Articles on the Lotus Sutra, Tendai, and Nichiren Buddhism
Welcome to my website. I have posted here several of my published articles for the convenience of students, colleagues, and other interested readers without access to academic libraries. All this material is under copyright, and full publication information may be found on either the first or last page of each article. Please provide proper references when quoting or citing. Thank you!
- "The Atsuhara Affair: The Lotus Sutra, Persecution, and Religious Identity in the Early Nichiren Tradition" (2014)
- .日蓮と法華経 (2014)
- "A Votary of the Lotus Sutra Will Meet Ordeals: The Role of Suffering in Nichiren's Thought" (2014)
- "Nenbutsu Leads to the Avici Hell: Nichiren's Critique of the Pure Land Teachings" (2013)
- "The Sin of Slandering the True Dharma in Nichiren's Thought" (2012)
- "Realizing This World as the Buddha Land" (2009)
- "Giving One's Life for the Lotus Sutra in Nichiren's Thought" (2007)
- "Nihon chūsei no Tendaishū ni okeru Hokekyō chūshakusho: Sonshun no Hokke mongu ryaku taikō shikenmon o chūshin ni (2007)
- "'Not Mere Written Words': Perspectives on the Language of the Lotus Sutra in Medieval Japan" (2006)
- "Nichiren's Activist Heirs: Soka Gakkai, Rissho Koseikai, Nipponzan Myohoji" (2003)
- "'By Imperial Edict and Shogunal Decree': Politics and the Issue of the Ordination Platform in Modern Lay Nichiren Buddhism" (2003)
- "The Moment of Death in Nichiren's Thought" (2003)
- "When Disobedience is Filial and Resistance is Loyal: The Lotus Sutra and Social Obligations in the Medieval Nichiren Tradition" (2002)
- "Japanese Lotus Millenialism: From Militant Nationalism to Contemporary Peace Movements" (2000)
- "Placing Nichiren in the Big Picture: Some Ongoing Issues in Scholarship" (1999)
- "Biographical Studies of Nichiren" (1999)
- "Inclusive and Exclusive Perspectives on the One Vehicle" (1999)
- "The Contemplation of Suchness" (translations from Shinnyokan, 1999)
- "Priest Nisshin's Ordeals" (translations from Nisshin Shōnin tokugyō ki, 1999)
- "Chanting the August Title of the Lotus Sutra: Daimoku Practices in Classical and Medieval Japan" (1998)
- "Medieval Tendai Thought and the New Kamakura Buddhism: A Reconsideration" (1995)
- "Finding Enlightenment in the Final Age" (translations from Kanjin honzon shō, 1994)
- "Rebuking the Enemies of the Lotus: Nichirenist Exclusivism in Historical Perspective" (1994)
- "How Nichiren Saw Chishō Daishi Enchin" (1989)