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3.25 DIHED


Purpose : To enter data set header records.

Parameters :

  KEY   Data set identification key (Integer)
  OPCODE Operation Code (Integer)

1 to create

2 to append (only valid for KEY = 1)

3 to build

  NAME   Model, Substructure, or Loadcase name (Character*6)
  OCVAL Occurrence value (Real)
  NUMSTP Step number for loadcase (Integer)
  TEXT   Descriptive text for load cases (Character*20)
  ATYPE Analysis type (Integer)

0 Static

1 Time Step Analysis

2 Frequency Analysis

3 Load Step Analysis

4 User named

  ANAME Analysis name (Character*10)
  IUNT   Temporary file channel number (Integer)
  IEXIT   Error condition (Integer)

Use : This routine is called to enter data set header records, or a model header record. The type of header is indicated by the parameter KEY. Appendix 1 gives a list of the values which these parameters may take.

This routine cannot be called while data is still being entered for another data set. Routine DILIM is called to indicate the end of a data set.

If a model is currently active and DIHED is called to enter a new model, the routine DIBLD will be called by DIHED to construct the FEMVIEW display data sets where necessary.

Errors : The error condition is indicated by the value of IEXIT.

IEXIT Meaning

0   Successful call
29   Database has not been opened
32   Current error must be cleared up first
36   Model name must be non-blank
37   Model does not already exist, cannot append
38   Model already exists, cannot create
39   Assembly already exists, cannot build
111   A model dataset is still active on unit (iunt)
112   Invalid dataset header key
113   Invalid opcode
114   Cannot enter nodal co-ordinates, no model active
115   Cannot append nodal co-ordinates
116   Cannot enter nodal co-ordinates at assembly level
117   Nodal co-ordinates already entered for this model
118   For keys other than 1, opcode must be 1 (create)
119   Cannot enter element topology, no model active
121   Cannot append element topology
122   Cannot enter element topology at assembly level
123   Element topology already entered for this model
124   Cannot enter element sets at the assembly level
125   Cannot enter materials at the assembly level
126   Nodal co-ordinates must be entered before results
127   Element topology must be entered before results
128   Loadcase name must be non-blank
129   Error in writing to temporary file on unit (iunt)
193   Cannot enter results, no model active
211   Invalid temporary file unit number (iunt)

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