Report cover

SDI: Technology, Survivability, and Software
NTIS order #PB88-236245

Full Report ~3725K

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Front Matter ~52K
Table of Contents ~6K
Preface ~7K

1: Summary ~335K
2: Introduction ~564K
3: Designing a BMD System: Architecture and Trade-off Studies ~155K
4: Status and Prospects of Ballistic Missile Defense Sensor Technology ~682K
5: Ballistic Missile Defense Technology: Weapons, Power, Communications, and Space Transportation ~902K
6: System Development, Deployment, and Support ~234K
7: System Integration and Battle Management ~218K
8: Computing Technology ~204K
9: Software ~282K
10: Non-Destructive Countermeasures to Ballistic Missile Defense ~6K
11: Defense Suppression and System Survivability ~6K
12: Defense Suppression Scenarios ~6K

A: Technology for Producing Dependable Software ~110K
B: Glossary ~69K
Related OTA Reports ~70K

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