Motivational effects on behavior: Towards a reinforcement learning model of rates of
There is something rotten in the state of current reinforcement
learning models of conditioning. Most experiments report measures such
as the rate of responding given the state of the subject and the
configuration of the environment. There is even further sub-structure
in the temporal organization of responses, which includes effects
associated with the expected timing of forthcoming rewards[1]. However, current theoretical treatments are largely restricted to
choices between discrete actions, and are silent about rates or any
other aspect of action at a temporal fine scale. This lacuna is
brought into sharp relief by current work on the effects of motivation
on reinforcement learning, since 'energizing', one of two main
motivational effects, is exactly concerned with modulations in the
vigour of prepotent responses, and thus changes in rates. Furthermore,
dopamine, the golden-haired neurochemical of reinforcement learning,
has been directly implicated in these energizing motivational effects[2]. Here, we use data collected from experiments into both
energizing, and motivation's other main effect ('directing' behavior,
by altering the structure of subjects' goals) to investigate the
influence of motivation on free-operant instrumental behavior in
detail, in order to propose a reinforcement learning model of rates of
Instrumental behavior has long been associated both with basal-ganglia
processing in the brain and with temporal-difference reinforcement
learning models. This close relationship between a neural
substrate and a computational algorithm stems from the similarity
between firing patterns of dopaminergic neurons and the temporal
prediction-error signal[3], and between the influence of dopamine on
plasticity in corticostriatal synapses and learning based on a
prediction error in the well known actor-critic model of habitual
action control[4]. However, this framework does not allow for the
modelling of microscopic effects of motivation and reward expectation
on momentary action choice and response rates, as existing reinforcement
learning models,
stemming from the theory of Markov decision processes,
are of discrete choices, rather than rates of behavior.
By conducting a detailed analysis of the momentary behavior of rats
lever-pressing for food in either a hungry or a sated state, we
delineate the basic building blocks necessary for a model of on-line
control of behavior by motivational states and by reward
expectation. In our experiment, levers were 'baited' on a
variable-interval schedule. No reward was available for fifteen
seconds after a previous reward; thereafter there was a uniform
probability for a lever to be baited in the next thirty seconds. The
first press on a baited lever would actually produce the sucrose
solution reward. We analyzed and compared the steady-state behavior of
rats extensively trained under this schedule while hungry, to that of
rats trained undeprived. Viewing the discrete lever-presses as emitted
by a hidden Markov model in which different underlying hidden states
generate Poisson-distributed actions with different mean rates, we
show that two states (a state of low pressing rate, and a state of
high pressing rate) are sufficient to describe the rats'
behavior. Further analysis of the individual inter-response-times in
search of a
molecular structure of bouts of behavior confirmed this
conclusion. The overall profile of behavior is that of starting a
trial at a low rate of pressing, and transitioning to the higher rate
after approximately fifteen seconds, with scalar timing noise evident
in this intrinsically timed transition process. Both analyses also
show that the hungry rats transition to the high state with a higher
probability, and that the rate of lever-pressing in this state is
higher in the hungry rats, compared to non-deprived rats.
We aim to incorporate these data into a new reinforcement learning
framework which
captures the fine-scale structure of behavior. This will take into
account the cost and benefit of performing an action, in terms of both
the time and effort which the action entails, and its expected value
in terms of reward. Actions will be chosen probabilistically based on
competition between available actions - some of them instrumental in
obtaining experimenter-defined outcomes (such as lever-pressing for
food pellets), and some intrinsically rewarding such as exploration,
grooming or sleeping. Similar to the derivation of Herrnstein's
matching law to single action schedules, such a scheme allows for a
hyperbolic relationship between the rate of instrumental behavior and
the rate of programmed income. We will simulate behavior on
variable-interval schedules of reinforcement and under different
motivational states, and compare our results to the experimental data.
[1] Gallistel C.R. and Gibbon J. (2000) - Time, Rate and Conditioning
- Psychological Review 107(2):289-344.
[2] Satoh T., Nakai S., Sato T. and Kimura M. (2003) - Correlated
Coding of Motivation and Outcome of Decision by Dopamine Neurons -
J. Neurosci. 23(30):9913-9923.
[3] Montague P.R., Dayan P. and Sejnowski T.J. (1996) - A Framework
for Mesencephalic Dopamine Systems based on Predictive Hebbian
Learning - J. Neurosci 16(5):1936-1947.
[4] Houk J.C., Adams J.L. and Barto A.G. (1995) - A Model of how the
Basal Ganglia Generate and Use Neural Signals that Predict
Reinforcement - In: Houk J.C., Davis J.L., and Beiser D.G.
eds, Models of Information Processing in the Basal Ganglia 249-270.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.