Chair: William Wachter
Al-Jazeera is the primary media source of the Middle East . Founded in 1996, Al-Jazeera has grown significantly over the past decade. Promoting itself as the only nonbiased newsource in the Middle East, Al Jazeera came to worldwide recognition in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Following the attacks, Al Jazeera was the first network to receive videos of Osama bin Laden, and criticism later arose due to its decision to air hostage videos of captured soldiers. This criticism has continued during the War in Iraq , as some see Al Jazeera's decision to air hostage videos as a tacit acceptance of the terrorists demands. During recent years, Al Jazeera has come under much criticism from both the Middle East as well as Western nations. Many oppressive Middle Eastern regimes hold that Al Jazeera's reporting is contrary to the interests of state security. Even America has held this perspective, banning Al Jazeera in Iraq due to the belief that it was inciting anti-Coalition violence with reports of American misdeeds.
The primary concerns facing Al Jazeera today involve balancing the need for journalistic integrity with the clear dangers of the age of terrorism. Al Jazeeran reporters have been banned from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange for fears of national security, so the issue of journalistic access has also become significant. Deflecting criticism from the Middle East of being "pro-West" while simultaneously defending itself from American pressure to portray the War in Iraq in a positive light leaves Al Jazeera in a conflicted position.
In facing the new challenges of an ever more-conflicted Middle East , Al Jazeera is forging a new path in a geographic area that has traditionally limited free speech and thrived on preventing communication with the outside world. The additional threats to the lives of reporters as terrorist tactics reach new depths is also a serious concern, and is certainly among the many that must be addressed by this committee.