PSC Presents Othello
Directed by Chamari White-Mink '20

What tragedies will befall a powerful man crippled with jealousy? William Shakespeare’s classic tale of a successful black man’s fall from grace complicates views of true excellence and cunning mediocrity as they clash together. Fidelity, faith, friendship and chastity get tested and fail as one man’s hatred for the Moor spirals out of control

October 13 8pm
October 14 8pm
October 15 2pm

October 19 8pm
October 20 7pm
October 21 2pm
October 21 8pm

Frist Film/Performance Theater

Tickets available now at Frist box office or online!

PSC's Upcoming Shows:

By Shakespeare | Directed by Chamari White-Mink '20
Fall 2017

Fallstaff in Love
Written and Directed by Jack Busche '19
Winter 2017/18
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PSC's Board!
PSC is proud to present its 2016 Board of Officers:

Artistic Director:
Production Manager:
Publicity Director:
Technical Director:
Master of Proporties:
Graphic Designer:
Social Chairs:

Box Office Coordinator:
Community Liaison:
Alumni Coordinator:
Patrick Boroughs '18
Julia Peiperl '17
Vi Mastandrea ‘17
Luke Soucy '19
Fey Popoola '19
Agustina de la Fuente ‘18
Megan Berry '19
Emily Fockler '17
Daniel Krane '18
Stefanie Webb '17
Isaac Martinez '19
Gayatri Ramesh '19
TJ Smith '16

The Company bids its most formidable wishes of good fortune upon the members of this new board at this felicitous occasion. Huzzah!