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Benjamin H. Griswold III, Class of 1933, Center for Economic Policy Studies funds economic policy-related research projects within Princeton’s Department of Economics. Examples of projects that have been completed recently or are currently underway include:

  • Alan Blinder's continuing work on macroeconomic and fiscal policy, on the effects of the financial crisis, and on the Federal Reserve. His newest book, tentatively entitled Advice and Dissent, will be published by Basic Books in early 2018.
  • Jakub Kastl's ongoing work on auction markets, with a particular emphasis on financial markets, the development of systemic risk measures, and early indicators of financial distress. One of his working papers is "Recent Advances in Empirical Analysis of Financial Markets: Industrial Organization Meets Finance" (2016).
  • Ilyana Kuziemko's research on economic inequality, behavioral economics, health care, and trends in redistributive preferences. One of her recent working papers (with co-authors Jimmy Charite and Ray Fisman) is "Reference Points and Redistributive Preferences: Experimental Evidence" (2016). Their findings suggest that tax increases might be better-received if policymakers can commit to them several years in advance of their implementation, allowing individuals to adjust their reference wealth or income ahead of the actual change.
  • Ezra Oberfield's continuing work on macroeconomics, firm dynamics, growth, and the role of trade in the process of development. One of his latest working papers is "The Theory of Input-Output Architecture" (2017).
  • Uwe Reinhardt's ongoing work on issues affecting fiscal and monetary policy and health care policy. His most recent working paper is "A Visual Stroll Through America's Health Care Wonderland" (2017), and serves as a primer for readers interested in the complex debate about health care reform.
  • Harvey Rosen's continuing work on university finances. In one paper (joint with Alexander Sappington '15), he examines how unexpected changes in the values of endowments affect payouts from endowments. This research is reported in a GCEPS working paper entitled "The Impact of Endowment Shocks on Payouts" (2016), and is forthcoming in the Journal of Higher Education. In another project, Rosen is analyzing the revenue and distributional consequences of the mortgage interest deduction in the U.S. personal income tax.
  • Christopher Sims' research on macroeconomic theory and policy and monetary-fiscal coordination. One of his recent discussion papers (with co-authors Markus Brunnermeier, Darius Palia, and Karthik Sastry) is "Feedbacks: Financial Markets and Economic Activty" (2017). They examine the relation among measures of credit expansion, measures of financial market stress, and standard macroeconomic aggregates.
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Page modified: Thursday, July 27, 2017