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This material is used to transfer up to 21 real number material values to the ANSYS input file. It is useful for any element that requires material properties different from the material types defined above. Only the necessary material data need to be input in the order given by ANSYS Elements Manual for each element type, zero being used for non defined arguments. There is one exception, the emissivity value (EMIS) for elements SURF19 and SURF22 should be set to 1 (ANSYS default value) if no specific value is required. If no value is entered, a zero emissivity is assumed.
Argument(s) Purpose 1-21 any material data
Example FEMGEN Command:
Corresponding ANSYS Input Deck, for elements:
SOLID5 MASS71C*** NAME=MAT1 C*** NAME=MAT1 MP, EX, 1, 1.000000 MP,QRATE, 1, 1.000000 MP, EY, 1, 2.000000 MP,DENS, 1, 2.000000 MP, EZ, 1, 3.000000 MP, C, 1, 3.000000 MP,NUXY, 1, 4.000000 MP,ENTH, 1, 4.000000 MP,NUYZ, 1, 5.000000 MP,NUXZ, 1, 6.000000 MP,ALPX, 1, 7.000000 MP,ALPY, 1, 8.000000 MP,ALPZ, 1, 9.000000 MP,DENS, 1, 10.00000 MP, GXY, 1, 11.00000 MP, GYZ, 1, 12.00000 MP, GXZ, 1, 13.00000 MP,DAMP, 1, 14.00000 MP, KXX, 1, 15.00000 MP, KYY, 1, 16.00000 MP, KZZ, 1, 17.00000 MP, C, 1, 18.00000 MP,ENTH, 1, 19.00000
Note that for elements PLANE53 and SOLID96 with a GENERAL material type, the first material value MUZERO is not expected to be entered by the user as its default value is used. The order of material data input should be as in ANSYS Elements manual starting by the second value. If the data table is needed for these elements (or a different MUZERO value is required), the EXTERNAL material type should be chosen instead.
Femsys Limited