
Yael Niv
Email: yaelniv at alice nc huji ac il
Tel: 054-6556464
Format and content:
The course will comprise of 10 three-hour lectures (Thursdays 14-17).
lecture will concentrate on one topic in the area of animal learning, with
the aim of starting from the behavioral phenomena, and continuing to
either (or all) of: theoretical models of the learning and decision making
process, computational models of the behavior, and brain areas/systems known to be
Course requirements: Active class participation, reading of assigned
literature, 5 home assignments (including programming in Matlab), final
Syllabus topics:
- Introduction to the empirical psychology of
learning - Aim, structure, requirements of the course. Framework of
experimental psychology and what is it good for, classes of models, how
can we look at learning in the brain
PPT presentation
- Classical conditioning I - Pavlov, basic
procedure, phenomena, blocking and overshadowing, Resorla-Wagner model,
second order conditioning, temporal difference model, dopamine (Schultz)
PPT presentation
- Classical conditioning II - Appetitive
vs. aversive and inhibitory vs. excitatory conditioning, opponent
process theory, fMRI of aversive conditioning (Seymour), conditioned
inhibition and dopamine, competition and the Kalman filter (Dayan),
applications of classical conditioning to humans PPT presentation
- Instrumental conditioning I - Thorndike,
procedure types, partial reinforcement, Skinner, free operant
reinforcement schedules, Actor-Critic models and neural
substrates (fMRI - O'Doherty, cyclic voltammetry - Wightman) PPT presentation
- Motivation and free operant action selection -
Behavior, RL model of free operant responding (Niv), effects of
motivation on behavior (energizing vs.
directing), the role of DA (depletion studies, Salamone) PPT presentation
- Instrumental conditioning II: Actions and Habits
- S-R vs. R-O, devaluation manipulations and behavior, incentive
learning, neural substrates of goal directed and habitual
responding (Dickinson, Balleine, Killcross), Uncertainty based arbitration
(Daw) PPT presentation
- Classical
and Instrumental - different learning mechanisms? - One vs. two
process theories, omission, Pavlovian-instrumental transfer, neural
+ Extinction - "Be a theoretician"
PPT presentation
- Learning as a model of mental disorders:
Latent inhibition and schizophrenia - Animal models of
neural disorders, behavior, neural substrates, acquisition vs. expression
deficit, models of LI PPT presentation
- Attention and
Associability - Behavioral phenomena, Pearce and Hall,
Mackintosh, Wagner's SOP, attention and associability (Kakade, Dayan,
Montague), Amygdala and attention (Holland and Gallagher), Ach and
inference (Yu and Dayan) PPT
- Generalization and Discrimination -
Pearce (Configural) vs. R-W (elemental), behavioral phenomena,
learning latent causes and Bayesian inference (Courville and Daw), course
summary PPT
- For 16.3: PR Montague, P Dayan, and TJ
Sejnowski (1996)
A framework for mesencephalic dopamine systems based on predictive Hebbian
learning. J Neurosci 16: 1936-1947. PDF
- For 16.3 (optional): RS Sutton and AG
Barto (1990) Time-derivative models of Pavlovian reinforcement. gzipped
- For 23.3: B Seymour et al. (2004)
Temporal difference models describe higher order learning in humans. Nature 429,664-667. PDF
- For 23.3: PN Tobler, A Dickinson and W
Schultz (2003) Coding of predicted
reward omission by dopamine neurons in a conditioned inhibition paradigm.
J Neurosci 23(32), 10402-10410. PDF
- P Dayan, S Kakade and PR Montague (2000)
Learning and selective attention. Nat Neurosci supp. Vol 3 1218-1223. PDF
- For 30.3: J O'Doherty et al. (2004)
Dissociable roles of ventral and
dorsal striatum in instrumental conditioning. Science 304, 452-454 PDF
- For 6.4: Y Niv, ND Daw and P Dayan
(2005) How fast to work: Response vigor, motivation and tonic
dopamine. NIPS PDF
- For 27.4: A Dickinson (1985)
Actions and habits: the development of
behavioural autonomy. Phil Trans of Royal Soc of Lon B 308(1135), 67-78.
- For 27.4: S Killcross and E Coutureau
(2003) Coordination of actions and habits in the medial prefrontal
cortex of rats. Cerebral Cortex 13, 400-408. PDF
- For Assignment 4: EC Tolman (1948)
Cognitive maps in rats and men. Psychological Review 55(4), 189-208. Full text
- For Assignment 5: MA Gluck and CE Myers
(1993) Hippocampal
mediation of stimulus representation: A computational theory. Hippocampus 3(4), 491-516.
Exercises and Assignments:
Note: Your 4 highest graded assignments will
form 20% of your final grade. Assignments handed in late will lose 10
points for each day late.
Bibliography: (Some books I
recommend, and used to prepare mainly the psychology part of the course)
- Domjan, M. - The Principles of Learning and
Behavior (2003 - 5th
Edition) - A contemporary textbook about animal learning.
- Mackintosh, N.J. - The Psychology
of Animal Learning (1974) - Great book, although hard to find (out
of print).
- Mackintosh, N.J. - Conditioning and Associative Learning (1983) - Shorter than the above and covers mostly theoretical aspects, not for complete beginners.
- Dickinson, A. - Contemporary Animal Learning
Theory (1980) - Although this was contemporary a long time ago, it
is still very good and easy to read.
- Sutton, R. and Barto, A. -
Reinforcement Learning (1998) - A very good and accessible book
explaining the computational field of reinforcement learning.
Extra Material:
Interesting (and
useful) Links: