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3.24 DIGXH


Purpose : To enter an element at Gauss points, local axis system header for a single element.

Parameters :

  IDENUM Element identification number (Integer)
  ITYPE   Femview element type number (integer)
  IGROUP Element group number (Integer)
  NGAUSS Number of Gauss points for which local systems are to be entered (Int)
  NSURFS Number of surfaces for which local systems are to be entered (Int)
  IUNT   Temporary file channel number (Integer)
  IEXIT   Error condition

Use : This routine is used to enter an element at Gauss points local axis system header record. For each element; routine DIGXH is called once only, and routine DIGXD is called once for each Gauss point at each surface. The number of Gauss points is the inner repeat, and the number of surfaces is the outer repeat when calling routine DIGXD.

It is not necessary to enter local axis systems for every element.

Element local axis systems must be entered in the same order as the element topology data was entered.

Errors : The error condition is indicated by the value of IEXIT.

IEXIT Meaning

0   Successful Call
32   Current error must be cleared up first
129   Error in writing to temporary file on unit (iunt)
141   Id numbers cannot be less than 1
143   Id above 99999 not allowed for 5 digit character file
158   More repeats expected for previous element
194   Cannot enter this data type, current dataset is : (KEY )
211   Invalid temporary file unit number (iunt)

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