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2014 Cyril Black International Book Forum Author of ‘Treasury’s War’ discusses financial security and national security in the post-9/11 world By Jasper Ryckman ’15 PIIRS acting director and the John P. Birkelund ’52 Professor in History and Financial security has become International Affairs Stephen Kotkin said crucial to U.S. national security “Treasury’s War” offers a unique perspective in the aftermath of 9/11, said on finance “as a devastating weapon in the Juan Zarate, speaking about his hands of policymakers combatting rogue new book, “Treasury’s War: states.” The Unleashing of a New Era of “Juan Zarate’s long years of experience as Financial Warfare,” at the 2014 an insider, first at the Treasury Department Cyril Black International Book and then at the National Security Council, Forum. are distilled in riveting detail as he and his “Treasury’s War” takes readers colleagues cut off malefactors from the behind the scenes to explain how international financial system and got some Zarate and a dedicated group of Juan Zarate (right) discussed his new book, “Treasury’s War,” at to cry uncle,” Kotkin said. U.S. Treasury officials redefined the 2014 Cyril Black International Book Forum. Harold James (left) “As other states study and perhaps apply acted as respondent at the forum. Treasury’s role and used its power, the instruments Zarate helped invent, we relationships, and reputation to apply James also raised the question of whether can expect them to mutate,” Kotkin said. “In financial pressure against America’s enemies. there was unintended damage caused by that sense, he offered us a glimpse into an “We’ve entered a period in terms of our so-called financial warfare, and whether that uncertain future.” national security doctrine where financial damage had the potential to undo some of security issues have taken center stage,” the positive impact. Zarate, a former assistant treasury secretary Ultimately, Zarate and James agreed PIIRS Undergraduate for terrorist financing and financial crimes, that perhaps the most significant effect of Fellow Li ’14 wins told the audience at the PIIRS-sponsored financial warfare is the revelation of new event on Feb. 12. ways in which the government can use its Marshall Scholarship “Central to the question of how one power to align public and private sector impacts nonstate actors or networks interests toward the common good. Dixon Li ’14, threatening U.S. security, is how to “These are ways of thinking creatively a PIIRS Under- limit those groups’ ability to raise money about government power and influence graduate Fellow throughout the world,” said Zarate, now a and understanding how that power can and former PIIRS senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and be wielded to great impact,” Zarate said. Global Seminar International Studies in Washington, D.C. “This is a story of the evolution of the U.S. student, has been Harold James, the Claude and Lore Kelly Treasury and a level of policy innovation … named a 2014 Professor in European Studies and director that government can do if it’s enabled and Marshall Scholar. of the Program in Contemporary European empowered in the right way.” The Marshall Politics and Society, acted as respondent at The annual Cyril Black International Book Scholarship covers the cost of graduate the forum. Forum brings together Princeton scholars study and living at a British university James, who specializes in European and the author of a recent book focused on of the recipient’s choice for up to two economic and financial history, said Zarate’s international affairs. It is held in honor of years. Up to 40 scholars from Ameri- work raised the concern that anti-American the late Cyril Black, who was the director of can colleges are named annually. countries could employ U.S. financial Princeton’s Center of International Studies Li, an English major from Sandy, counterterrorist tactics to further their (the predecessor of PIIRS) for nearly 20 Utah, plans to complete two master’s own goals. years and served as the James S. McDonnell degrees. He will first study writing “You’re creating a snowball effect,” he Distinguished Professor of History and in the modern age at Queen Mary Uni- said. “Once a large number of states realize International Affairs. versity of London, and in his second how important this process is, they will year will pursue an M.Phil. in English want to do the same thing.” at the University of Cambridge. . 2 PIIRSNEWS SPRING 2014
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