Basic Set of Parts for Stand-alone Computer | Other Common Components | Arduino and Misc |
MPU - 6502 EEPROM - 28C64B (for Vector Board Echo) EPROM - 27C64 (for Proto Board Testing) Versatile Interface Adaptor - 6522 ACIA - 6551 Hex Display - TIL 311 RAM - 6116 Buffer/Driver - 74LS244 Address Decode Logic Gate Array Logic (GAL) - 16V8 NAND Gate - 74S00* NOT Gate - 74S04* 3-Input NAND Gate - 74S10* Power-On Reset Timer - 555 NOT Gate - 74S04* Hornby Signal to TTL Opto-isolator- 4N33 Analog Comparitor - LM339 Power Supply on Vector BoardVoltage Regulator - 7805 |
NOR Gate - 74LS02 AND Gate - 74LS08 OR Gate - 7432 XOR Gate - 74LS86 D-Type F/F - 74LS374 EPROM - 2532 RAM - 2114 Data Selector - 74LS138 Transistor (GP NPN) - 2N3904 Transistor (Power NPN) - 2N3055 Silicon Controlled Rectifier - TIC116 CRT controller - 6545 Operational Amplifier - 747 |
Arduino Microcontroller - ATMega328 (extensive) (pinout) Optical Sensor - TIL139, TIL139Sheet2 Reflective Object Sensor - OPM7xx (older) Hall Effect Sensor - 3141 Keypad (12 button matrix) - COM-08653 Serial Display (4x 7-seg LED) - COM-09765 Slider Potentiometer (Motorized) - COM-10976 (pinout) Microcontroller Supervisory Reset - MCP130-475HI/TO EconoReset with Pushbutton - DS1813-5/10/15 Bluetooth HC-05 modem transceiver 3.3v- JY-MCU FTDI USB --> TTL Serial adaptor - FTDI Cable
*NOTE: the chips that are specified as ...S... instead of ...LS... are faster and and are required to work at the speed of the MPU