Publications (Books/Journals)

  • Co-editorship of book published by Elsevier "RF and mm-Wave Power Generation in Silicon"

  • Kaushik Sengupta, "High-performance THz power-generation and beamforming in CMOS,'' RF and mm-Wave power generation in silicon, Elsevier.

  • (Invited book chapter) Steve Bowers, Kaushik Sengupta, Kaushik Dasgupta, and Ali Hajimiri, "Self-healing for mm-wave power amplifiers" RF and MM-Wave Power Amplification in Silicon , Elsevier.

  • E. A. Karahan, Z.Liu, A.Gupta, Z.Shao, J.Zhou, U.Khankhoje, and K. Sengupta, "Deep-learning enabled generalized inverse design of multi-port radio-frequency and sub-terahertz passives and integrated circuits," in Nature Comm, vol. 15, no. 10734, Dec. 2024. link.

  • X. Lu, S. Venkatesh, B. Tang and K. Sengupta, ``Physical Layer Security Through Directional Modulation With Spatio-Temporal Millimeter-Wave Transmitter Arrays,'' in IEEE J.Soild-State Circuits, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 2831-2847, Sept. 2024. link.

  • X.Lu, S.venkatesh. B.Tang, and K.Sengupta, "Intelligent Integrated Circuits and Systems for 5G/6G Telecommunications," IEEE Access, 2024 , link.

  • (In press) H.Tang, S.Venkatesh, Member, Z.Lin, X.Lu, H.Saeeidi, M.Javanmard, and K.Sengupta, "High Sensitivity and High Throughput Magnetic Flow CMOS Cytometers with 2D Oscillator Array and Inter-Sensor Spectrogram Cross-correlation," IEEE Trans Biomedical Circuits and Systems , link.

  • E. A. Karahan, Z. Liu and K. Sengupta, "Deep-Learning-Based Inverse-Designed Millimeter-Wave Passives and Power Amplifiers," in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2023 , link.

  • A. Gupta, E. A. Karahan, C. Bhat, K. Sengupta and U. K. Khankhoje, "Tandem Neural Network Based Design of Multiband Antennas," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 6308-6317, Aug. 2023. link.

  • Z.Liu, T.Sharma, and K.Sengupta, ``Stacked Common-base vs Common-emitter mmWave PA Cells and 68-105 GHz Broadband Asymmetrical PA in 250nm InP HBT,'' IEEE Access, , Jan. 2023. link.

  • J. D. Preez, S. Sinha and K. Sengupta, "SiGe and CMOS Technology for State-of-the-Art Millimeter-Wave Transceivers," in IEEE Access , vol. 11, pp. 55596-55617, 2023 link.

  • Y. Monnai, X.Lu, and K.Sengupta, ``Terahertz Beam Steering: from Fundamentals to Applications,'' J Infrared Milli Terahertz Waves, vol. 44, 169-211, 2023 link.

  • X.Lu, S.venkatesh. B.Tang, and K.Sengupta, ``Physical Layer Security through Directional Modulation with Spatio-temporal Millimeter-Wave Transmitter Arrays,'' submitted.

  • C.Zhu, Y.Wen, T.Liu, H.Yang, and K.Sengupta, ``An Ingestible Pill with CMOS Fluorescence Sensor Array, Bi-directional Wireless Interface and Packaged Optics for in-vivo Bio-molecular Sensing ,'' IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, , Jan. 2023. link.

  • C.Zhu, L.Hong, H.Yang, and K.Sengupta,``A Packaged Multiplexed Fluorescent Bio-molecular Sensor Array and Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Interface in CMOS for Ingestible Electronic Applications, '' IEEE Sensors, Oct. 2022. link.

  • Z.Liu and K.Sengupta, ``A 44-64 GHz mmWave Broadband Linear Doherty PA in Silicon with Quadrature Hybrid Combiner and Non-Foster Impedance Tuner,'' IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits, , Jun. 2022. link.

  • H.Saeidi, S.Venkatesh, C.Chappidi, T.Sharma, and K.Sengupta,"A 4x4 Steerable Array at 416 GHz with Distributed and Robust Frequency Synthesis and Synchronization Network and +14 dBM EIRP in65-nm CMOS," IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits , Aug. 2022. link.

  • S.Venkatesh, D.Sturm, R.Lang, and K.Sengupta, "Origami Microwave Imaging Array: Meta-surface Tiles on a Shape-morphing Surface for Reconfigurable Computational Imaging," Advanced Science, , Aug. 2022. link.

  • (Invited) S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, H.Saeidi, and K.Sengupta, "Programmable Terahertz Metasurface with Circuit-coupled Meta-elements in Silicon Chips," IEEE Antennas and Propagat. Magazine, , Jun. 2022. link.

  • A. M. Watson, M. Ford, E. Markvicka, W. Fong, S. Venkatesh, K. Sengupta, C. Majidi, and C.E. Tabor, "Stretchable microwave circuits using liquid-metal embedded elastomers," Journal of Advanced Engineering Materials, , Mar. 2022. link.

  • S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, B.Tang, and K.Sengupta, "Secure Millimeter-Wave Wireless Links Resilient Against Colluding Eavesdropper Attacks, " Nature Electronics, Dec. 2021. link.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, L.Hong, C.Zhu, and X.Lu, "Visible and Near-IR Nano-optical Components and Systems in CMOS," IEEE Open J.Solid-State Circuits , vol. 1, pp. 247-262, Dec. 2021. link.

  • (Invited) H.Saeidi, S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, and K.Sengupta, "THz Prism: One Shot Simultaneous Localization of Multiple Wireless Nodes with Leaky-wave THz Antennas and Transceivers in CMOS," IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits , vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 3840-3854, Dec. 2021. link.

  • (Invited) C.Zhu, J.Maldonado, and K.Sengupta, "CMOS-based Electrokinetic Microfluidics with Multi-modal Cellular and Bio-Molecular Sensing for End-to-end Point-of-Care System" IEEE Trans. Biomedical Cir. Sys. , Dec. 2021. link.

  • (Invited) Z.Liu, Y.Yu, and K.Sengupta, "80-110 GHz Broadband Linear PA with 33% peak PAE and Comparison of Stacked Common-Base and Common-Emitter PA in InP, " IEEE Microw. Comp. Lett. , Jun. 2021. link.

  • (Invited) Z.Liu, T.Sharma, and K.Sengupta, "A 44-64 GHz Broadband Back-off Efficient Quadrature Hybrid based Linear Doherty PA with Quasi Non-Foster Tuner in 0.13um SiGe, IEEE Microw. Comp. Lett. , Jun. 2021. link.

  • S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, H.Saeidi, and K.Sengupta, "A high-speed programmable and scalable terahertz holographic metasurface based on tiled CMOS chips," Nature Electronics, Dec. 2020. link.

  • Z.Li, T.Sharma, C.Chappidi, and K.Sengupta," Transformer-based broadband mm-wave InP PA across 42-62 GHz with enhanced linearity and second harmonic engineering ," IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT) , Jan. 2021 link.

  • X.Lu, C.Chappidi, X.Wu, and K.Sengupta,"Antenna Preprocessing and Element-Pattern Shaping for Multi-band mmWave Arrays: Multi-port Receivers and Antennas," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) , Jun. 2020. link.

  • C.Chappidi, X.Lu, X.Wu, and K.Sengupta,"Antenna Preprocessing and Element-Pattern Shaping for Multi-band mmWave Arrays: Multi-port Transmitters and Antennas," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) , Jun. 2020. link.

  • C.Chappidi, T.Sharma and K.Sengupta,"Multiport-Active Load-pulling for mm-Wave 5G Power Amplifiers: Bandwidth, Back-off Efficiency and VSWR Tolerance," special issue for 5G PAs in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Jul. 2020. link.

  • (Invited paper) T. J. Smith, A. Broome, D. Stanley, J. Westberg, G. Wysocki and K. Sengupta, "A Hybrid THz Imaging System With a 100-Pixel CMOS Imager and a 3.25-3.50 THz Quantum Cascade Laser Frequency Comb," IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 151-154, Sept. 2019. link.

  • X.Wu, H.Lu and K.Sengupta, ``Programmable terahertz chip-scale sensing interface with direct digital reconfiguration at sub-wavelength scales,'' Nature Communications 2019. link.

  • K.Sengupta, D.Mittleman and T.Nagatsuma, ``Advances in Terahertz Integrated Electronic and Hybrid Electronic-Photonic Systems,'' in Nature Electronics , Dec. 2018. link.

  • L.Hong, H.Li, H.Yang and K.Sengupta,``Integrated Copper-based Sub-wavelength Angle insensitive Nano-plasmonic Filters for Ultra-miniaturized Fluorescence Microarray in a 65-nm Digital CMOS Process,'' ACS. Photonics , Sept. 2018. link.

  • L.Hong, H.Li, H.Yang and K.Sengupta,``Nano-plasmonics and Electronics Co-integration in CMOS enabling a Pill-sized Multiplexed Fluorescence Microarray System,'' Biomedical Optics Express , Sept. 2018. link.

  • C.Chappidi and K.Sengupta, ``Broadband mm-Wave PAs with Simultaneous Back-off Efficiency enhancement across 30-55 GHz: A Multi-port Network Synthesis Approach,'' IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) , Sept. 2018. link.

  • X.Lu, L.Hong and K.Sengupta, ``Optical Physically Unclonable Functions using Process-Sensitive Sub-Wavelength Photonic Crystals in 65nm CMOS,'' IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) , Sept. 2018. link.

  • X.Wu and K.Sengupta, ``Single-chip Source-free Terahertz Spectroscope across 0.04-0.99 THz: Combining Sub-wavelength Near-field Sensing and Regression Analysis,'' Optics Express , Jan.2018. link.

  • (Invited) Lingyy Hong and Kaushik Sengupta, ``Fully Integrated Optical Spectrometer between 500nm-830nm in CMOS,'' IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems-I (Special ISSCC issue), Dec, 2017. link.

  • Lingyu Hong, Hao Li, Haw Yang and Kaushik Sengupta, ``Fully Integrated Fluorescence Biosensors on-chip Employing Multi-functional Nanoplasmonic Optical Structures in CMOS, '' IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , Sep. 2017. link.

  • Chandrakanth R.Chappidi and Kaushik Sengupta, ``Globally Optimal Matching Networks with Lossy Passives and Efficiency Bounds, '' IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, Sept. 2017. link.

  • Chandrakanth Chappidi and Kaushik Sengupta, ``Frequency Reconfigurable mm-Wave Power Amplifier with Active Impedance Synthesis in an Asymmetrical Non-Isolated Combiner: Analysis and Design, '' IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Aug. 2017. link.

  • Xue Wu and Kaushik Sengupta, "Dynamic waveform shaping with pico-second time-widths," IEEE Journal Solid-State Circuits, Feb. 2017. link.

  • (Invited) Xue Wu and Kaushik Sengupta, ``On-Chip THz Spectroscope Exploiting Electromagnetic Scattering with Multi-port Antenna,'' special issue of ISSCC in IEEE Journal Solid-State Circuits, Dec. 2016. link.

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "Designing Optimal Surface Currents for Efficient On-Chip mm-Wave Radiators With Active Circuitry,'' IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory. Tech, 2016 link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "Mutual Synchronization for Power Generation and Beam-steering in CMOS with on-chip Sense Antennas near 200 GHz" IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory. Tech. , Sept. 2015. link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta, D.J.Seo, Lita Young and Ali Hajimiri, "Silicon Integrated 280 GHz Imaging Chipset With 4x4 SiGe Receiver Array and CMOS Source,''IEEE Trans. THz Science and Tech., vol.5, no. 3, pp. 427-437, May. 2015. (Top downloaded article in May 2015) link. .

  • (Invited paper) Kaushik Dasgupta, Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "A mm-Wave Segmented Power Mixer", IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory. Tech. , vol. 63, no.4, pp. 1118-1129, Apr. 2015. link. .

  • (Invited) Steven Bowers, Kaushik Sengupta, Kaushik Dasgupta and Ali Hajimiri, "Integrated Self- healing for mm-Wave Power Amplifers", IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory. Tech. , vol. 61, no.3, pp, 1301 - 1315, Mar. 2013. (Awarded the 2015 IEEE Microwave prize for the best paper in IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory. Tech. in 2013) link. .

  • (Invited) Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "A 0.28 THz Power-Generation and Beam-Steering Array in CMOS based on Distributed Active Radiators,'' IEEE Jour. Solid State Circuits (JSSC), Dec 2012 link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta, T.K.Bhattacharyya, H.Hashemi, "A non-linear transient analysis of regenerative frequency dividers,'' IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems-I, vol. 54, no. 12, December 2007 link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta , K.J.Vinoy, ``A new measure of lacunarity for generalized fractals and its impact in the electromagnetic behavior of Koch dipole antennas,'' Fractals, World Scientific Publishing Company, December 2006, pp. 271-282.

Publications (Peer-reviwed Conference Papers)

  • J. Zhou*, E. A. Karahan*, S. Ghozzy, Z. Liu1, H. Jalili, K. Sengupta, ``AI-Enabled Design Space Discovery and End-to-end Synthesis for RFICs with Reinforcement Learning and Inverse Methods Demonstrating mm-Wave/sub-THz PAs between 30 and 120GHz, '' IEEE ISSCC , Feb. 2025.

  • O. Delafrooz Noroozi, H. Guo, R. Shen, Z. Shao, H. Chen, K. Sengupta, Y. Ghasempour, U. Madhow, ``Zero-Shot Accurate mmWave Antenna Array Calibration in the Wild,'' in Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing, Dec. 2024. link.

  • (Invited) E. A. Karahan, J. Zhou, Z. Liu, Z. Shao, S. Fisher and K. Sengupta, ``Deep Learning Enabled Design of RF/mmWave IC and Antennas, '' IEEE MWSCAS , Aug. 2024. link.

  • Z. Shao, H. Chen, R. Shen, Y. Ghasempour and K. Sengupta, ``Design of Metasurfaces for Beamforming with High-Efficiency Custom Polarization Generation,'' in IEEE APS/URSI, Jul. 2024. link.

  • E. A. Karahan, Z. Shao and K. Sengupta, ``Deep Learning Aided Modelling and Inverse Design for Multi-Port Antennas,'' in IEEE APS/URSI, Jul. 2024. link.

  • X. Huang, Z. Liu, E. A. Karahan and K. Sengupta, ``A Millimeter-Wave Low-Loss On-Chip Filter Design Using a Wideband Synthesis Method in 90-nm SiGe BiCMOS Process,'' in IEEE IMS, Jun. 2024. link.

  • E. A. Karahan, Z. Liu and K. Sengupta, ``Deep Learning Enabled Generalized Synthesis of Multi-Port Electromagnetic Structures and Circuits for mmWave Power Amplifiers,'' in IEEE IMS, Jun. 2024. link.

  • S. Ghozzy, M. Allam, E. A. Karahan, Z. Liu, K. Sengupta, "A mm-Wave/Sub-THz Synthesizer-Free Coherent Receiver with Phase Reconstruction Through Mixed-Signal Kramer-Kronig Processing, " IEEE ISSCC , Feb. 2024.

  • Z. Shao and K. Sengupta, "Design of Low-Profile Compact Wideband MIMO Antennas With a Shared Patch Radiator," 2023 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA) , Genoa, Italy, 2023.

  • F. Hassan, Z. Shaikhanov, H. Guerboukha, D. M. Mittleman, K. Sengupta and E. W. Knightly, RMDM: Using Random Meta-Atoms to Send Directional Misinformation to Eavesdroppers," IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) , Orlando, FL, USA, 2023, pp. 1-9 .

  • Z. Liu, E. A. Karahan and K. Sengupta, "Ultra Broadband Phased-Array Transmitter with Low Phase Error of 1.24-2.8 across 36-91 GHz Supporting 10.8 Gbps 64QAM in 90 nm SiGe," IEEE ESSCIRC , Lisbon, Portugal, 2023, pp. 497-500, doi: 10.1109/ESSCIRC59616.2023.10268697.

  • S. Venkatesh, X. Lu, D. Sturm, K. Sengupta and R. J. Lang, ``Metasurface Tiles on Conformable Origami Platforms for Adaptive and Sparse Computational Microwave Imaging,'' 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI) , Portland, OR, USA, 2023, pp. 1713-1714.

  • Z. Shao, L. Ma, C. Gu and K. Sengupta, ``Decoupling of Wideband Closely-Spaced Patch Antennas for MIMO Applications,'' IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI), Portland, OR, USA, 2023, pp. 1457-1458, doi: 10.1109/USNC-URSI52151.2023.10238189.

  • Zijian Shao, Tyler Blundo, Kaushik Sengupta, ``A Single-Layer Single-Chain Dual-Band Shared-Aperture Antenna for Integrated Microwave and mm-Wave Applications," 2022 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA)., Dec. 2022.

  • Z. Liu, E. A. Karahan and K. Sengupta, ``A 30-88 GHz Phase Shifter with Broadband 90 degree Hybrid- Marchand Balun Network and Common-base Buffer Achieving 1.34-3.1 degree RMS Phase Error in 90 nm SiGe,'' 2023 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2023 , San Diego, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 1156-1159, doi: 10.1109/IMS37964.2023.10188072.

  • Chen H, Saeidi H, Venkatesh S, Sengupta K, Ghasempour Y. `` Wavefront Manipulation Attack via Programmable mmWave Metasurfaces: from Theory to Experiments,'' InProceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks 2023 May 29 (pp. 317-328).

  • S. Venkatesh, H. Saeidi, K. Sengupta and X. Lu, ``Active and Passive Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces at mm-Wave and THz bands enabled by CMOS Integrated Chips,'' 2023 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) , Melbourne, FL, USA, 2023, pp. 113-116, doi: 10.1109/WAMICON57636.2023.10124895.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, E.Karahan, and Z.Liu, ``Deep Learning enabled mmWave PA and Antenna Design," IEEE RFIT Symp., Oct. 2022.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, S.Venkatesh. H.Saeidi, and X.Lu, ``Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Enabled by Silicon Chips for Secure and Robust mmWave and THz Wireless Communication,'' IEEE ESSCIRC, Sep. 2022.

  • K.Sengupta, E.Karahan, and Z.Liu, ``A 30-97 GHz Psat,3dB Broadband PA with 18.5-21.5dBm Psat and 18-26% PAE in 90nm SiGe Supporting Concurrent Multi-Band Operation,'' IEEE EuMW , Sep. 2022.

  • Xiao-Long Huang, Guanghui Xu, Tyler Blundo, Zijian Shao, Kaushik Sengupta, ``A mmWave Transmitarray with Patch Array Feed,'' 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM), Sep. 2022.

  • E.Karahan, A.Gupta, U.Khankhoje, and K.Sengupta, ``Deep Learning based Modeling and Inverse Design for Arbitrary Planar Antenna Structures at RF and Millimeter-Wave,'' IEEE APS-URSI , Jul. 2022.

  • A.Gupta, E.Kaharan. K.Sengupta, and U.Khankhoje, ``Machine learning based tandem network approach for antenna design,'' IEEE APS-URSI , Jul. 2022.

  • H.Saeidi, S.Venkatesh, and K.Sengupta, ``Active Tunable Millimeter-wave Reective Surface across 57-64 GHz for Blockage Mitigation and Physical Layer Security, '' IEEE RFIC Symp. , Jun. 2022.

  • (Best Advanced Practice Paper Award) Z.Liu, E.Karahan, and K.Sengupta, ``Deep Learning Enabled Inverse Design of 30-94 GHz Psat,3dB SiGe PA Supporting Concurrent Multi-band Operation at Multi-Gbps,'' IEEE IMS Symp., Jun. 2022.

  • Z.Liu, E.Karahan, and K.Sengupta, `A Compact SiGe Stacked Common-Base Dual-band PA with 20/18.8dBm Psat at 36/64 GHz Supporting Concurrent Modulation,'' IEEE IMS Symp., , Jun. 2022.

  • C.Zhu, J.Maldonado, and K.Sengupta, ``A Hand-held CMOS-controlled Pneumatic-free Cytometry Sensing Device with Integrated Cell Actuation and Automatic Peak Detection,'' IEEE EMBC , Jul. 2022.

  • C.Zhu, P.Xie, R.Thorpe, J.Maldonado1, S.Kumar, A.Mazzeo, M.Javanmard, F.Berthiaume, and K.Sengupta, ``CMOS-Nanowell based Hybrid Smart Bandage for Long Term Monitoring of Wound Healing via Cytokine Quantification in-situ,'' Hilton Head Workshop , May. 2022.

  • X Lu, S Venkatesh, B Tang, K Sengupta, "Space-Time Modulated mm-Wave Links: Resilienc Against Distributed Eavesdropper Attacks," ACM Mobicom , Oct. 2021.

  • (Best student paper) H.Saeidi, S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, and K.Sengupta, "Spectrum-to-space mapping with 0.36-0.4 THz on-chip transceiver for one-shot localization," IRMMW-THz , Sep. 2021.

  • S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, H.Saeidi, and K.Sengupta, "Reconfigurable Multifunctional Terahertz Holographic Metasurface using CMOS Chip Tiling," ANTEM , Aug. 2021.

  • H.Saeidi, S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, and K.Sengupta, "Chip-Scale THz System for Single-Shot Anguular Localization," ANTEM , Aug. 2021.

  • (Invited) Co-design approach towards Reconfigurable Terahertz Holographic CMOS Metasurface," International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena - Metamaterials 2021, Aug. 2021.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, "Universally Programmable Chip-scale TeraHertz Systems for Future Wireless Communication and Sensing," OSA Photonics Congress , Jul. 2021.

  • (Invited) S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, H.Saeidi, and K.Sengupta, "Reconfigurable Terahertz Holographic CMOS Metasurface using Electromagnetic-Circuit Co-design Approach," META , Jul. 2021.

  • (Best student paper) Z.Liu, Y.Yu, and K.Sengupta, "80-110 GHz Broadband Linear PA with 33% peak PAE and Comparison of Stacked Common-Base and Common-Emitter PA in InP, " IEEE IMS , Jun. 2021.

  • (Best student paper) (Best student paper) Z.Liu, T.Sharma, and K.Sengupta, "A 44-64 GHz Broadband Back-off Efficient Quadrature Hybrid based Linear Doherty PA with Quasi Non-Foster Tuner in 0.13m SiGe, " IEEE IMS , Jun. 2021.

  • S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, H.Saeidi, and K.Sengupta, \Dynamically Programmable Terahertz Holographic Metasurface using CMOS IC Tiling," CLEO , May 2021.

  • H.Saeidi, S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, and K.Sengupta, \Integrated Terahertz Transceivers for Multinode Link Discovery and Localization," CLEO , May 2021.

  • H.Saeidi, S.Venkatesh, C.R.Chappidi, T.Sharma, C.Zhu, and K.Sengupta, "On-Chip Multi-layer THz Power Generation with Beamforming Capability," CLEO, May 2021.

  • C.Zhu, J.Maldonado, and K.Sengupta, "CMOS-Driven Pneumatic-Free Scalable Microfluidics and Fluid Processing with Label-Free Cellular and Bio-Molecular Sensing Capability for an End-to-End Point-of-Care System," IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2021.

  • H.Saeidi, S.Venkatesh, X.Lu, and K.Sengupta, "THz Prism: One-Shot Simultaneous Multi-Node Angular Localization Using Spectrum-to-Space Mapping with 360-to-400GHz Broadband Transceiver and Dual-Port Integrated Leaky-Wave Antennas, IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2021.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, X.Lu, S.Venkatesh, and X.Wu, ``Terahertz to bits and bits to terahertz: universally programmable chip-scale terahertz systems'' ACM Nanocom, Sep. 2021.

  • K.Sengupta, X.Lu, S.Venkatesh, and B.Tang, ``Physically Secure mm-Wave Wireless Links with Spatio-temporal Modulated Arrays'' IEEE IWTS, Jul. 2020.

  • K.Sengupta, X.Lu, S.Venkatesh, and B.Tang, ``Spatio-Temporal Modulated Millimeter-wave Antenna Arrays for Secure Wireless Links'' IEEE APS/URSI, Jul. 2020.

  • K.Sengupta, X.Lu, S.Venkatesh, and B.Tang, ``Physically Secure mm-Wave Wireless Links with Spatio-temporal Modulated Arrays'' IEEE IWTS, Jul. 2020.

  • C.Zhe, Y.Wen, T.Liu, H.Yang, and K.Sengupta, ``A Packaged Ingestible Bio-pill with 15-pixel Multiplexed Fluorescence Nucleic-acid Sensor and Bi-directional Wireless Interface for In-vivo Bio-molecular Sensing'' IEEE VLSI Sumposium, Jun. 2020.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, X.Lu, S.Venkatesh, and B.Tang, ``Nano-optical CMOS Systems for Bio-molecular Sensing: In-vitro and In-vivo'' 2020 OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress , Vancouver, Jun. 2020.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, X.Lu, S.Venkatesh, and B.Tang, International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, Jun. 2020.

  • Z.Liu, T,Sharma, C. R. Chappidi, S. Venkatesh, and K. Sengupta, ``Transformer-based Broadband mm-Wave InP PA across 42-62 GHz with Enhanced Linearity and Second Harmonic Engineering,'' IEEE IMS, Jun. 2020.

  • T.Sharma, Z.Liu, C. R. Chappidi, H. Saeidi, S. Venkatesh, and K. Sengupta, ``Broadband PA Architectures with Asymmetrical Combining and Stacked PA cells across 50-70 GHz and 64-110 GHz in 250 nm InP '' IEEE IMS, Jun. 2020.

  • (Best student paper) C. R. Chappidi, T.Sharma, Z.Liu, and K. Sengupta, ``Load Modulated Balanced mm-Wave CMOS PA with Integrated Linearity Enhancement for 5G applications '' IEEE IMS, Jun. 2020.

  • H. Saeidi, S. Venkatesh, C. R. Chappidi, T. Sharma, C. Zhu, and K. Sengupta, ``A 4x4 Distributed Multi-Layer Oscillator Network for Harmonic Injection and THz Beamforming with 14dBm EIRP at 416GHz in a Lensless 65nm CMOS IC'' IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2020.

  • X.Lu*, S.Venkatesh*, B.Tang, and K.Sengupta, ``Space-Time Modulated 71-to-76GHz mm-Wave Transmitter Array for Physically Secure Directional Wireless Links'' IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2020. (* equal contributer)

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, ``Universal Terahertz Integrated Systems: Bridging the ‘THz’ and ‘Application’ Gap in the Next Decade'' IEEE International Microwave and RF conference (IMaRC), Mumbai, India, Dec. 2019.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, ``Towards Universality in Terahertz Chip-scale Systems'' International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM 2019), Wuhan, China, Nov. 2019.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, ``Chip-scale terahertz systems'' IEEE SPIE+Optics, San Diego Jul. 2019.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, ``Fluorescence-based Multiplexed Biomolecular Systems in mm-scale Optics-free CMOS Chip: Nanoplasmonics in Embedded Electronics'' Optical Sensors, San Jose, Jun. 2019.

  • C.Chappidi, X.Lu and K.Sengupta, ``A 26-42 GHz Broadband, Back-off Efficient and Vswr Tolerant CMOS Power Amplifier Architecture for 5G Applications'' VLSI Symposium on Circuits and Technology, Kyoto, Jun. 2019.

  • C.Zhu, L.Hong and K.Sengupta, ``An Ultra-low-power Wireless System with Integrated Optics-free 15-pixel Fluorescence Biosensor Array Acheving 28pJ/b Reception Energy Efficiency for Ingestible Bioelectronics Application,'' in IEEE IMS , Boston, Jun. 2019.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, ``Integrated Circuits for Terahertz Communication Beyond 100 GHz: Are We There Yet?'' IEEE ICC, , Shanghai, May. 2019.

  • X.Lu, X.Wu, H.Saeidi, and K.Sengupta, ``A Multi-Port Dual Polarized Antenna Coupled mm-Wave Receiver with Pattern Programmability and Capability of Passive Interferer Rejection,'' in IEEE CICC , Apr. 2019.

  • H.Tang, S.Venkatesh, Z.Lin, X.Lu, H.Saeidi, G.M. Rather, J.R. Bertino, C-Y Lin, M.Javanmard, and K.Sengupta, ``2D Magnetic Sensor Array for Real-time Cell Tracking and Multi-site Detection with Increased Robustness and Flow-rate,'' in IEEE CICC , Apr. 2019.

  • (Invited Keynote) Kaushik Sengupta, ``THz Silicon Systems-on-Chip: EM-Circuits-Systems Co-design Approach , '' invited keynote for IEEE IRMMW-THz , Cancun, Mexico. Aug'17.

  • X.Wu, H.Lu and K.Sengupta, ``A Programmable Active THz Electromagnetic Surface on-Chip for Multi-functional Imaging,'' IEEE Intl. Microw Symp. , Jun. 2018. (Best student paper finalist) .

  • X.Wu, H.Lu and K.Sengupta, ``Wide-band THz Spectroscope in Silicon THz Combining Sub-wavelength Near-field Sensing and Robust Regression Analysis,'' IEEE Intl. Microw Symp. , Jun. 2018.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, ``THz Silicon Systems on Chip: A Moore-Maxwell Approach,'' Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIERS) , Aug. 2018.

  • (Invited) Ligyu Hong, Xuyang Lu and Kaushik Sengupta, ``Nano-optical Systems in CMOS, '' invited for IEEE Midwest Circuits and Systems Conference , Boston. Aug'17.

  • (Invited) K.Sengupta, ``mm-Wave and THz Active Electromagnetic Systems on Chip: Circuits-EM-Systems Codesign Approach,'' IEEE Antennas and Prop. Symp. , Jul. 2018.

  • K.Sengupta and X.Wu, ``Circuits-electromagnetics Co-design: A New Paradigm for Silicon-based THz Systems-on-chip,'' SPIE , Apr. 2018.

  • (Invited) L.Hong, X.Lu, and K.Sengupta, ``Nano-optics in CMOS, '' invited for IEEE Midwest Symposium of Circuits and Systems, Aug. 2017.

  • Chandrakanth Chappidi and Kaushik Sengupta, ``A Digitally Reconfigurable PA Architecture with Simultaneous Frequency and Back-off Progammability,'' IEEE RFIC, Jun. 2017.

  • Chandraknath Chappidi and Kaushik Sengupta, ``A W-Band SiGe Power Amplifier with Psat of 23 dBm and PAE of 16.8% at 95GHz''IMS , Jun. 2017.

  • Lingyu Hong and Kaushik Sengupta, ``CMOS-based Florescence Biosensor with Integrated Nanoplasmonic Filters''CLEO, May. 2017.

  • Xue Wu and Kaushik Sengupta, ``A Source-free Single-chip Terahertz Spectroscope through Sub-wavelength Sensing of Antenna Near-fields,''CLEO, May. 2017.

  • Xuyang Lu, Lingyu Hong and Kaushik Sengupta ``An integrated optical physically unclonable function using process-sensitive sub-wavelength photonic crystals in 65nm CMOS '' IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2017 link.

  • Lingyu Hong and Kaushik Sengupta, `` Fully integrated optical spectrometer with 500-to-830nm range in 65nm CMOS'' IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2017 link.

  • Xue Wu and Kaushik Sengupta, "A 40-to-330GHz synthesizer-free THz spectroscope-on-chip exploiting electromagnetic scattering,'' IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2016 link.

  • Chandrakanth C.Reddy and Kaushik Sengupta, "A frequency-reconfigurable mm-Wave power amplifier with active-impedance synthesis in an asymmetrical non-isolated combiner,'' IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2016 link. .

  • Xue Wu and Kaushik Sengupta, "Dynamic Waveform Shaping for Reconfigurable Radiated Periodic Signal Generation with Picosecond Time-widths," IEEE Custom Integrated Cir. Conf. (CICC), Sept. 2015.

  • Chandrakanth C.Reddy and Kaushik Sengupta, "Methods for Finding Globally Maximum-efficiency Impedance Matching Networks with Lossy Passives" IEEE Custom Integrated Cir. Conf. (CICC), Sept. 2015 (Best student paper finalist) .

  • Lingyu Hong, Simon McManus, Hao Li, and Kaushik Sengupta, "A Fully Integrated CMOS Fluorescence Biosensor with on-chip Nanophotonic Filter," IEEE VLSI Tech. Cir. Symp., June 2015. link. .

  • Xue Wu and Kaushik Sengupta, "Programmable Picosecond Pulse Generator in CMOS," IEEE Intl. Microwave Symp., May 2015. (Best Student Finalist) link. .

  • Kaushik Dasgupta, Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "A 19.1 dBm Segmented Power- Mixer Based Multi-Gbps mm-Wave Transmitter in 32nm SOI CMOS", IEEE RFIC Symp.Dig. , June 2014 link. .

  • (Invited) Kaushik Sengupta, "Distributed active radiation: Terahertz power-generation and beam-steering in CMOS,'' European Conference on Antennas and Propagation , Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013. link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "A 0.28 THz 4x4 power-generation and beamsteering array for THz applications,'' IEEE Intl. Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) , Feb 2012 link. .

  • Steven Bowers, Kaushik Sengupta, Kaushik Dasgupta and Ali Hajimiri, `A Fully-Integrated Self-Healing Power Amplier," IEEE RFIC Symp. Dig. , June 2012. (Best Student Paper Award, 1st prize) link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta, Kaushik Dasgupta, Steve Bowers and Ali Hajimiri, "On-chip Sensing and Actuation Methods for Integrated Self-healing mm-Wave CMOS Power Amplier", IEEE Intl. Microwave Symp., June 2012 link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "Distributed active radiation for THz signal generation,'' IEEE Intl. Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Feb 2011 link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "Sub-THz Beam-forming using Near-field Coupling of Distributed Active Radiator Arrays,'' IEEE RFIC Symp., June 2011 link. .

  • DJ Seo, Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "Distributed Active Radiator Arrays for Efficient Doubling, Filtering and Beam-forming,'' Intl. Microwave Symp., June 2011 link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta, D.J.Seo, and Ali Hajimiri, "A Terahertz Imaging Receiver in 0.13um SiGe BiCMOS Technology,'' Intl. Conf. Infrared, mm, THz Waves (IRMMW-THz) , Oct. 2011 link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, "A compact self-similar power combining topology,'' Intl. Microwave Symp., June 2010, pp. 244-247 link. .

  • Kaushik Sengupta, "Influence of Fractal Lacunarity on the Performance of Dipole Antennas with Generalized Koch Curves,'' Intl. Conf. on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications , World Scientific Publishing Company, October 2005, pp. 1-4.


  • Chandrakanth Chappidi and Kaushik Sengupta, ``Frequency and back-off reconfigurability in mm-wave power amplifiers,'' US Patent granted, US 10,063,191 B2, Aug. 2018.

  • Lingyu Hong and Kaushik Sengupta, ``Passive waveguide structures and integrated detection and/or imaging systems incorporating the same,'' US Patent granted, US, 9.568,619 B2, Feb. 2017.

  • Lingyu Hong and Kaushik Sengupta, continuing patent application, US, US20150253525A1.

  • Kaushik Sengupta, Chandrakanth Chappidi, Xue Wu and Xuyang Lu,``Transceiver and Antenna Programmability and Generalized MIMO Architectures,'' U.S. provisional patent filed.

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, ``Traveling Wave Distributed Active Antenna Structures, High Frequency Power Generation and Quasi-Optical Filtering,'' US Patent granted, US 8,830,137 B2, Sept. 2014.

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, ``Integrated terahertz imaging systems ,'' US Patent granted, US8658976 B2, Feb 25, 2014.

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, ``Smart RF Lensing: Efficient, Dynamic and Mobile Wireless Power Transfer,'' PCT/US2013/069757, Pub. no.: WO2014075103 A1, Nov 12, 2013.

  • Kaushik Sengupta, Steven Bowers, Arthur H.Chang and Ali Hajimiri, ``Self-healing Power Amplifier: Methods and Apparatus,'' US Patent granted, US 8,319,549 B2, Nov. 27, 2012.

  • Steven Bowers, Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, ``Self Healing Technique for High Frequency Circuit,'' US Patent granted, US9325282B2, Apr. 26, 2016.

  • Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, ``Phase Contrast THz Imaging with Silicon-based Systems ,'' US provisional patent.

  • Kaushik, Dasgupta, Kaushik Sengupta and Ali Hajimiri, ``Distributed Active Transformer-based Power Mixing techniques for Highly Linear Power Amplifiers,'' US provisional patent.

Integrated Micro-systems Reseach Lab
Office: B 216, Equad Princeton University.
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Kaushik Sengupta: (609) 258-5250, Fax: (609) 258-3745,
Email: kaushiks at princeton dot edu
Labs: B 217/219.