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This material is used to define orthotropic properties. Up to 14 values may be input in the order shown in the table below. Zero can be used for non defined arguments, the interface program will only generate the material data required for the element.
Argument(s) Meaning 1 Elastic Modulus, EX
2 Elastic Modulus, EY
3 Elastic Modulus, EZ
4 Thermal Expansion Coefficient, ALPX
5 Thermal Expansion Coefficient, ALPY
6 Thermal Expansion Coefficient, ALPZ
7 Poisson's Ratio, NUXY
8 Poisson's Ratio, NUYZ
9 Poisson's Ratio, NUXZ
10 Density, DENS
11 Shear Modulus, GXY
12 Shear Modulus, GYZ
13 Shear Modulus, GXZ
14 Damping parameter, DAMP
Example FEMGEN Command:
PROPERTY MATERIAL ORTHO MAT1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Corresponding ANSYS Input Deck, for elements:
PLANE42 PLANE83C*** NAME=MAT1 C*** NAME=MAT1 MP, EX, 1, 1.000000 MP, EX, 1, 1.000000 MP, EY, 1, 2.000000 MP, EY, 1, 2.000000 MP, EZ, 1, 3.000000 MP, EZ, 1, 3.000000 MP,NUXY, 1, 7.000000 MP,NUXY, 1, 7.000000 MP,NUYZ, 1, 8.000000 MP,NUYZ, 1, 8.000000 MP,NUXZ, 1, 9.000000 MP,NUXZ, 1, 9.000000 MP,ALPX, 1, 4.000000 MP,ALPX, 1, 4.000000 MP,ALPY, 1, 5.000000 MP,ALPY, 1, 5.000000 MP,ALPZ, 1, 6.000000 MP,ALPZ, 1, 6.000000 MP,DENS, 1, 10.00000 MP,DENS, 1, 10.00000 MP, GXY, 1, 11.00000 MP, GXY, 1, 11.00000 MP,DAMP, 1, 14.00000 MP, GYZ, 1, 12.00000 MP, GXZ, 1, 13.00000 MP,DAMP, 1, 14.00000
Femsys Limited