I can assure Joseph Paul Formica '86 that none of the money to pay for satirist Al Franken's Feb. 26 Wilson School lecture came from his alumni contributions. That is, if he can assure me that none of the money to pay for Bush administration official Colin Powell's Feb. 20 Alexander Hall pitch defending the attack on Iraq despite having lied about WMDs came from my alumni contributions. I would hate to think that such PR stumping might be what passes for scholarship these days at my prestigious alma mater. Glenn Berkey '89 Respond to this letter The March 24, 2004, PAW noted that the political satirist and author Al Franken, spoke at the Woodrow Wilson School February 26. Reportedly, he lampooned Republican policy and criticized the administration Is this what passes for scholarship these days at the prestigious Woodrow Wilson School? Where did the money come from to pay for this lecture? I hope it was not funded by my alumni contributions. Joseph Paul Formica 86 Respond to
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