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Princeton Model  Congress

About PMC and PMC Chicago


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Welcome to PMC 2006
A message to all our delegates from this year's Executive Directors.
NEWLY UPDATED: How to Write a Bill
Detailed advice on how to write an effective piece of legislation, with templates, samples, and more.
Committee Information
Background papers for your committee, which give you an overview of what your committee actually does in Congress.
Rules of Procedure
Complete set of formal rules (commonly called Parliamentary Procedure) used in PMC committee and full sessions.
Special Programs Applications
Page with links to applications for the Presidential Cabinet, President, Supreme Court, and Press Corps.
Powers of Congress
Selections from the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights to help you understand what Congress can -- and can't -- do.
Research Links
Links to sites - governmental and non-governmental - where you can look for possible bill topics and research them.
What to Do/Bring/Wear for PMC Chicago 2006
General advice on the above and more; as we get more questions from you the answers will be posted in this section.
Links to sites where you can easily obtain information about places to visit while you are in Chicago.
Code of Conduct for PMC Chicago 2006
These are the standards of behaviour all delegates must adhere to during the conference.