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A letter from a researcher seeking former students of Walter Kaufmann

June 23, 2003

I am writing to request assistance from former students of Walter Kaufmann, who taught philosophy at Princeton from 1947 to 1980 and who was a prominent scholar and popularizer of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

I am a Drew University researcher, and this inquiry is in connection with a study of Nietzsche’s American reception, under the supervision of Prof. Jonathan Rose ‘74. Former students will be asked to complete a questionnaire examining Kaufmann’s teaching of Nietzsche, its impact on them, and their individual experiences with Nietzsche’s writings and ideas.

To complete the questionnaire, please go to http://users.drew.edu/bsaddori, or contact me (Ben Saddoris) at either bsaddori@drew.edu or 973-216-4237 (through July 30) / 641-342-4809 (after July 30) to obtain a written copy of the questionnaire.

Ben Saddoris
Drew University

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