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PICSim 2005 Committees

Committee Profiles (.pdf)

Nation Committees

Democratic Republic of Congo

Rwandese Republic

Republic of Burundi

Republic of Congo

Republic of Angola

Republic of Uganda

Republic of South Africa

Non-State Committees

Leadership of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (Forces Democratiques de Liberation du Ruwanda, FDLR)

General Directrate of External Security - Central Africa Mission (Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure, DGSE - Mission en lĠAfrique Centrale)

United Nations Organization Mission in Central Africa (Mission de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en l'Afrique Centrale, MONUAC)

Executive Corporate Summit on Trade and Development in Central Africa (ECS)


Region Description

          Central Africa is one of the greatest, if not the greatest hot zones, or war zones in the world. While disease, famine and extreme levels of poverty are commonplace, most of its inhabitants must endure constant civil war, internal displacements and racial, political and historical rivalries. The great lack of education in the region creates a perfect condition for warlords and chieftains to arise and raise armies that blindly follow orders. Lamentably, the vilest atrocities of the last decade, such as genocide, have been perpetrated in this region. All committees and crises will revolve around this region, creating interlinked causalities and clashes of interest.