
::: How the ranking system works

Rankings can change if a lower-ranked (RankLow) player beats a higher-ranked (RankHigh) player:

Successive changes in rankings are based on previous and immediate changes, not on the original order at the beginning of the practice. As an example, suppose that three ladder matches take place on a practice night - A vs. G, C vs. J, B vs. D - and assume that all lower ranked individuals win, finishing in the given order. The rankings would then change as follows:

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Original A B C D E F G H I J
G def. A G A B C D E F H I J
J def. C G A B J C D E F H I
D def. B G A D B J C E F H I

::: Limitations, caveats, and other information

  1. A maximum of two ladder matches per practice per person is allowed. Each match must be against a different oponent.
  2. Players may challenge others through e-mail or at practice. A challenged player must accept the invitation unless he/she can't be at practice; otherwise, the player will be moved to the bottom of the list.
  3. A player that wins 3 matches in a row against lower-ranked players is automatically bumped up one rank.
  4. A player that doesn't play a ladder match for three weeks (9 practices) is automatically moved to the bottom of the ladder.
  5. Players may only challenge those that are within 8 ranks above them, unless those players are not at practice - in such case, they can challenge the next nearest ranks above them.
  6. Members not on the ladder may enter at any time - however, they are added to the bottom of the ladder.
  7. For a ladder match to be counted as official, each player must sign their names on a score sheet, write their finish time, and fill in all appropriate scoring information.

::: Match instructions

::: Score sheet instructions

ladder score sheet

::: Questions? Comments?

E-mail puttc@princeton.edu with "Ladder Questions/Comments" in the subject header.