Our initials in chocolate. Because we can.
This is where we make all of our chocolate.
This is how all our chocolate starts out in the roasting phase.
A collection of our bars, fresh out of the molds.
Our first packaged bars, from just before winter break 2012-2013.
Here's what one of our bars looks like up close.
We use this machine to remove the shells from our beans. See our technology page for more details.
Someone had the idea of turning the Champion Juicer on its side and having it shoot the ground beans across a counter in an attempt at winnowing. The goal was to separate the nibs and shells by density. It made for an interesting picture, but it's no longer our method of choice.
This is what chocolate looks like if it has been improperly tempered. The effect is harmless, but unsightly.
This is what chocolate should look like if it's been properly tempered. Compare this to the previous image, and note that the only difference between the samples was how the chocolate was heated and cooled.