A weekend
of fun. . .

Above, the band Lucky Boys Confusion plays on the steps of
Colonial Club during lawnparties on Sunday. Andrew Parker
03 gives Nadia Litterman 05 a little hug.
Below, Ileana Drinovan
02 putts on a makeshift green at an all-campus party,
FristFest, on Thursday. FristFest took place over the weekend
and was counterprogramming to houseparties. (Photos by Matt
Winn 03)

May 1, 2002
Princeton was ranked 18th among engineering
schools in U.S. News & World Reports annual "Best
Graduate Schools" issue. MIT, Stanford, and UC-Berkeley took
the top three spots, respectively. Harvard placed 17th.
The Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli
celebrity journalist Yael Sternhell, who hosts a nightly newsmagazine
on Israel TV, will leave her job to study for a doctorate in American
history at Princeton.
A new theory of the universe suggests that space
and time may not have begun in a big bang, but may have always
existed in an endless cycle of expansion and rebirth. Princeton
physicist Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok of Cambridge University
described their proposed theory in an article published April 25
in an online edition of Science.
An exhibition making the centennial of Wilsons
presidency of Princeton will open May 5 in Firestone Library. "Woodrow
Wilson at Princeton: Path to the Presidency" will chronicle
Wilsons student days, his return to the faculty and the achievements
and controversies during his presidency of the university. The display
will run through October 27. James Axtell, the William Kenan Jr.
Professor of Humanities at the College of William and Mary, will
inaugurate the display with a public lecture May 5, at 3:30 p.m.,
in Betts Auditorium, in the School of Architecture.
The United States government not only let Osama
bin Laden slip through its fingers but later came dangerously close
to accidentally killing one of its royal allies while pursuing the
terrorist, according to Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post
correspondent Barton Gellman 82, who spoke April
23 at the Woodrow Wilson School. In a speech titled "The War
on Terror Before September 11," Gellman offered an inside view
of the deliberations on terror conducted by the Clinton and Bush
administrations. "There was an enormous amount going on under
President Clinton that we did not know about at the time,"
explained Gellman, one of a team of eight Washington Post journalists
who won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for coverage of September 11 and
the subsequent war on terrorism. The Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) didn't begin devoting much attention to bin Laden until 1996,
said Gellman, who is serving this semester as a Ferris Professor
of Journalism in the Council for the Humanities.
On April 24, some students celebrated Newmans
Day, an annual celebration at Princeton at which students "tried
to drink 24 beers within 24 hours without napping, missing class,
or absenting themselves from other scheduled events," reported
the Daily Princetonian. This years event was reportedly quiet,
with no students requiring transportation to the health center or
the hospital as of 7:30 that night.
Poet Paul Muldoon will step down as
director of Princetons creative writing program and plans
on spending more time teaching and writing. Edmund White, a professor
of the Council of the Humanities and creative writing, will succeed
Editors of the Nassau Weekly cant
seem to get their stories straight. Last week they told the Daily
Princetonian that most of their staff had resigned, leaving
the future of the publication in doubt, after a meeting in which
the editors discussed an article some members thought offensive.
"There is no Nassau Weekly," Alex Rosenfeld 03 told
the Prince after the meeting. "Basically everyone resigned,"
business manager Clay Bavor 05 said. "Theres no
paper." But then they told the Prince that no editors had resigned,
although the publisher, Kristina Witt 03, maintains that she
was asked to leave. The article that sparked the uproar and confusion
is about the 10 most beautiful female undergraduates, scheduled
to run in the magazines May 9 issue. Apparently Witt sent
an e-mail to friends protesting the article.
Robert Geddes, former dean of Princetons
School of Architecture, was awarded the Margen Penick Award for
community service at the Garden Theatre on Communiversity, April
27. Since returning to Princeton two years ago, Geddes has been
involved in the development of Princeton Borough.
Seven students have been selected to receive
2002 Spirit of Princeton Awards. They are: Robert Accordino
03; Sarah Apgar 02; Jamie Bartholomew 02; Becca
Jones 02; Laura Kaplan 02; Maisha Robinson 02;
and Nuriya Robinson 02. Presented since 1995 by the Office
of the Dean of Undergraduate Students, the awards recognize undergraduates
for their outstanding contributions to campus life during their
years at Princeton.
Peter and Rosemary Grant, of the ecology
and evolutionary biology department, who have studied finches
on the Galapagos Island for almost 30 years have discovered that
finches respond quickly to changes in food supply by evolving new
beaks and body sizes, reported the Associated Press. "In a
study appearing April 26 in the journal Science, the Grants report
that climate and weather have a dramatic effect on the evolutionary
path the finches follow," wrote AP.
Due to complaints against eating clubs
for noise from outdoor events, Princeton Borough is asking clubs
"to plant shrubbery along their perimeters," reported
the Prince.
Palestinian and Israeli rally held By Melissa Harvis Renny
On Thursday, April 18, the Princeton Divestment Campaign and the
Princeton Committee on Palestine cosponsored a rally to demand university
divestment from companies doing business in Israel, where they presented
a petition signed by more than 300 students and 34 faculty members.
According to the Princeton Divestment Campaign, Princeton currently
has $104.3 million invested in Israel.
Calling self-defense a euphemism for human rights abuses, Mark Buchan,
professor of classics said to the group of about 100 people, "Weve
spent two weeks seeing what Israel calls self-defense. It involves
bulldozing peoples houses, and not allowing the Red Cross
or journalists to enter occupied areas."
But just a few feet away, the Princeton Israel Public Affairs Committee
held a counter-rally that also drew close to 100 protesters, holding
up signs that read, "Suicide bombing is not a human right."
Daniel Mark 03, president of the Center for Jewish Life, spoke
passionately, stating that his feelings on the subject overpowered
his desire to stay politically neutral as the leader of a Jewish
organization on campus.
"The Israeli army is the most moral army in the world!"
he shouted, emphasizing that Israel places her own soldiers at risk
rather than bombing suspected terrorist hideouts like the United
States did in Afghanistan.
The rally highlighted the heightened sense of campus awareness on
both sides of the conflict, and the passions that the Middle Eastern
conflict is stirring in Princeton students and community members.
The Princeton Divestment Campaign maintains that peace cannot be
achieved until what they call the "oppression and accompanying
human rights abuses" of Israel to the Palestinians end.
"The human rights violations affecting three million people
living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip must stop now, and we as
the Princeton community ought to work to make that happen, just
like we did in the case of South Africa," said Vincent Lloyd
03, organizer of the Princeton Divestment Campaign, likening
the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands to South African apartheid.
Although the rally consisted largely of the two groups trying to
drown each other out with clapping and cheering, Karen Bauer GS,
president of the Princeton Committee on Palestine, believes that
the raised awareness of these issues can lead to a greater chance
for campus dialogue and understanding.
"I see hope in being able to talk and listen to one another,"
she said. 
Harvard professor discusses living-wage issues By Melissa
Harvis Renny 03
One year ago, a group of Harvard University students staged a 21-day
sit-in to demand that the university pay a minimum wage of $10.25
per hour to all its employees. They attracted the attention of the
media and the administration as they rallied around Harvards
lowest paid employees.
Because of these students, the Harvard Committee of Employment and
Contracting was formed, headed by Professor of Economics Lawrence
Katz. Under Katz, the committee examined Harvards labor practices
and determined many of them should be changed. Today, the minimum
wage for Harvard employees is $11.35 per hour.
"I think that this case study will clearly show an example
that while market forces are quite important in setting wages, things
like management policy, union strength and negotiating tactics and
political pressure, especially on a non-profit organization will
have a big impact on the labor structure," Katz said in a lecture
at the Woodrow Wilson School on Monday, April 8.
Katz spoke of the custodians, security guards, and dining services
workers as the lowest paid members of the Harvard University community.
He explained that in the past, Harvard had only hired in-house employees
employees contracted by the university and paid a certain
flat rate to fill these positions, but as the university
realized they could cut costs by outsourcing hiring employees
from outside the university for less they began to practice
outsourcing more frequently.
Due to this outsourcing, he said, Harvards standard wages
dropped, and there was a demographic shift in employees from non-immigrant
high school graduates to largely immigrant non-educated employees.
Katz spoke of museum security guards guarding $8-$10 billion of
art who were paid only $8-$10 per hour. He claimed that before outsourcing,
these guards were people who loved art and took an interest in the
museum, while after outsourcing the turnover rate for these guards
was so high that they werent considered trustworthy enough
to be given a library card.
"Why in the case of janitors and security guards is playing
hardball so important?" He asked, noting that at prestigious
universities faculty is paid much higher than average wages, while
janitors and security guards are often paid less than average.
Katzs discussed that an in-house monopoly with no outsourcing
was not the answer to the universitys problems, because often
employers were dissatisfied with the quality of work if there was
no competition. However, he said, unrestricted outsourcing brought
down wages. As a compromise, the Committee suggested that Harvard
use parity wages a set wage paid to both outsourced employees
and in-house employees.
Katzs committee also recommended that Harvard make immediate
initial wage increases, improve the quality of work life, and increase
the transparency of employment and contracting practices.
Although implementing these changes will by costly, Katz claimed
that in the case of non-profit institutions like Harvard, it is
beneficial to keep employees satisfied with their jobs.
Katz also encouraged student activists to be media savvy and learn
all they can about the universitys wage policies. He emphasized
that students with the right information can effect change.
"I have little doubt that without the students there wouldnt
have been any great change in wages," he said. 
PAW seeks editor
Chapman Martin '89, who has edited PAW since February 2000, announced
that she will step down after the publication of the July 2002 issue
because of family concerns. Martin and her husband, James K. Martin
'89, have two young children. The position will be formally advertised
in the April 10 issue. Applicants may see the complete job description
at http://jobs.princeton.edu/openjobs/.
Alternative to Alcohol Abuse: Housing Reform in the Residential
Colleges by Brian Muegge 05
Send us
news about you, a classmate, or any Princetonian
(Updated daily, Monday through Friday)
Art Museum
Princeton area events
New York metropolitan area
Washington DC events
Other regions
Princeton area events
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. 58, dean of the Kennedy School
of Government at Harvard: "The Paradox of American Power"
May 8, 4:30 p.m., 46 McCosh
Charles Falco, University of Arizona, "The Art and Science
of the Motorcycle"
May 8, 8:00 p.m. For more information email publect@princeton.edu.
Charles Elachi, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory:
"Space and Earth Exploration 2010: Opportunities and Challenges"
May 8, 8 p.m., Reynolds Auditorium, McDonnell Hall
Stefan Collini, professor of intellectual history and English
literature at the University of Cambridge: "Paradoxes of Denial:
Intellectuals in Twentieth-Century Britain."
May 9, "Other People," 4:30 McCormick 101
The symposium "How Confident Can We Be In Consumer Confidence?"
will address the measurement and use of consumer confidence indices.
Participants: Princeton economists Alan krueger, Alan Blinder, and
Jonathan Parker; Ken Goldstein, economist at the Conference Board;
Noam Scheiber, assistant editor at The New Republic; Brent Mouton,
economist at the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Richard Curtin,
economist at the University of Michigan.
May 10, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Dodds Auditorium, Robertson
Stefan Collini, professor of intellectual history and English
literature at the University of Cambridge: "Paradoxes of Denial:
Intellectuals in Twentieth-Century Britain."
May 14, "Cretan Liars," 4:30 McCormick 101
Princeton Art Museum
Public tours, Saturdays, 2 p.m.
- Contemporary Views: Photographs by Paul Berger, Sarah
Charlesworth, Barbara Ess, and Ray K. Metzker, April 20-May
- "Anthony Van Dyck: 'Ecce Homo' and 'The Mocking of Christ.'"
March 9 through June 9.
- "Guardians of the Tomb: Spirit Beasts in Tang Dynasty China."
Through Aug. 31.
- "Klinger to Kollwitz: German Art in the Age of Expressionism."
Through June 9.
- "In the Mirror of Christ's Passion: Prints, Drawings and
Illustrated Books by European Masters." Through June 9.
- "New German Photography." Through March 24.
- "Anxious Omniscience: Surveillance in Contemporary Cultural
Practice." Through March 31.
Firestone LIbrary exhibits
"Seamus Heaney: Irish Poet in Greece" through April 20
May 30 - June 2, 2002
Reunions 2003, May 29 - June 1, 2003
back to top of calendar
New York area events
"Lilies/Pale Yellow"
(2001) by Anne-Marie Belli 84 |
Watercolors by Anne-Marie Belli 84 are on view at
the New Jersey State Museum at 205 West State Street in Trenton,
New Jersey, through May 12, 2002.
evenings of abbreviated art
Size does matter.
Wip Productions' festival lets audiences avoid three-hour maudlin
melodramas, stoic ramblings, and interpretive dance and blesses
them with a variety of brief performances from some of the best
young talent New York has to offer. Rosario Vaina '96 is
producing and appearing in the show.
Performers include comics Demitri Martin (from Letterman and Late
Night with Conan O'Brien) and Laurie Kilmartin (from Comedy Central's
Premium Blend); Muscians Kate Schutt and Sam Bisbee; author Kip
Conlin (Hey, God : Adult Letters to God and the upcoming I'm Okay,
I'm Okay) and many others.
Wip Productions is dedicated to providing emerging artists with
an opportunity to share their work in relaxed settings. This will
be the fifth production from this exciting new production company.
The group's mission is to produce fun and lighthearted shows that
examine wit and irony in our everyday experiences.
In Short Order will be performed May 2, 9, 16, and 23rd at RM (Rubber
Monkey, located at 279 Church Street @ White St. All performances
are at 8:00 pm, the bar opens at 7:30 pm. Admission is $12. For
reservations, call 212-592-3291.
back to top of calendar
Washington DC area events
back to top of calendar
Other regions
Send us news
about your events.
Oz Bengur 71, of Baltimore, Maryland,
is running against C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger for the Democratic nomination
for the U.S. Congress. According to the Bulletins Frontrunner,
Bengur is "an investment banker who wears Ferragamo ties and
has a tendency to quote from the New Yorker."
Sam Pickering *70 *85, an author and model
for the teacher in the movie Dead Poets Society, will deliver
the commencement address at Atlantas Oglethorpe University
on May 11. He will also receive an honorary Doctor of Letters degree.
In a keynote address he delivered in April at
a conference at Assumption College, David Lamb *92, a hip-hop culture
critic and novelist, told students that "blacks, Asians, and
Latinos do not relate to each other because of a historical pattern
rooted in racism," reported Telegram & Gazette.
Lamb said, "We see each other from the lens of white supremacy,
slavery, and colonialism."
UCLA law professor Khaled Abou El Fadl *92 was
featured in U.S. News & World Report on April 15 for
his "advocacy of a broad-minded, critical approach [to Islamic
law] that has earned the wrath of so many of his less tolerant co-religionists."
The Kuwait-born scholar is a devout Muslim. He is the Omar and Azmeralda
Alfi Distinguished Fellow in Islamic Law at UCLA.
Hugh Hardy 54 *56s architectural
firm, Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates was recently hired by Barnard
College to prepare its first master plan in 98 years, reported the
New York Times. "Our purpose is not to wipe out the
past in favor of a brilliant future," Hardy told the Times.
"This is not an excuse to transform Barnard into something
new." Hardy designed the expansion to McCarter Theatre, which
is expected to be completed next year.
Jean Edward Smith 54, a professor of political
science at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, was
one of three finalists for this years Pulitzer Prize in biography.
He was nominated for Grant, a biography of Ulysses S. Grant, reported
the Charleston Gazette.
This from a press release: In Roberta Isleib
75s new mystery novel, Six Strokes Under, Cassandra
Burdette battles her way through the LPGA Qualifying School in pursuit
of her lifes dream a position on the Ladies Professional
Golf Association Tour. Along the way, a fellow competitor is disqualified
for carrying illegal equipment and another files suit against her
father after recovering repressed childhood memories. Then the bodies
start to fall, and Cassie realizes that professional competition
can be ... murder. Six Strokes Under is being published by
Penguin Putnam on June 4.
Anthony Lewis, former columnist for the New
York Times, called Robert Caro 57s book on Lyndon
Johnson, Master of the Senate, an "amazing book"
in a review on April 28 in the Times. Master of the Senate
is the third volume of Caros biography of Johnson.
Jeffrey Krames describes Donald Rumsfeld
54s leadership qualities in a new book, The Rumsfeld
Way, published by McGraw-Hill. According to USAToday.com, the
author "writes about the leadership ways of this prickly, gruff
guy who has spent four decades in public and private life trying
to make a difference. The strength that matters most is not
the strength of arms, but the strength of character; character expressed
in service to something larger than ourselves, Rumsfeld is
quoted as saying."
Send us
news about you, a classmate, or any Princetonian
Tigers shine at Penn Relays; Heps on horizon
Tora Harris 02 tied the Penn Relays record and broke his own
Princeton record when he cleared 2.3 meters in the high jump championship
at the 107th running of the premier track event last weekend in
Philadelphia. Harriss effort earned him the Relays Men's
Individual Athlete of the Meet award.
Josh McCaughey 04 also broke his own Princeton record with
a distance of 62.09 meters in the hammer throw championship, which
was good enough for fourth place.
Tristan Colangelo 04 set a new Princeton record in the 5,000
meters with a time of 14:06.25, which was more than four seconds
better than the old record held by Chris Banks 00. Colangelo
finished third.
Chelo Canino 04 finished fourth in the pole vault (3.69 meters).
Both teams are gearing up for the Heptagonal Games Outdoor Track
& Field Championships, which will take place at the U.S. Naval
Academy in Annapolis on May 11-12.
Womens lax defeats defending national
champs and Brown
Princetons wins last week against defending national champion
Maryland and Brown closed out the season with a 15-game win streak,
a new record for the program, and an undefeated Ivy League mark.
The Tigers finished the year ranked #1 nationally with a 15-1 overall
record and 7-0 in the Ivies.
The Tigers came back from a five goal deficit to beat Maryland 13-9
on April 24. Seniors Lauren Simone and Charlotte Kenworthy each
scored three goals to lead the attack. The Tigers used a balanced
scoring attack, including two goals from Lindsey Biles 05,
to defeat Brown 10-6 on April 27 in Rhode Island.
Princeton's undefeated Ivy season is its third ever. In each of
its first two perfect Ivy seasons, Princeton has advanced to the
NCAA Championships game, winning it all in 1994 and losing to Maryland
in 1996.
Princeton makes its fifth straight NCAA tournament appearance and
12th as a program. The 2002 NCAA bracket and seedings will be announced
on Sunday, May 5. Princeton, which currently holds the longest winning
streak in the nation, looks for its first-ever No. 1 seeding.
Mens lax streaks past Dartmouth
Brad Dumont 03 had a career-high five points, including a
key assist on a Ryan Boyle goal as time ran out in the first quarter,
to lead Princeton to a 13-7 win over Dartmouth on the road. The
fourth-ranked Tigers improved to 7-4 with its fifth straight win.
The defending national champions play at Brown this Saturday, May
4, in what essentially is now an Ivy League championship game after
the Bears defeated Cornell 9-8 in overtime. Princeton and Brown
are both 4-1 in the league, which means the winner of the game Saturday
in Providence will win the outright Ivy title and the automatic
bid to the NCAA tournament.
Womens water polo falls short in Easterns;
All-league performers
The home pool advantage was not enough for the Tigers as the womens
water polo team lost 11-9 to Hartwick in the semifinals of the Eastern
Tournament held at Princeton last weekend. Michigan beat Hartwick
in the final to advance to the NCAA championships.
Cassie Nichols 02 was named MVP of the Southern Division and
juniors Adele McCarthy-Beauvais and Jenny Edwards joined her on
the divisions first team. Nichols, a two-time All-American,
and McCarthy-Beauvais were also named to the CWPAs Eastern
Womens golf capture Northeast championship;
Redman 03 stars
The Tigers led Brown by 11 strokes when the Northeast Championship
was cut short by winds and frigid temperatures to take the title.
Princeton finished with a 317 and placed four golfers in the top
four to close out the spring.
Vanessa Redman 03 finished with a three-over par 77 to take
first place. Freshman Avery Kiser (78) tied for second and fellow
frosh Meg Nakamura (80) finished fourth.
Baseball sweeps Pace
The Tigers pushed their record over .500 for the first time this
season with two wins at home against Pace on Saturday, April 27.
Princeton improved to 19-18 with the win.
Princeton will play two more non-conference games before it returns
to Ivy League action against Cornell. The Tigers head to Pace on
Sunday for a single game scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. Princeton
will play at St. John's at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30. The Tigers
head to Cornell for an Ivy League Gehrig Division doubleheader on
May 3 before returning home to host two games against Cornell on
Sunday, May 5.
Softball handles Manhattan and Seton
Hall in Princeton Invitational
Rainy weather cut the softball teams Princeton Invitational
short last weekend but not before the Tigers handed Manhattan a
9-2 loss and edged Seton Hall 3-2 at home on Saturday. Day two was
cancelled before the Tigers could face St. Peters.
The Tigers improved to 31-15 (13-1 Ivy) with the victories and will
host St. Josephs University on Wednesday, May 1, as they prepare
for the NCAA regional tournament, which will be played May 16-19.
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