Soc 502 Contemporary Sociological Theory
SOC 502 - Contemporary Sociological Theory
Spring l995
Professor Michele Lamont
Department of Sociology
Princeton University
Office hours: by appointment.
Green Hall 2-C-8
This seminar provides an introduction to American and
European sociological theory for graduate students. It
explores the most significant developments since WWII, using
seminal theoretical work and empirical studies they have
generated. The relationship between contemporary theories
and classical sociological theory will be examined. The
course also provides background information on the
intellectual, cultural, and intellectual contexts in which
theories were developed, drawing on the sociology of
knowledge tradition.
- Five memos on the group of weekly readings of your
choice. These memos, of a maximum lenght of four pages,
should be deposited in my mail box at least 24 hours before
our meetings. They should raise substantive and critical
issues to be discussed in class.
- A review of a recent theory book of your choice (800
words maximum).
- Final exam in class (open books).
The following books are available at the U-Store and at the
- Collins, Randall. l994. Four Sociological Traditions. New
York: Oxford University Press.
- Foucault, Michel. l979. Discipline and Punish. New York:
- Fraser, Nancy. l989. Unruly Practices. Power, Discourse, and
Gender in Contemporary Social Theory. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press.
- Goffman, Erving. l959. The Presentation of Self in
Everyday Life. New York: Anchor/Doubleday.
- Ritzer, George, ed. l990. Frontiers of Social Theory. New
York: Columbia University Press.
- Seidman, Steven, ed. l994. The Postmodern Turn: New
Perspectives on Social Theory. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
- Snow, David A. and Leon Anderson. l993. Down on their Luck:
A Study of Homeless Street People. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
A reading packet is also available at Pequod, 6 Nassau St. A
copy of this packet and of the optional readings (except
books) is available in 2-N-2 (sociology mailroom).
Week 1: Introduction
- Alford, Robert R. l994. "Research Questions and the
Construction of Arguments." Unpublished manuscript,
Department of Sociology, CUNY- Graduate Center.
- Alexander, Jeffrey. l988. "The New Theoretical Movement."
in Handbook of Sociology, edited by Neil Smelser. Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage, pp. 77-101.
- Ritzer, George. l988. "Sociological Metatheory: A Defense
of a Subfield by a Delineation of its Parameters."
Sociological Theory. 6 (2): 187-200.
- Calhoun, Craig. l992. "Sociology, Other Disciplines, and the
Project of a General Understanding of Social Life." in
Sociology and Its Publics, edited by Terence C. Halliday and
Morris Janowitz. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp.
- Clemens, E. , W.W. Powell, K. McIlwaine and D. Okamoto.
forthcoming. "Careers in Print: Books, Journals, and
Scholarly Reputation." American Journal of Sociology.
- Wiley, Norbert. l979. "The Rise and Fall of Dominating
Theories in American Sociology." in Contemporary Issues in
Theory and Research: A Metasociological Perspective, ed. by
W.E. Snizek et al. Pp. 47-79..
- Turner, Jonathan. l990. "The Past, Present, and Future of
Theory in American Sociology." in Frontiers of Social
Theory: The New Synthesis, edited by George Ritzer. New
York: Columbia University Press, ppp. 371-391.
- Wiley, Norbert. l990. "The History and Politcs of Recent
Sociology Theory, in Frontiers of Social Theory: The New
Synthesis, edited by George Ritzer. New York: Columbia
University Press. pp. 392-415.
- Crane, Diana and Henry Small. l992. "American Sociology
Since the Seventies: The Emerging Identity Crisis in the
Discipline." in Sociology and Its Publics, edited by Terence
Halliday and Morris Janowitz. Chicago: University of Chicago
Week 2: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Neo-Functionalism
- Turner, Jonathan, H. l991. The Structure of Sociological
Theory. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Chapters 3 and 4.
- Camic, Charles. l992. "Reputation and Predecessor Selection:
Parsons and the Institutionalists." American Sociological
Review. 57: 421-445.
- Collins, Randall. l994. "The Conflict Tradition." in Four
Sociological Traditions. New York: Oxford University Press.
pp. 47-120.
- Valenzuela, J. Samuel and Arturo Valenzuela. l978.
"Modernization and Dependency: Alternative Perspectives in
the Study of Latin American Underdevelopment." Comparative
Politics. (July): 535-557.
- Scuilli, David and Dean Gernstein. l985. "Social Theory and
Talcott Parsons in the 1980s" Annual Review of Sociology 11:
- Alexander, Jeffrey and Paul Colomy. l990. "Neofunctionalism
Today: Reconstructing a Theoretical Tradition." in Frontiers
of Social Theory: The New Synthesis, edited by George
Ritzer. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 33-67.
- Turner, Jonathan and Alexandra R. Maryanski. l988. "Is
Neofunctionalism really Functional?" Sociological Theory.
- Collins, Randall. l993. "What Does Conflict Theory Predict
About America's Future?"
Sociological Perspectives. 36: 289-313.
Week 3: Rational Choice, Exchange Theory, and Network
- Collins, Randall. l994. "The Rational/Utilitarian
Tradition." in Four Sociological Traditions. New York:
Oxford University Press. pp. 121-180.
- Favell. Adrian. l993. "James Coleman: Social Theorist and
Moral Philosopher?" American Journal of Sociology. 99 (3):
- Cook Karen et al. l990. "Exchange Theory: A Blueprint for
Structure and Process." in Frontiers of Social Theory: The
New Synthesis, edited by George Ritzer. New York: Columbia
University Press, pp. 158-184.
- Emirbayer, Mustapha, and Jeff Goodwin. l994. "Network
Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency." American
Journal of Sociology. 99 (6): 1411-1454.
- Hechter, Michael. l992. "Should Values be Written out of the
Social Scientist' Lexicon." Sociological Theory. 10:
- Goldstone, Jack. A. l994. "Is Revolution Individually
Rational?" Rationality and Society. 6: 139-166.
- Wellman, Bary. l983. "Network Analysis: Some Basic
Principles." Sociological Theory. 1:155-200.
- Brint, Steven. l992. "Hidden Meaning: Culture and Context
in Harrison White's Structural Sociology". Sociological
Theory, 10: 194-213.
Week 4 and 5 : Pragmatism, Symbolic Interactionism, and
Week 4:
- Joas, Hans. l993. "Pragmatism in American Sociology." in
Pragmatism and Social Theory, Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, pp. 14-54.
- Goffman, Erving. l959. The Presentation of Self in
Everyday Life. New York: Anchor/Doubleday.
- Fine, Gary Alan. l990. "Symbolic Interactionism in the
Post-Blumerian Age." in Frontiers of Social Theory: The New
Synthesis, edited by George Ritzer. New York: Columbia
University Press, pp. 117-157.
- Fine, Gary Alan. l993. "The Sad Demise, Mysterious
Disappearnce, and Glorious Triumph of Symbolic
Interactionism." Annual Review of Sociology. 19: 61-87.
Week 5:
- Snow, David A. and Leon Anderson. l993. Down on their Luck:
A Study of Homeless Street People. Berkeley: University of
California Press. Selections.
- Garfinkel, Harold. l967. "Studies of the Routine Grounds of
Everyday Activities." in Studies in Ethnomethodology. New
York: Prentice Hall, pp. 35-75.
- Molotch, Harvey L. and Deirdre Boden. l985. " Talking Social
Structure: Discourse, Dominance, and the Watergate
Hearings." American Sociological Review. 50: 273-88.
- Gallant, M. J. and S. Kleinman. l983. "Symbolic
Interactionism versus Ethnomethodology." Symbolic
Interaction. 6: 1-18.
- Heritage, John. l984. Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology.
London: Polity.
- Boden, Deirdre, "People are Talking: Conversation Analysis
and Symbolic Interaction." in Michael McCall and Howard
Becker, eds. Symbolic Interaction and Cultural Studies.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 244-274.
- Maynard, D. W and S. E. Clayman. l991. "The Diversity of
Ethnomethodology." Annual Review of Sociology, 17: 385-418.
Week 6: Structuralism, Semiotics, and Post-Structuralism
- Foucault, Michel. l979. Discipline and Punish, New York:
Vintage. Selections.
- Gorski, Philip S. l993. "The Protestant Ethic Revisited:
Disciplinary Revolution and State Formation in Holland and
Prussia." American Journal of Sociology. 99 (2): 265-316.
- Schneider, Mark. l993. Culture and Enchantment. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press. Chapter 4.
- Gottdiener, M. l985. "Hegemony and Mass Culture: A Semiotic
Approach." American Journal of Sociology 90: 979-1001.
- Levi Strauss, Claude. l976. Structural Anthropology, New
York: Basic, pp. 31-54 and 206-231.
- Kurzweil, Edith. l980. "Claude Levi-Strauss: The Father of
Structuralism." in The Age of Structuralism. New York:
Columbia University Press, pp. 13-34.
- Lamont, Michele and Robert Wuthnow. l990. "Betwixt and
Between: Recent Cultural Sociology in Europe and the United
States." in Frontiers of Social Theory: The New Synthesis,
edited by George Ritzer. New York: Columbia University
Press, pp. 287-315.
Week 7: American and European Marxism and Critical Theory
- Antonio, Robert J. l990. "The Decline of the Grand Narrative
of Emancipatory Modernity: Crisis or Renewal in Neo-Marxian
Theory" in Frontiers of Social Theory: The New Synthesis,
edited by George Ritzer. New York: Columbia University
Press, pp. 88-116.
- McRobbi, Angela. l992. "Post-Marxism and Cultural Studies: a
Post-Script." in Cultural Studies, edited by Lawrence
Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paul Treichler, London:
Routledge, pp. 719-730
- Bauman, Zygmunt. l991. "Critical Theory." in The Renascence
of Sociological Theory, edited by Henry Etzkowitz and Ronald
M. Glassman. Itasca, Ill: F. E. Peacock Publishers, pp.
- Bernstein, Richard. l976. "The Critical Theory of Society."
in The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp.
- Althusser, Louis. l984. "Ideology and Ideological State
Apparatuses." in Essays on Ideology. London: Verso, pp.
- Judt, Tony. l986. Marxism and the French Left. Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
- Craib, Ian. l984. "Structuralist Marxism: The World as a
Puppet Theater" in Modern Social Theory, New York:
St-Martins Press, pp. 123-146.
- Bernstein, Richard J. l988. Habermas and Modernity.
Cambridge The MIT Press.
- Levine, R. F. and J. Lembcke, l987. "Introduction: Marxism,
Neo-Marxism and U.S. Sociology" in Recapturing Marxism: An
Appraisal of Recent Trends in Sociological Theory.
- Wright, Eric Olin. l994. Interrogating Inequality. Essays on
Class Analysis, Socialism, and Marxism. London: Verso.
Week 8: Feminist Theory
- Bart, Pauline B. 1991. "Feminist Theories." in The
Renascence of Sociological Theory, edited by Henry Etzkowitz
and Ronald M. Glassman. Itasca, Ill: F. E. Peacock
Publishers, pp. 277-303.
- Fraser, Nancy. l989. Unruly Practices. Power, Discourse, and
Gender in Contemporary Social Theory. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press. Selection.
- Scott, Joan. l988. "Gender as a Useful Category in
Historical Analysis." in Gender and the Politics of History.
New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 28-52.
- Stacey, Judith and Barrie Thorne. l985. "The Missing
Feminist Revolution in Sociology" Social Problems. 32 (4):
- Szymanski, A. l987. "Feminism: A Marxist Critique." in
Recapturing Marxism: An Appraisal of Recent Trends in
Sociological Theory. pp. 194-222.
- Davis, Kathy and Sue Fisher. l993. "Power and The Female
Subject." in Negotiating at the Margins. The Gendered
Discourse of Power and Resistance, edited by Sue Fisher and
Kathy Davis. London: Routledge, pp. 3-22.
- Butler, Judith. l990. Gender Trouble. Feminism and the
Subversion of Identity. London: Routledge.
- Collins, Patricia Hill. l991. Black Feminist Thought.
Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment.
London: Routledge.
Week 9: Contemporary French Theory
- Brubaker, Rogers. l985. "Rethinking Classical Social Theory:
The Sociological Vision of Pierre Bourdieu." Theory and
Society. 14-6: 745-775.
- Brubaker, Rogers. l993. "Social Theory as Habitus" in
Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives, edited by Craig Calhoun,
Edward LiPuma and Moishe Postone, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, pp. 212-234.
- Wagner, Peter. l994. "Dispute, Uncertainty, and Institution
in Recent French Debates." The Journal of Political
Philosphy 2 (3): 270-289.
- Ricoeur, Paul. l992. Oneself as Other. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press. Preface and chapters 1 and 5.
- Lamont, Michele and Annette Lareau. l988. "Cultural
Capital: Allusions, Gaps and Glissandos in Recent
Theoretical Developments." Sociological Theory. 6 (2):
- Calhoun, Craig, Edward LiPuma and Moishe Postone. l993.
Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
- Dodier, Nicolas. l993. "Acting in Several Worlds." Current
- Alexander, Jeffrey. forthcoming. "The Reality of Reduction:
the Failed Synthesis of Pierre Bourdieu." London: Verso.
Week 10: The Micro-Macro Link
- Bourdieu, Pierre, l977. Outline of a Theory of Practice. New
York: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 2 and 4.
- Giddens, Anthony. l984. The Constitution of Society,
Berkeley: University of California Press. Introduction and
chapter 1.
- Giddens, Anthony. l991. Modernity and Self-Identity.
Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Chapters 1, 3, and 4.
- Clegg, Stewart. l992. "How to Become an Internationally
Famous British Social Theorists?" The Sociological Review.
- Hilbert, Richard A. l990. "Ethnomethodology and the
Micro-Macro Order." American Sociological Review. 55:
- Cohen, Ira. l989. Structuration Theory: Anthony Giddens and
the Constitution of Social Life. London: MacMillan.
- Collins, Randall. l981. "The Micro-Foundations of
Macro-Sociology." American Journal of Sociology. 86:
Week 11: Postmodernism and Multicultural Perspectives
- Seidman, Steven, ed. l994. The Postmodern Turn: New
Perspectives on Social Theory. New York: Cambridge
University Press. Selections.
- Agger, Ben. l991. "Critical Theory, Postructuralism, and
Postmodernism: Their Sociological Relevance." Annual Review
of Sociology. 17: 105-31.
- Lemert, Charles, ed. 1993. Social Theory: Multicultural and
Classic Readings. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, pp. 577-626.
- Kellner, Douglas. 1990. "The Postmodern Turn: Positions,
Problems, and Prospects." in Frontiers of Social Theory: The
New Synthesis, edited by George Ritzer. New York: Columbia
University Press, pp. 255-286.
- Denzin, Norman. l992. Symbolic Interactionism and Cultural
Studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Week 12: Conclusion Jan 95