsibility," with Jean Tirole, Economica, 77, (2010), 1-19.
"Over My Dead Body: Bargaining and the Price of Dignity," with Jean Tirole, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 99(2), (2009), 459-465.
- "Ideology," Journal of the European Economic Association April-May 2008 6(2–3), 321–352.
- "Groupthink and Ideology". Slides from Schumpeter Lecture, August 2007 Princeton University mimeo.
- "Incentives and Prosocial Behavior", with Jean Tirole, American Economic Review, 96(5), December (2006), 1652-1678. Earlier, longer version.
- "Belief in a Just World and Redistributive Politics" with Jean Tirole, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(2), May 2006, 699-746.
- "Willpower and Personal Rules" with Jean Tirole, Journal of Political Economy, 112 (4), 2004, 848-887
- Technical Appendix for "Willpower and Personal Rules".
- "Self-Control in Peer Groups", with Marco Battaglini and Jean Tirole, Journal of Economic Theory, 112 (4), (2005), 848-887.
- "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation" with Jean Tirole, Review of Economic Studies, 70(3) (2003), 489-520.
- "Dynamic Inconsistency and Self-Control: A Planner-Doer Interpretation" with Marek Pycia, Economic Letters, 77(3) (2002), 419-424.
- "Self-Confidence and Personal Motivation" with Jean Tirole, Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2002, 117(3), 871-915.
- "Self-Knowledge and Self-Regulation: An Economic Approach" with Jean Tirole, in The Psychology of Economic Decisions: Volume One: Rationality and Well-Being, I. Brocas and Juan Carrillo, eds., Oxford University Press, (2002) 137-167
Inequality, Social Mobility, and Redistribution
- "Inequality, Technology, and the Social Contract", forthcoming in Handbook of Economic Growth, P. Aghion and S. Durlauf, eds.Chapter 25, 1595-1638, North-Holland.
- "Belief in a Just World and Redistributive Politics," with Jean Tirole, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(2), May 2006, 699-746.
- "Tax and Education Policy in a Heterogeneous Agent Economy: What Levels of Redistribution Maximize Growth and Efficiency?" Econometrica, 70(2), March 2002, 481-517
- "Social Mobility and the Demand for Redistribution: The POUM Hypothesis" with Efe Ok, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(2), May 2001, 447-487
- "Unequal Societies: Income Distribution and the Social Contract" American Economic Review, 90, March 2000, 96-129
- "Meritocracy, Redistribution and the Size of the Pie," in Meritocracy and Inequality, Kenneth Arrow, Samuel Bowles and Steven Durlauf, eds., Princeton University Press, 2000: 317-339
- "Mobility as Progressivity: Ranking Income Processes According to Equality of Opportunity", with Efe Ok, NBER Working Paper No.8431, August 2001.
- "Inequality and Growth" NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 1996, B. Bernanke and J. Rotemberg, eds., 11-74
- "Heterogeneity, Stratification and Growth: Macroeconomic Implications of Community Structure and School Finance",American Economic Review, 86 (1996) 584-609.
Education, Socioeconomic Segregation, and Cities
- "The French Zones D'Education Prioritaire: Much Ado About Nothing?"with Francis Kramarz and Corinne Prost, Economics of Education Review, 28 (2009), 345–356.
- "Heterogeneity, Stratification and Growth: Macroeconomic Implications of Community Structure and School Finance",American Economic Review, 86 (1996) 584-609.
- "Equity and Efficiency in Human Capital Investment: The Local Connection" Review of Economic Studies, 62, (1996), 237-264.
- "Workings of a City: Location, Education, and Production" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108, (1993), 619-652.
Inflation and Imperfect Competition
- "On Inflation and Output with Costly Price Changes: A Simple Unifying Result" with Kerzy Konieczny, American Economic Review, 84 (1994), 290-297.
- "Inflation and Markups: Theories and Evidence from the Retail Trade Sector". European Economic Review, 36 (1992) 566-574.
- "Search with Learning from Prices: Does Increased Inflationary Uncertainty Lead to Higher Markups?", with Robert Gertner. Review of Economic Studies, 60 (1993) 69-95.
- "Inflation and Efficiency in Search Markets", Review of Economic Studies, 59 (1992), 299-330.
- "Optimal Price Dynamics and Speculation with a Storable Good", Econometrica 57 (1989), 41-80.
- "Search, Price Setting, and Inflation", Review of Economic Studies, 55 (1988), 353-376.
Strategic Communication, Price Manipulation, and Speculation
- "Trust, Coordination and the Political Economy of Activism" with Marco Battaglini, the Journal of European Economic Association 1 (4), June 2003, 851-870
- "Using Privileged Information to Manipulate Markets: Insiders, Gurus, and Credibility", with Guy Laroque,Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107 (1992), 921-948.
- "Optimal Price Dynamics and Speculation with a Storable Good", Econometrica 57 (1989), 41-80.
Other Topics
- "Search Market Equilibrium, Bilateral Heterogeneity, and Repeat Purchases" Journal of Economic Theory, 60 (1993), 140-158.
- "History Versus Expectations: A Comment", with Kiyoji Fukao, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108 (1993), 535-542.