Publications:  1980 - 1989

19. S.L. Bernasek, "Heterogeneous Reaction Dynamics", chapter for Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 41, (1980), p. 477.

20. M.A. Langell and S.L. Bernasek, "Transition Metal Compound Surfaces. 1. The Cubic Sodium Tungsten Bronze (NaxWO3) Surface", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 17, 1287 (1980).

21. M.A. Langell and S.L. Bernasek, "Transition Metal Compound Surfaces. 2. The Tungsten Trioxide, WO3(100) Surface", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 17, 1296 (1980).

22. R.P. Thorman, D. Anderson and S.L. Bernasek, "Internal Energy of Heterogeneous Reaction Products: Nitrogen Atom Recombination on Iron", Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 743 (1980).

23. C.W. Draper, S.P. Sharma, J.-L. Yeh and S.L. Bernasek, "Examination of Elemental Nonuniformities in Laser Surface Melted Ternary Copper Alloys", Surf. and Interface Analysis 2, 179 (1980).

24. G.B. Olszewski and S.L. Bernasek, "Application of CMTA to LEED Analysis of the Clean Mo(001) Surface - Experimental and Structure Reliability Considerations", Proceedings of the IBM Conference on the Determination of Surface Structure by LEED, (P.M. Marcus and F. Jona, eds.) Plenum:New York (1980), p. 307.

25. G.B. Olszewski and S.L. Bernasek, "Theoretical Scattering Amplitudes for the Atomic Scattering of Low Energy Electrons for Use in Surface Crystallography by Low Energy Electron Diffraction", J. Appl. Cryst. 14, 109 (1981).

26. M.A. Langell and S.L. Bernasek, "High Energy Electron Loss Spectroscopy of WO3(100) and NaxWO3(100) Single Crystal Surfaces", Phys. Rev. B23, 1584 (1981).

27. D. Anderson, R.H. Pildes, E.-H. Lee and S.L. Bernasek, "Energy Accommodation Coefficients of Internally Excited Molecules," J. Chem. Phys. 75, 4621 (1981). Abstract Full: PDF

28. R.P. Thorman and S.L. Bernasek, "An Apparatus for the Direct Measurement of the Internal Energy of Heterogeneous Reaction Products", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 52, 553 (1981). Abstract Full: PDF

29. R.P. Thorman and S.L. Bernasek, "The Internal Energy Distribution of Atom-Recombination Product N2 Desorbing from Polycrystalline Iron", J. Chem. Phys. 74, 6498 (1981). Abstract Full: PDF

30. C.J. Schramm, Jr., M.A. Langell and S.L. Bernasek, "Sodium Order/Disorder Transitions on the NaxWO3(100) Surface", Surface Sci. 110, 217 (1981). Abstract

31. S.L. Bernasek and S.R. Leone, "Direct Detection of Vibrational Excitation in the CO2 Product of Oxidation of CO on a Platinum Surface", Chem. Phys. Lett. 84, 401 (1981).

32. C.W. Draper and S.L. Bernasek, "Directed Energy Production of Novel Metallic Surfaces", Proceedings of the 13th Boulder Damage Symposium, November (1981).

33. S.L. Bernasek, "Studies of Structure and Dynamics in Heterogeneous Reactions", Israel J. Chem. 22, 395 (1982).

34. G.B. Olszewski and S.L. Bernasek, "Sensitivity Analysis of Surface Structural Determinations by Low Energy Electron Diffraction", J. Chem. Phys. 79, 3581 (1983). Abstract Full: PDF

35. S.L. Miles, S.L. Bernasek and J.L. Gland, "The Methoxy Intermediate on Mo(100): Effects of Surface Oxidation", J. Electron. Spect. 29, 239 (1983).

36. S.L. Miles, S.L. Bernasek, and J.L. Gland, "The Effects of Substrate Oxidation on the Adsorption and Decomposition of HCOOH on Mo(100)", Surface Sci. 127, 271 (1983). Abstract

37. S.L. Miles, S.L. Bernasek, and J.L. Gland, "The Adsorption and Decomposition of Methanol on Mo(100): Effects of Surface Oxidation", J. Phys. Chem. 87, 1626 (1983).

38. C.-S. Han and S.L. Bernasek, "Polygonal Fitting for Linearization", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 55, 1510 (1984). Abstract Full: PDF

39. J. Levkoff, A. Robertson, Jr. and S.L. Bernasek, "Rotationally Inelastic Scattering of Nitrogen from Fe(111)", Proceedings of the 17th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, in Dynamics on Surfaces, (B. Pullman et al., eds.) Reidel:Amsterdam (1984) p. 243.

40. A.L. Helms, Jr., C.-C. Cho and S.L. Bernasek, "LEED Analysis of Pulsed Laser Damage to Mo(100) Surfaces", Proceedings of the 16th Boulder Damage Symposium, October, 1984.

41. L.S. Brown and S.L. Bernasek, "Vibrational Excitation in the CO2 Product of the Oxidation of CO on Platinum: Coverage Dependence and Implications on Reaction Dynamics", J. Chem. Phys. 82, 2110 (1985). Abstract Full: PDF

42. A.L. Helms, Jr., C.W. Draper, D.C. Jacobson, J.M. Poate and S.L. Bernasek, "Epitaxy and Defects in Laser Irradiated Single Crystal Bismuth", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 35, 439 (1985).

43. D.-W. Moon, D.J. Dwyer and S.L. Bernasek, "Adsorption of CO on the Clean and Sulfur Modified Fe(100) Surface", Surface Sci. 163, 215 (1985). Abstract

44. A.L. Helms, Jr., C.-C. Cho, S.L. Bernasek and C.W. Draper, "The Use of LEED for the Characterization of Surface Damage from Pulsed Laser Irradiation", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 48, 3 (1985).

45. D.W. Moon, D. J. Dwyer, J.L. Gland and S.L. Bernasek, "Observation of an Unusually Low CO Stretching Frequency on Fe(100)", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107, 4363 (1985).

46. A.L. Helms, Jr., C.-C. Cho, S.L. Bernasek, C.W. Draper, D.C. Jacobson and J.M. Poate, "Defect Structures on Metal Surfaces Induced by Pulsed Laser Irradiation: Characterization by LEED - Spot Profile Analysis and He+ Ion Channeling", Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Laser Surface Treatment of Metals, September, 1985.

47. J.B. Benziger, F.A. Pascal, S.L. Bernasek, M.P. Soriaga and A.T. Hubbard, "Characterization of Platinum Electrodes by Infrared Spectroscopy", J. Electroanal. Chem. 198, 65 (1986).

48. B.M. Biwer and S.L. Bernasek, "A Photoelectron and Energy Loss Spectroscopy Study of Ti and its Interaction with H2, O2, N2 and NH3", Surface Sci. 167, 207 (1986). Abstract

49. B.M. Biwer and S.L. Bernasek, "Electron Spectroscopic Study of the Iron Surface and its Interaction with O2 and N2", J. Electron. Spectr. 40, 339 (1986).

50. B.M. Biwer and S.L. Bernasek, "Investigation of the Electronic Structure of an Iron-Titanium Nitride Ammonia Synthesis Catalyst", Appl. Surf. Sci. 25, 41 (1986).

51. A.M. Lanzillotto and S.L. Bernasek, "The Sulfur Induced Reconstruction of the Pt(S)-[6(111)×(100)] Surface", J. Chem. Phys. 84, 3553 (1986). Abstract Full: PDF

52. A.M. Lanzillotto and S.L. Bernasek, "The Effect of the Sulfur Induced Reconstruction of the Pt(S)-[6(111)×(100)] Surface on CO Chemisorption", Surface Sci. 175, 45 (1986). Abstract

53. P.B. Smith, S.L. Bernasek, J. Schwartz and G.A. McNulty, "Investigation of a Model Catalytic System in Ultrahigh Vacuum: The Adsorption of Tris(allyl)-rhodium on the TiO2(001) Surface", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108, 5654 (1986).

54. R.J. Holland and S.L. Bernasek, "Thermal and Photochemical Promotion of Silicon Etching by Carbonyl Difluoride", J. Appl. Phys. 60, 2553 (1986). Abstract Full: PDF

55. D.W. Moon, S. Cameron, F. Zaera, W. Eberhardt, R. Carr, S.L. Bernasek J.L. Gland and D.J. Dwyer, "A Tilted Precursor for CO Dissociation on the Fe(100) Surface", Surface Sci. Lett. 180, L123 (1987). Abstract

56. D.W. Moon, J.-P. Lu, D.J. Dwyer, J.L. Gland and S.L. Bernasek, "Activation of CO on Clean and Sulfur Modified Fe(100)", Surface Sci. 184, 90 (1987).

57. C.-C. Cho and S.L. Bernasek, "Summary Abstract: The Adsorption and Decomposition of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Mo and Si Surfaces", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A5, 1088 (1987). Abstract Full: PDF

58. S.L. Bernasek, K. Lenz, B. Poelsema and G. Comsa, "Formation of Islands Consisting of Repelling Adsorbates", Surface Sci. 183, L319 (1987).

59. S.L. Bernasek, "State Resolved Dynamics of Chemical Reactions at Surfaces", Chemical Reviews, 87, 91 (1987).

60. P.B. Smith and S.L. Bernasek, "The Adsorption of Water on TiO2(001)", Surface Sci. 188, 241 (1987).

61. K. Cannon, G.S. McNulty, P.B. Smith, S.L. Bernasek and J. Schwartz, "Attachment of Organorhodium Complexes to Metal Oxides: Chemical and Physical Characterization", Chemically Modified Surf. 2, 175 (1987).

62. K. Lenz, B. Poelsema, S.L. Bernasek and G. Comsa, "Lateral Distribution of Coadsorbed H and CO on Pt(111) Studied by TEAS", Surface Sci. 189/190, 431 (1987).

63. A.P. Norton, S.L. Bernasek and A.B. Bocarsly, "Mechanistic Aspects of the Photooxidation of Water at the n-TiO2 Interface: Optically Induced Transients as a Kinetic Probe", J. Phys. Chem., 92, 6009 (1988).

64. A.L. Helms, Jr., W.A. Schiedt, S.L. Bernasek and B.M. Biwer, "UHV Transport System for Laser Irradiation Studies", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 59, 1223 (1988). Abstract Full: PDF

65. G.-Q. Xu, S.L. Bernasek and J.C. Tully, "Stochastic Trajectory Studies of Small Argon Cluster Scattering from Pt(111)", J. Chem. Phys. 88, 3376 (1988). Abstract Full: PDF

66. R.J. Holland, G.-Q. Xu, J. Levkoff, A. Robertson, Jr. and S.L. Bernasek, "Experimental Studies of the Dynamics of Nitrogen van der Waals Cluster Scattering from Metal Surfaces", J. Chem. Phys. 88, 7952 (1988). Abstract Full: PDF

67. P.B. Smith, S.L. Bernasek and J. Schwartz, "The Interaction of Tris(allyl)rhodium with (001) Titanium Dioxide", Surface Sci. 204, 374 (1988). Abstract

68. J.-P. Lu, M.R. Albert, S.L. Bernasek and D.J. Dwyer, "Adsorption State Conversion of CO on Fe(100), Surface Sci. 199, L406 (1988). Abstract

69. M.R. Albert, J.-P. Lu, S.L. Bernasek, S.D Cameron, and J.L. Gland, "The Mechanism of the Decomposition of Methanethiol on Fe(100)", Surface Sci., 206, 348 (1988). Abstract

70. A.L. Helms, Jr., C.W. Draper, D.C. Jacobson, J.M. Poate and S.L. Bernasek, "Epitaxy and Defects in Laser Irradiated, Single Crystal Bismuth", J. Mat. Res., 3, 1097 (1988).

71. G.J. Orloff, S.L. Bernasek, G.L. Wolk, and R.J. Coyle, "Laser Assisted Etching of Lithium Niobate", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 126, 251 (1988).

72. P.B. Smith and S.L. Bernasek, "Electron Loss Spectroscopy of Water Adsorption on Aluminum (111) and (100)", J. Electron Spec., 49, 149 (1989).

73. G.-Q. Xu, R.J. Holland, S.L. Bernasek and J.C. Tully, "Dynamics of Cluster Scattering from Surfaces", J. Chem. Phys., 90, 383 (1989). Abstract Full: PDF

74. T.C. Chang, J. Schwartz and S.L. Bernasek, "Thermal Evolution of an Oxide Bound Organometallic Complex in Ultra High Vacuum: Stepwise Conversion of Tris(allyl)rhodium to Rhodium Metal on TiO2(001)", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 111, 758 (1989).

75. C.C. Cho and S.L. Bernasek, "Molybdenum Deposition from the Decomposition of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl", J. Appl. Phys., 65, 3035 (1989). Abstract Full: PDF

76. J.-P. Lu, M.R. Albert, and S.L. Bernasek, "Adsorption and Dissociation of CO on Fe(100) at Low Coverage", Surface Sci., 217, 55 (1989). Abstract

77. J.-P. Lu, M.R. Albert, S.L. Bernasek and D.J. Dwyer, "The Adsorption of Oxygen on the Fe(100) Surface", Surface Sci., 215, 348 (1989). Abstract

78. M.R. Albert, J.-P. Lu, S.L. Bernasek, and D.J. Dwyer, "The Mechanism of Methanol Decomposition on Fe(100): Comparison to Methanethiol Decomposition", Surface Sci., 221, 197 (1989). Abstract

79. J.-P. Lu, M.R. Albert, S.L. Bernasek, and D.J. Dwyer, "Decomposition of Methanol on Oxygen Modified Fe(100) Surfaces 1: The Effect of High Temperature Oxygen Modification", Surface Sci., 218, 1 (1989). Abstract

80. D.J. Dwyer, B. Rauersenberger, J.-P. Lu, S.L. Bernasek, D.A. Fischer, S.D. Cameron, D.H. Parker, and J.L. Gland, "Fluorescence Yield Near Edge Spectroscopy of p-Bonded CO on Fe(100)", Surface Sci., 224, 375 (1989). Abstract

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