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LetterBox Letter from an alumnus about Putting His Stamp On Princeton As the Class of 2005 enters into its senior spring, begins in earnest to work on its theses, and prepares (no doubt with mixed emotions) for graduation and beyond, I have to wonder just how many of its members (and their parents) will remember back to Steve LeMenager, a gentleman who, as acting director, admitted about half of them in December of 2000, but who then two springs later took the fall for the “Yale Admissions Office Computer Scandal.” This good fellow had prepared for most of his professional life to take over the helm at West College but then, in what in hindsight seems a pretty trivial event (at the time, it seemed more ill-advised and foolish than criminal), was asked – well, maybe “asked” wouldn't really be the operative word – was told to fall on his sword for the good of the University. What a shame. And what a waste. I hope he is well. And I hope too that he is able to take some pride from his office in Stanhope when this May the only class upon which, I’m thinking, he was ever able to put his own individual stamp passes through the FitzRandolph Gate. STEVE TOWNEND ’71 p’05 Devon, Pa.
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