Does it follow that some of the Frenchmen are wine drinkers?
Seventy-eight percent of students given this problem at Sussex
University by Stuart Professor of Psychology Philip Johnson-Laird,
and colleagues drew that conclusion. It is plausible, but it certainly
doesn't follow.
When the researchers replaced "wine drinkers" with "Italian,"
so that it read:
All the Frenchmen in the restaurant are gourmets.
Some of the gourmets are Italian.
What follows?
Only 8% say "Some of the Frenchmen are Italian." Same
form, but background knowledge shows it's not plausible.
Philip Johnson-Laird says: Individuals search harder for counterexamples
to preposterous conclusions.When the following two questions are
asked one at a time of students,
How happy are you?
How many dates did you have last week?
The correlation between answers = .12
(Correlation runs between -1 and 1. A correlation of 0 means there
is no relationship between two variables. A correlation of 1 would
be a perfect positive correlation, such as, for example, between
the number of hours a person who is paid hourly works and that person's
paycheck. So, a correlation of 0.12 says there is very little relationship
between these two variables when asked this way.)
If the order of the questions is reversed:
How many dates did you have last week?
How happy are you?
The correlation jumps to = .66
Reason: emotional reaction to the number of dates; when asked
how happy, the mind is full of emotional reaction.Professor Psychology
and Public Affairs Eldar Shafir studies decision-making. He has
found that context is critical. "Instead of making decisions
about outcomes in the world," he says, "people make decisions
about outcomes as they are presented."
A guiding theme in a lot of the work he has been doing is that
one needs to consider how a choice or decision is presented to someone,
because that often leads to different preferences.Shafir says that
a tendency for people to search for additional information can lead
to inconsistent decisions. This is perhaps a lesson in humility
... we can be swayed by nuances.
For example: The following scenario was presented to experienced
nurses affiliated with kidney dialysis centers:
A 68-year-old relative needs a kidney transplant. You are a suitable
match. Would you donate?
56% Yes
4% No
Another group of nurses presented with the same scenario, but
instead told:
It is not known if you are a suitable match. Would you be tested?
69% Yes
31% No [therefore, would not donate]
If you indicated a willingness to be tested and the test indicated
you were a suitable match, would you donate?
93% Yes
7% No
So, overall, of this group, 55 of 85 or 65% say Yes to donation,
35% say No
The following two problems were devised by Peter Wason, who was
Phil Johnson-Laird's thesis adviser. Wason Selection Task
You are presented with four cards on a table, each has a number
on one side and a letter on the other. You see only one side. Which
cards should you turn over to determine whether the following rule
is valid?
RULE: If a card has an even number on one side, then it will have
a vowel on the other.
Here are the cards as you see them:
2 5 E S
Answer: The logically correct answer is to choose the 2 (to see
if there is a vowel on the other side) and the S (to see if there
is an even number on the other side). It doesn't matter, for the
validity of the rule, what is on the other side of the 5 card or
the E card.
THOG Problem
Suppose that there are four possible kinds of objects:
an unhappy dodecahedron
a happy dodecahedron
an unhappy cube
a happy cube
Suppose as well that I have written down on a hidden piece of
paper one of the attitudes (unhappy or happy) and one of the shapes
(dodecahedron or cube). Now read the following rule carefully:
An object is a GOKE if and only if it has either the attitude
I have written down, or the shape I have written down, but not both.
I will tell you that the unhappy dodecahedron is a GOKE. Which
of the other objects, if any, is a GOKE? Answer: Happy cube. If
unhappy dodecahedron is a GOKE, it means that the questioner has
written down one of the two attributes "unhappy" or "dodecahedron"
and the opposite of the other. The possibilities:
Unhappy cube implies that unhappy dodecahedron is a GOKE or happy
cube is a GOKE
Happy dodecahedron implies that happy cube is a GOKE or unhappy
dodecahedron is a GOKE