Application Information
Princeton University freshman, sophomores, and juniors in good standing are eligible to apply. The application process requires a personal interview.
Application deadline: Monday, February 15, 2010, 5 p.m.
Interviews: Week of February 22, 2010
Acceptance e-mails sent: Thursday–Friday, March 1–2, 2010
Acceptance deadline: Monday, March 22, 2010. Once a student accepts an offer of enrollment, a nonrefundable deposit of $500 will be charged to his or her student account to reserve a place in the seminar.
Application Details
An application consists of:
- A completed application form
- An essay of no more than 500 words describing your motivation for taking the seminar. What do you expect to gain from the program, and what challenges to you anticipate?
- Your Princeton transcript (a copy is sufficient)
- Your résumé
- One letter of recommendation from a Princeton faculty member, a college dean, or a director of studies.
Application materials may be sent to Susan Bindig via e-mail,
Susan Bindig, Seminar Administrator
Global Seminar in India
321 Aaron Burr Hall