Publications:  2000 - 2009

136. A. Faliks, R.A. Yetter, C.A. Floudas, S.L. Bernasek, M. Fransson, and H. Rabitz, “Optimal Control and Sensitivity Analysis of Methanol Conversion to Formaldehyde”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 2099 (2001). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

137. K.K. Meagher, A.B. Bocarsly, S.L. Bernasek, and T.A. Ramanarayanan, “The Interaction of Neopentyl Thiol with the Clean and Oxygen Modified Fe(100) Surface”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 104, 3320 (2000).

138. G. Lu, S.L. Bernasek, and J. Schwartz, “Oxidation of a Polycrystalline Titanium Surface by Oxygen and Water”, Surface Sci., 458, 80 (2000). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

139. K.L. Purvis, G. Lu, J. Schwartz, and S.L. Bernasek, “Surface Characterization and Modification of Indium Tin Oxide in Ultrahigh Vacuum”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 1808 (2000).

140. J. Schwartz, E.S. Gawalt, G. Lu, D.J. Milliron, K. L. Purvis, S. J. Woodson, S.L. Bernasek, A.B. Bocarsly, and S. K. VanderKam, “Organometallic Chemistry at the Interface with Materials Science”, Polyhedron, 19, 505 (2000).

141. S.K. Nayak, M. Nooijen, S.L. Bernasek, and P. Blaha, “Electronic Structure Study of CO Adsorption on the Fe(001) Surface”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 105, 164 (2001). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

142. W. Ruettinger, M. Yagi, K. Wolf, S.L. Bernasek, and G.C. Dismukes, “O2 Evolution from the Manganese-Oxo Cubane Core Mn4O46+: A Molecule Mimic of the Photosynthetic Water Oxidation Enzyme?”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, 10353 (2000).

143. A.R. Span, E.L. Bruner, S.L. Bernasek, and J. Schwartz, “Surface Modification of Indium Tin Oxide by Phenoxytin Complexes”, Langmuir, 17, 948 (2001). Full: HTML / PDF

144. J. Higgins, A. Conjusteau, G. Scoles, and S.L. Bernasek, “State Selective Vibrational (2nu3) Activation of the Chemisorption of Methane on Pt(111)”, J. Chem. Phys., 114, 5277 (2001). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

145. J. Schwartz and S.L. Bernasek, “Organometallic Chemistry at the Interface with Materials Science”, Catalysis Today, 66, 3 (2001).

146. M. Yagi, K.V. Wolf, P.J. Baesjou, S.L. Bernasek, and G.C. Dismukes, “Selective Photoproduction of O2 from the Mn4O4 Cubane Core: A Structural and Functional Model for the Photosynthetic Water Oxidizing Complex”, Angewandte Chemie, 40, 2925 (2001).

147. L. Halonen, S.L. Bernasek, and D. Nesbitt, “Reactivity of Vibrationally Excited Methane on Nickel Surfaces”, J. Chem. Phys., 115, 5611 (2001). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

148. E.L. Bruner, A.R. Span, S.L. Bernasek, and J. Schwartz, “The Reaction between Tetrakis (Diethylamino) Tin and Indium Tin Oxide”, Langmuir, 17, 5696 (2001). Full: HTML / PDF

149. K. Wolf, D.A. Cole, and S.L. Bernasek, “Low Energy Collisions of Pyrazine and d6-Benzene Molecular Ions with Self Assembled Monolayer Surfaces: The Odd-Even Chain Length Effect”, Langmuir, 17, 8254 (2001). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

150. E.L. Bruner, N. Koch, A.R. Span, S.L. Bernasek and J. Schwartz, “Controlling the Work Function of Indium Tin Oxide”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 3192 (2002). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

151. K.V. Wolf, D.A. Cole, and S.L. Bernasek, “High Resolution TOF-SIMS Study of Varying Chain Length Self Assembled Monolayer Surfaces”, Anal. Chem. 74, 5009 (2002). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

152. K.V. Wolf, D.A. Cole, and S.L. Bernasek, “Chain Length Effects for Cluster Ion Formation during High Energy Ion/Surface Collisions with Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces”, J. Phys. Chem. B., 106, 10382 (2002). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

153. Y. Cai and S.L. Bernasek, “Chiral Pair Monolayer Adsorption of Iodine-Substituted Octadecanol Molecules on Graphite”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 1655 (2003). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

154. J. Schwartz, E.L. Bruner, N. Koch, A.R. Span, S.L. Bernasek and A. Kahn, “Controlling the Work Function of Indium Tin Oxide: Differentiating Dipotar from Local Surface Effects. II.”, Synth. Metal. 138, 223 (2003).

155. Y. Cai and S.L. Bernasek, “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Chiral Pair Self Assembled Monolayers”, Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003, pp 3305-3313.

156. Y. Cai and S.L. Bernasek, “Adsorption Induced Asymmetric Assembly from an Achiral Adsorbate”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 14234 (2004). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

157. Y. Cai and S.L. Bernasek, “Structures Formed by the Chiral Assembly of Racemic Mixtures of Enantiomers: Iodination Products of Elaidic and Oleic Acids”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109,4514 (2005). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

158. F. Tao, Y. Cai and S.L. Bernasek, “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of the Self-Assembly of Carboxylic Esters on Graphite: Linear Distortion and Multiple Adsorption Structures”, Langmuir, 21, 1269 (2005). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

159. E.L. Hanson, J. Guo, N. Koch, J. Schwartz and S.L. Bernasek, “Advanced Surface Modification of Indium Tin Oxide for Improved Charge Injection in Organic Devices”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 10058 (2005). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

160. J. Guo, N. Koch, J. Schwartz and S.L. Bernasek, “Direct Measurement of Surface Complex Loading and Surface Dipole”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 3966 (2005). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

161. F. Tao and S.L. Bernasek, “Chirality in Supramolecular Self-Assembled Monolayers of Achiral Molecules on Graphite: Formation of Enantiomorphous Domains from Arachidic Anhydride”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 6233 (2005). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

162. F. Tao and S.L. Bernasek, “Two-dimensional Self-assembly of a Two-component Molecular System: Formation of an Ordered and Homogeneous Molecular Mesh”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 12750 (2005). Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

163. F. Tao and S.L. Bernasek, “Complexity in the Self-assembly of bi-functional Molecules on HOPG: Influence of Solvent functionality on Self-assembled Structures”, Langmuir, 23, 3513 (2007). Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

164. M.D. Carolus, S.L. Bernasek, and J. Schwartz, “Measuring the Surface Roughness of Sputtered Coatings by Microgravimetry” Langmuir, 21, 4236 (2005). Abstract Full: HTML / PDF

165. Y. Cai and S.L. Bernasek, “Imaging Both Sides of a Double Bond: The Effect of MO Polarity on STM images”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., submitted.

166. I. Gouzman, M. Dubey, M.D. Carolus, J. Schwartz, and S.L. Bernasek, “Monolayer vs. Multilayer Self-assembled Alkylphosphonate Films: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies”, Surface Sci., 600, 773 (2006). 

167. F. Tao, J. Goswami, and S.L. Bernasek, “Self-assembly and Odd-Even Effects of cis-unsaturated Caroboxylic Acids on Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 4199 (2006). Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

168. M. Mc Dowell, I.G. Hill, J.E. McDermott, S.L. Bernasek and J. Schwartz, “Improved Organic Thin-Film Transistor Performance Using Novel Self-assembled Monolayers”, App. Phys. Lett. 88, 1 (2006). 

169. J. Guo, N. Koch, J. Schwartz and S.L. Bernasek, “Systematic Modification of Indium Tin Oxide to Enhance Diode Device Behavior”, Mat. Res. Soc., Symp. Proc. 871E, I6.52 (2005). 

170. M. Dubey, I. Gouzman, S. L. Bernasek, and J. Schwartz, “Characterization of Self-Assembled Organic Films Using Differential Charging in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Langmuir,22, 4649 (2006).
Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

171. G. Bhargava, T.A. Ramanarayanan, I. Gouzman, and S.L. Bernasek, “Imidazole as an Inhibitor for Fe Corrosion: a Study Combining Surface Science and Electrochemistry”, ECS Transactions, 1, 195 (2005).
Abstract Full: PDF

172. G. Bhargava, I. Gouzman, T.A. Ramanarayanan, C.M. Chun, and S.L. Bernasek,“Characterization of the “Native” Surface Thin Film on Pure Polycrystalline Iron: a High Resolution XPS and TEM Study”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 253, 4322 (2007). 

173. J. Guo, N. Koch, S.L. Bernasek, and J. Schwartz, “Enhanced hole injection in a polymer light emitting diode using a small molecule monolayer bound to the anode”, Chem. Phys.Lett., 426, 370 (2006). 

174. F. Tao, J. Goswami, and S.L. Bernasek, “Competition and Coadsorption of Di-Acids and Carboxylic Acid Solvents on HOPG”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 19562 (2006).
Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

175. F. Tao and S.L. Bernasek, “Understanding the Odd-Even Effects in Organic Self Assembled Monolayers”, Chemical Reviews, 107, 1408 (2007). 

176. Y. Ying, M. Dubey, S.L. Bernasek, and G.C. Dismukes, “Self-assembled Monolayer of Organic Iodine on Au Surface for Attachment of Redox-active Metal clusters”, Langmuir, 23, 8257 (2007).
Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

177. F. Tao and S.L. Bernasek, “Surface Chemistry of Five-membered Aromatic Ring Molecules containing Two Different Heteroatoms on Si(111)-7X7”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 4815 (2007).
Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

178. F. Tao and S.L. Bernasek, “Self-assembly of 5-Octadecyloxyisophthalic Acid and Its Coadsorption with Terephthalic Acid”, Surface Sci., 601, 2284 (2007).

179. M. Dubey, S.L. Bernasek, and J. Schwartz, “Highly Sensitive Nitric Oxide Detection Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 6980 (2007).
Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

180. J.E. McDermott, M. McDowell, I.G. Hill, J. Hwang, A. Kahn, S.L. Bernasek, J. Schwartz, 
Organophosphonate Self-Assembled Monolayers for Gate Dielectric Surface Modification of Pentacene-Based Organic Thin-Film Transistors: A Comparative Study, J. Phys. Chem. A, 11, 12333 (2007). Abstract Full: HTML/PDF

181. N. Oncel, S.L. Bernasek, “The effect of molecule-molecule and molecule-substrate interaction in the formation of Pt-octaethyl porphyrin self-assembled monolayers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 133305 (2008).  Abstract  Full: HTML/PDF  also, Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 17, (15), 2008 (Selected By Editors).

182. F. Tao, Y. Cai, Y. Ning, G-Q Xu, and S.L. Bernasek, “Transfer of Electron Density and Formation of Dative Bonds in Chemisorption of Pyrrolidine on Si(111)7x7”, J. Phys. Chem. C., 112, 15474 (2008).  Abstract  Full: HTML/PDF

183. S.J. Seltzer, D.M. Rampulla, S. Rivillon-Amy, Y.J. Chabal, S.L. Bernasek, and M.V. Romalis, “Testing the Effects of Surface Coatings on Alkali Atom Polarization Lifetimes”, J. App. Phys., 104, 103116 (2008).  Abstract  Full: HTML/PDF

184. D.M. Rampulla, N. Oncel, E. Abelev, Y.W. Yi, S. Knappe, and S.L. Bernasek, “Effects of Organic Film Morphology on the Formation of Rb Clusters on Surface Coatings Used in Alkali Metal Atom Magnetometer Cells”, App. Phys. Lett., 94, 1 (2009).  
Abstract  Full: HTML/PDF

185. T.L. Peng and S.L. Bernasek, “Internal Energy of CO2 from the Catalytic Oxidation of CO by O2 on Polycrystalline Platinum”, J. Chem. Phys., submitted.

186. T.L. Peng and S.L. Bernasek, “The Internal Energy of CO2 Produced by the Catalytic Oxidation of CH3OH by O2 on Polycrystalline Platinum”, J. Chem. Phys., 131, 154701 (2009).

187. N. Oncel and S.L. Bernasek, “Comparison of Ni(II) and Vanadyl-Octaethylporphyrin Self-assembled Monolayers Formed on Bare and 5-(octadecyloxy) Isophthalic Acid Covered HOPG”, Langmuir, 25, 9290 (2009).

188. E. Abelev, T.A. Ramanarayanan, and S.L. Bernasek, “H2S Concentration Impact on Sweet to Sour Transition in Fe Corrosion: An Electrochemical and Surface Science Study”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 156, C331 (2009).

189. E. Abelev, J. Sellberg, T.A. Ramanarayanan, and S.L. Bernasek, “Effect of H2S on Fe Corrosion in CO2-saturated Brine”, J. Materials Science, 44, 6167 (2009).

190. F. Tao, G.-Q. Xu, and S.L. Bernasek, “Electronic and Structural Factors in Modification and Functionalization of Semiconductor Surfaces with Aromatic Systems”, Chemical Reviews, 109, 3991 (2009).

191. S. Suzer, E. Abelev, and S.L. Bernasek, “Impedance-Type Measurements Using XPS”, Applied Surface Sci., 256, 1296 (2009).

192. M. Dubey, A. Raman, E.S. Gawalt, and S.L. Bernasek, “Differential Charging in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Characterizing Organic Thin Films”, J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phen., 176, 18 (2010).

193. P.N. Dickerson, A.M. Hibberd, N. Oncel and S.L. Bernasek, “Hydrogen-bonding vs. Van der Waals Forces in Self Assembled Monolayers of Isophthalic Acids”, Langmuir, 26, 18155 (2010).

194. G. Bhargava, T.A. Ramanarayanan and S.L. Bernasek, “Imidazole-Fe Interaction in Aqueous Chloride Medium: Effect of Cathodic Reduction of the Native Oxide”, Langmuir, 26, 215 (2010).

195. F.Tao and S.L. Bernasek, “Self Assembled Monolayers”, in Andrews, D.L., Scholes G.D.,and Wiederrecht, G.P.(eds), Comprehensive Nanoscience and Technology, Volume 5, pp. 127-152 Oxford: Academic Press (2011).

196. D.M. Rampulla, N. Oncel, S.A. Malcolm, and S.L. Bernasek, "Higher-Order Complexity through R-Group Effects in Self-Assembled Tripeptide Monolayers", Langmuir, 26, 16287 (2010).

197. S.J. Seltzer, D.J. Michalak, M.H. Donaldson, M.V. Balabas, S.K. Barber, S.L. Bernasek, M.A. Bouchiat, A. Hexemer, A.M. Hibberd, D.F. Kimball, C. Jaye, T. Karaulanov, F.A. Narducci, S.A. Rangwala, H.G. Robinson, A.K. Shmakov, D.L. Voronov, V.V. Yashchuk, A. Pines, and D. Budker, "Investigation of antirelaxation coatings for alkali-metal vapor cells using surface science techniques", J. Chem. Phys., 133, 144703 (2010).

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