Friday March 23rd
14:30-16:30 Optional rare books viewing 貴重書の閲覧 Location: John Marshall Harlan Room, Mudd library
Saturday March 24th
9:00-9:15 Opening remarks あいさつ Location: 202 Jones Hall
9:15-10:30 Session 1: What are Shōsōin documents? 正倉院文書とは何か
10:30-10:40 Break 休憩
10:40-11:55 Session 2: The Office of Sutra Transcription and its documents 写経所と写経所文書
12:00-13:15 Lunch 昼食 (Location: Campus Club)
13:30-15:00 Session 3: Reading documents from the Office of Sutra Transcription 写経所文書を読む
15:00-15:30 Teatime ティータイム
15:30-17:00 Session 4: Examination of Sutra Copying Project (1) 写経事業の検討(その1)
17:00-17:30 Break 休憩
17:30- Dinner reception 懇親会 (Prospect House)
Sunday March 25th
9:00-10:20 Session 5: Examination of Sutra Copying Project (2) 写経事業の検討(その2)Location: 202 Jones Hall
10:20-10:30 Break 休憩
10:30-11:50 Session 6: Discussion of Documents from the Office of Sutra Transcription and
Sutra Copying Projects (30 min.) and “The potential for research using Shōsōin
写経所文書・写経事業に関する討論 (30分) および、正倉院文書の可能性
11:50-11:55 Closing remarks 閉会の辞
12:00-13:15 Lunch 昼食 (Location: Campus Club)
13:30- Post-workshop round table discussion ラウンドテーブル (optional)