Invited Workshops/Talks
- IIT Delhi , India, Dec. 2024.
- Indicon, IIT Kharagpur,India, Dec. 2024.
- Skyworks, Nov. 2024.
- AI for Accelerating Invention,Princeton, Sep. 2024.
- Qorvo Technical Summit, Aug. 2024.
- IEEE APS,, Florence, Italy, Jul. 2024.
- IEEE IMS Workshop, Jun. 2024.
- RINGS, IBM T.J.Watson, Jun. 2024.
- Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, May. 2024.
- Oxford University, Oxford, UK, Mar. 2024.
- University of Cambridge, Cambidge, UK, Mar. 2024.
- University College, London, Mar. 2024.
- Plenary, IEEE MAPCON , Dec. 2023.
- Plenary, IWTT2 THz workshop , Delhi, Dec. 2023.
- IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , Jaipur Chapter, Dec. 2023.
- IEEE THz Workshop, Montreal , Dec 2023.
- IEEE IMOC, Barcelona , Nov 2023.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, McMaster University , Oct 2023.
- Keynote, IEEE ASICON, Shanghai Oct. 2023.
- Samsung, Soeul, Korea, Oct, 2023.
- IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, Korea University, Oct. 2023.
- IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, Shanghai Chapter , Dec. 2023.
- Qorvo , Sep 2023.
- DARPA ERI Workshop , Aug. 2023.
- IEEE Future Networks Talk , May 2023.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, Montreal , May 2023.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, University College , Dublin, April 2023.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, NIT Trichi Chapter, Nov. 2022.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, Boston Chapter, Nov. 2022.
- Keynote, ACM mmNets, Oct. 2022.
- pSemi, Oct. 2022.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, Italy, Sep. 2022.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, Mumbai, India, July. 2022.
- Global Foundries Seminar , May, 2022.
- Invited talk at IEEE RFIT , Busan, Korea, Aug. 2022.
- Keynote, AES, Marrakech , Morocco May. 2022.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk, NJ, Apr. 2022.
- Plenary, IEEE IMaRC , IIT Kanpur, Dec. 2021.
- Amazon , Nov. 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , MTT/AP Symposium, Washington, Oct. 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , MTT/AP Symposium, Hanhover, Oct. 2021.
- IEEE SSCS Workshop on THz , Oct. 2021.
- NIST , Sep. 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , EPFL, Zurich, Sep. 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , U.Virginia, Sep. 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , NIT Silchar, Aug. 2021.
- OSA Advanced Photonics Congress , Montreal , July 2021.
- IMS Workshop , Cutting-edge Terahertz technology, June 2021.
- Army Research Office ,ARL-ARO Electronic Seminar Series, June 2021.
- OFC tutorial , June 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , Orlando and Atlanta Chapter, May 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , Orange County Chapter, May 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , Oklahoma Chapter, Apr. 2021.
- University of Arizona , ECE Colloquium, Apr. 2021.
- IISC Bangalore talk , Apr. 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , Kolkata Chapter, Mar. 2021.
- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer talk , Hyderabad Chapter, Mar. 2021.
- Boston University , SemiSyn Bio NSF Seminar, Mar. 2021.
- Distinguished Lecture in IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society , RWW, Jan. 2021.
- European Conference on Optical Communication Tutorial , Dec. 2020.
- Distinguished Lecture in IEEE Solid State Circuits Society , Indian Institute of Space, Science
and Technology, Dec. 2020.
- Distinguished Lecture in IEEE Solid State Circuits Society , Oregon State University, Dec. 2020.
- Distinguished Lecture in IEEE Solid State Circuits Society , IIT Guwahati, Dec. 2020.
- IEEE MTT and IEEE Photonics co-sponsored talk at IIT BHU , Oct. 2020.
- ACM Nanocomm , Sept 2020.
- Global Foundry 6G CTC , Aug. 2020.
- OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress , Vancouver, June 2020.
- NSF Spectrum Innovation Initiative : National Center for Wireless Spectrum , May 2020.
- IEEE International Workshop on Terahertz Communications , Shanghai, May 2020.
- SRC webinar on mm-Wave Power Amplifiers, May 2020.
- ISSCC Forum on Sensing for Health, Feb. 2020.
- VLSI Design Conference , Bangalore, Dec. 2019.
- IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques, Webinar Series,Nov. 2019.
- IEEE Solid-State Distinguished Lecture Talk, Rice University , Nov. 2019.
- International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meeting (POEM), Wuhan, China, Nov. 2019.
- Plenary speaker at International THz Workshop organzed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India, Sep. 2019.
- SPIE in Optics + Photonics , San Diego, Aug. 2019.
- Meta 2019 , Portugal, Jul. 2019.
- AES 2019 , Portugal, Jul. 2019.
- IMS Workshop "Recent Advances in Integrated Antenna-in-Package and Antenna-on-Chip Technologies and Techniques for 5G, Radar, and Emerging mm-Wave Applications," Jun. 2019.
- PIERS, Rome , Jun. 2019.
- Optical Sensors and Sensing, San Jose , Jun. 2019.
- Distinguished Lecture in IEEE Solid State Circuits Society, Chinese Academy of Engineering and Physics, May 2019.
- Distinguished Lecture in IEEE Solid State Circuits Society, Chengdu, May 2019.
- Distinguished Lecture in IEEE Solid State Circuits Society Tsinghua University, Beijing, May 2019.
- IEEE International Conference on Communications , Shanghai, May 2019.
- Distinguished Lecture in IEEE Solid State Circuits Society, Bordeaux, France, Mar. 2019.
- ParisTech, Paris, Mar. 2019.
- THz collaborative research center MARIE , Wuppertal , Germany, March 2019.
- TxAce and SRC , March 2019.
- Optical Terahertz Science and Technology (OTST) , Santa Fe, New Mexico, Mar. 2019.
- University of Minnesota , March 2019.
- Terahertz wireless communications workshop at Brown University in Oct'2018.
- University of Washington , Seattle, Oct'2018.
- University of Southern California , Los Angeles, Sep'2018.
- National Academy of Engineers, Boston, Sep'18.
- Invited speaker at Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIERS) , Aug'2018.
- Keio University ,Tokyo, Japan, Aug'2018.
- Kyoto University , Kyoto, Japan, Aug'2018.
- National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug'2018.
- National Chiao Tung University , Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug'2018.
- TSMC , Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug'2018.
- Invited speaker in International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics , Waterloo, Aug. 2018.
- Invited speaker on Modern Advances in Electromagnetic Imaging, Compressive Sensing and
Radar, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium , Boston, Jul'2018.
- Bell Labs , Murray Hills, NJ, Jun'2018.
- Invited speaker on 5G circuits and systems, IEEE RFIC Workshop , Philadelphia, Jun'2018.
- Invited speaker on ``THz Silicon Systems-on-a-Chip,'' CLEO , San Francisco, May '2018.
- Invited panel member, ``Phased Arrays for 5G,'' Brooklyn 5G summit , New York University, Brooklyn, NY, Apr. 2018.
- University of California, Santa Barbara , May'2018.
- Harvard University , Cambridge, Apr'2018.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, Apr'2018.
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Apr'2018.
- University of California, Berkeley , Apr'2018.
- SPIE Defense and Sensing, Florida Apr'18. .
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign , Mar'2018.
- University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mar'2018.
- University of Texas, Dallas and Texas Instruments , Mar'2018.
- Invited speaker on ``Circuit and system techniques for mm-wave multi-antenna systems," IEEE ISSCC Forum , Feb' 2018.
- Cornell University, Nov'2017.
- Brown University, Providence, Oct'2017.
- Miniaturization OF Bimolecular Diagnostics: Hybrid Approaches across Electronics, Photonics and Microuidics, Microtas Workshop, Savannah, Oct'2017.
- Invited workshop speaker on ``Tackling the hidden challenges of 5G,'' IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference, K.U. Leuven, Sep' 2017.
- Keynote speaker at International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) ,Cancun, Mexico, Aug'2017.
- Invited speaker at IEEE Mid-west Symposium of Circuits and Systems, Tufts University, Aug'2017.
- IEEE RFIC/IMS Worksop , Silicon THz Technology across 100-1000 GHz, Jun'17.
- THz Manision Meeting, Invited-only workshop, Brown University , Rhode Island, May'17.
- IMEC Leuven, Beligum, May'17
- ST Microelectronics, Crolles, Frane, May'17
- University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, May'17
- Caltech , Mar'17.
- Qualcomm University Lecture Series, San Diego, Mar'17.
- Rutgers University ECE Colloqium Series, Nov. 2016.
- NSF millimeter-wave Research Collaboration Network for 5G and beyond Dec. 2016.
- AFOSR Workshop on Reconfigurable Electronics, Washington D.C., May. 2016.
- Princeton Outreach program, Teachers as Scholars (Nov. 2016).
- University of Texas, Austin, Sep. 2016.
- Princeton Outreach program, Teachers as Scholars (Jun. 2016).
- Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyko, Jun. 2015.
- ``How to tame the electromagnetic spectrum for future innovations'' Princeton PRISM REU, Jun. 2015.
- Invited co-chair, "Circuit and antenna techniques for communications, sensors and instrumentation, " Global Symposium on mm-Waves , Polytechnique Montral, Montreal, May, 2015.
- Kaushik Sengupta, session co-chair, "mm-Wave Circuits" European Solid-state Circuits Conference , Venice, Italy, Sep. 2014.
- Kaushik Sengupta, ``Silicon-based Terahertz Circuits and Systems,'' Army Research Lab , Sep. 2013.
- CMOS Emerging Technologies Research Symposium, Jul. 2013
- MITRE Corporation , May 2013
- Kaushik Sengupta, ``Silicon-based Terahertz Circuits and Systems.'' IBM T.J.Watson Research Center , Apr. 2013.
- "THz Transistors and Packaging Integration Technologies'' International Wireless Symposium, Beijing, Apr. 2013.
- "From DC to Daylight: Reunifying the Electro-magnetic Spectrum in Silicon and the Opportunities it Opens up'' JPL-Nasa (Dec. 2012).
- "From DC to Daylight: Reunifying the Electro-magnetic Spectrum in Silicon and the Opportunities it Opens up'' Caltech, (Dec. 2012).
- "From DC to Daylight: Reunifying the Electro-magnetic Spectrum in Silicon and the Opportunities it Opens up'' MIT, (Mar. 2012).
- "From DC to Daylight: Reunifying the Electro-magnetic Spectrum in Silicon and the Opportunities it Opens up'' Berkeley Wireless Research Center, University of California, Berkeley (Feb. 2012).
- "From DC to Daylight: Reunifying the Electro-magnetic Spectrum in Silicon and the Opportunities it Opens up'' University of California, Santa Barbara, (Feb. 2012)
- "Large Scale Integrated Terahertz Circuits and Systems in Silicon'' Texas Analog Center for Excellence, University of Texas, Dallas (Oct. 2011).
- "Holistic design of circuits and electromagnetics: Path towards Integrated Terahertz Systems in Silicon,'' National Taiwan University , National Chiao Tung University , Mediatek (Dec. 2011), IIT Hyderabad .
- "Distributed active radiation for THz signal generation and beamforming in CMOS'' Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, June 2011.