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- Verify truth table for NAND, XOR, and INVERT gates by hooking up TTL ICs to the breadboard.
- The 74LS00, 74LS86, 74LS04 data sheets can be found within the "Data Sheets" link on the circuits tab
- Hook up only the first gate of the chip being tested. The inputs should go to toggle switches at the bottom of the ETS-7000, while the output should go to one of the LEDs to the right
- Check continuity between the VIA port lines and the Analog/Digital Trainer using the DMM (Digital Multi-Meter). Plug grounding wire into the ground socket of the trainer board. MAKE CERTAIN THAT THE AIM 65 IS NOT PLUGGED IN WHEN YOU DO THIS!!!
- Starting up the AIM 65
- Video introducing the AIM 65 can be found here.
- The terminal program can be found in the Desktop folder "\MAE412\Terminal\AIM65.trm" or use desktop shortcut.
- Ensure that COM port cable is attached to the AIM 65 from the desktop computer.
- Power on your AIM 65 using the timer.
- Ensure that switches at the bottom left corner of the AIM 65 are set to 'Run' and 'TTY'.
- Press Reset button on the AIM 65.
- Press DELETE key in terminal program.
- The terminal should display the title "ROCKWELL AIM 65" indicating that the terminal program is now connected and communicating properly.
- An instruction set for the AIM 65 can be found on the bottom of the text page.
- Enter WIRE EMULATOR program into AIM 65
- Run program. To test the program, apply a logic signal to port Ax and check that the logic signal appears at port Bx -- (where x is 0,1,2,...,7)
- Determine minimum and maximum time delay using the TTL mode of the function generator as input to the AIM 65. Oscilloscope channel 1 monitors the input and channel 2 monitors the computer output. Think about why this variation can occur.
- Instructions for measuring time delays using the oscilloscope can be found here.
Write and test an OCTAL INVERTER program.