Soc 502 Contemporary Sociological Theory

SOC 502 - Contemporary Sociological Theory

Spring l995

Professor Michele Lamont
Department of Sociology
Princeton University

Office hours: by appointment.

Green Hall 2-C-8

This seminar provides an introduction to American and European sociological theory for graduate students. It explores the most significant developments since WWII, using seminal theoretical work and empirical studies they have generated. The relationship between contemporary theories and classical sociological theory will be examined. The course also provides background information on the intellectual, cultural, and intellectual contexts in which theories were developed, drawing on the sociology of knowledge tradition.


  1. Five memos on the group of weekly readings of your choice. These memos, of a maximum lenght of four pages, should be deposited in my mail box at least 24 hours before our meetings. They should raise substantive and critical issues to be discussed in class.
  2. A review of a recent theory book of your choice (800 words maximum).
  3. Final exam in class (open books).


The following books are available at the U-Store and at the reserve.

A reading packet is also available at Pequod, 6 Nassau St. A copy of this packet and of the optional readings (except books) is available in 2-N-2 (sociology mailroom).

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Neo-Functionalism

Week 3: Rational Choice, Exchange Theory, and Network Theory

Week 4 and 5 : Pragmatism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Ethnomethodology

Week 4:

Week 6: Structuralism, Semiotics, and Post-Structuralism

Week 7: American and European Marxism and Critical Theory

Week 8: Feminist Theory

Week 9: Contemporary French Theory

Week 10: The Micro-Macro Link

Week 11: Postmodernism and Multicultural Perspectives

Week 12: Conclusion Jan 95