THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM Introduction to Learning and Behavior (Course no. 76919) |
Yael Niv Email: yaelniv at alice nc huji ac il Tel: 066-556464 Final Project/Essay is to be handed in by 15.4.2004. All instructions are within. Good luck! The final projects have now been checked and graded. Grades and distributions can be found here. The projects themselves (with my comments) are on their way in the mail, and will be available in the ICNC Mazkirut soon. Please check with Ruthi. As always - if there are problems, I can be contacted by email. Papers reviewed in the course: Some of you have expressed interest in the papers we talked about in the course (especially in the last lessons). Due to copyright issues, I cannot post these on the website, as I promised - but please email me if you are interested and I will email them to you directly.
Lecture Notes:
Presentations used in class:
Extra Material:
Optional Exercise 1: Classical Conditioning (WORD file) - can be handed in until 14 Jan 2004 Solution Note: Your 5 highest graded assignments will form 20% of your final grade course IMPORTANT: Please check your grades in the assignments here and inform me if there is any mistake.
Interesting (and useful) Links:
Created by: Eleanor Atrakji Last modified: Yael Niv - 27.2.2004 |