Connections between Herman Melville (1819-1891) and Princeton University began in the eighteenth century, with his grandfather Major Thomas Melvill (1751-1832) graduating with Princeton class of 1769. His uncle Peter Gansevoort (1788-1876) followed in the class of 1808. To celebrate the centenary of Moby Dick in 1951, Firestone Library mounted a Melville extravaganza featuring dozens of the significant holdings, detailed in a catalogue compiled by Howard C. Rice, Jr., Alexander D. Wainwright, Julie Hudson, and Alexander P. Clark.
Melville and Moby Dick continue to make connections with our students, as AMS 353/ENG 355 “Moby-Dick Unbound” taught by Professor William Howarth begins this week. It is a good excuse to post a few of the dozens of editions available to researchers through rare books and special collections.
Herman Melville (1819-1891), Moby Dick, oder Der weisse Wal / aus dem Englischen übertragen von M. Möckli von Seggern; Illustrationen von Otto Tschumi (Zürich: Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1942). Rare Books (Ex) 3854.9.364.8
Excellent! Thank you for posting these pictures.