Web Exclusives:
LetterBox Letter from an alumnus about Thanks from Princeton Project '55 The January 26 and March 9 issues of PAW reached the doorsteps of Princeton Project 55 with much anticipation and pleasure. The combination of Tony Carroll’s Notebook column, the piece on the Student Task Force on Civic Values, and the March 9 President’s Page all served to provide complementary perspectives on PP55’s work and vision. Princeton Project 55 is truly the result of an intergenerational effort: 300-plus members of the Class of 1955 who have served either on the board, as contributors, or with area committees; more than 1,100 Public Interest Program alumni working toward systemic change at organizations across the country; the growing number of Princetonians from other classes who increasingly play these roles; the hundreds of host organizations that sponsor summer internships and year-long fellowships; the 24 peer colleges and universities that have replicated our model; and a dedicated staff based in Princeton. To play a role in encouraging alumni “who care about the public good and are willing to make an investment in it of their own time and energy” is a wonderful motivator for all of us at PP55. Individuals seeking additional information about Princeton Project 55 should visit our website (www.project55.org) or feel free to contact me directly at hande@project55.org. Our heartfelt thanks for a job very well done! KATHERINE M. HANDE ’02 Managing Director, Princeton Project 55 Princeton, N.J.
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