Calibrated Uncertainty,
with Wolfgang Pesendorfer.
Behavioral Competitive Equilibrium and Extreme Prices,
with Wolfgang Pesendorfer and Thomasz Strzalecki.
Hurwicz Expected Utility and Subjective Source,
with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming.
Random Choice as Behavioral Optimization,
with Paulo Natenzon and Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Econometrica, 2014.
Expected Uncertain Utility Theory, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Econometrica, 2014.
Interdependent Preference Models as a Theory of Intentions, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Journal of Economic
The War of Information, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Review of Economic Studies, 2012.
Strategic Redistricting , with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, American Economic Review, 2010.
Partisan Politics and Aggregation Failure with Ignorant Voters, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Journal of Economic Theory, 2009.
Partisan Politics
and Aggregation Failure with Ignorant Voters, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer,
Journal of Economic Theory, 2009.
A Subjective Theory of
Compound Lotteries, with Haluk Ergin, Journal of Economic Theory, 2009.
The Case for
Mindless Economics, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer in: The Foundations of Positive and
Normative Economics, by Andrew Caplin and Andrew Shotter (eds.), Oxford University Press. 2008.
Welfare Without Happiness ,
with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, American Economics Review, P&P 2007.
Harmful Addiction,
with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Review of Economic Studies, 2007.
Random Expected
Utility, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Econometrica 2006.
The Revealed
Preference Theory of Changing Tastes, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Review of
Economic Studies, 2005.
Self-Control and the Theory of Consumption, with
Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Econometrica 2004.
Temptation and
Self-Control, with Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Econometrica 2001.
Investment and the Hold-Up Problem, Econometrica 2001.
The English Auction
with Differentiated Commodities, with Ennio Stacchetti, Journal of Economic
Theory 2001.
Bargaining and
Reputation, with Dilip Abreu, Econometrica 2000.
A Theory of Political
Compromise, with Avinash Dixit and Gene Grossman, Journal of Political
Economy 2000.
Walrasian Equilibrium
with Gross Substitutes, with Ennio Stacchetti, Journal of Economic Theory
A Comment on
Aumann's Bayesian View, Econometrica 1998.
Forward Induction
and Public Randomization with David Pearce, Journal of Economic Theory 1996.
On the Clustering of Agents' Decisions:
Herd Behavior versus the Endogenous Timing of Actions, with Russell Lundholm,
Journal of Economic Theory 1995.
Rationality and
Coherent Theories of Strategic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory 1995.
Generalized Median
Voting Schemes and Committees, with Salvador Barbera and Ennio Stacchetti,
Journal of Economic Theory 1993.
Efficiency in Large Exchange Economies with Asymmetric Information, with
Andrew Postlewaite, Econometrica 1992.
Savage's Theorem with a Finite Number of
States, Journal of Economic Theory 1992.
A Theory of
Disappointment Aversion, Econometrica 1991.
Betweenness Satisfying Preferences and
Dynamic Choice, with Outi Lantto, Journal of Economic Theory 1989.
Bargaining Foundations
of Shapley Value, Econometrica 1989.
On Delay in Bargaining
with One-Sided Uncertainty, with Hugo Sonnenschein, Econometrica 1988.
Noncooperative Collusion in Durable Goods
Oligopoly, with Rand Journal of Economic 1987.