history! . . .

The history department secretary prepares to take photographs
of seniors as they turn in their theses. (Photo by Adena Spingarn
April 17, 2002
At its Board of Trustees meeting April 13,
the university announced the appointment of Harvard University Professor
Cornel West *80, the acclaimed teacher and scholar of religion,
to its religion department. The announcement comes months after
West began feuding with Harvards president Lawrence H. Summers
over Wests recent scholarship and Harvards commitment
to affirmative action. Earlier this year, Harvard philosopher K.
Anthony Appiah said that he would leave Harvard for Princeton. "Its
the end of an era," Henry Louis Gates, Jr., told the New
York Times. Gates had built Harvards Afro-American studies
department by hiring West away from Princeton and other academic
superstars. According to the Times, Gates himself "is
considering an offer from Princeton."
West is the Alphonse Fletcher Jr. University
Professor at Harvard. He will return to Princeton as the Class of
1943 University Professor of Religion. West was a member of Princeton's
faculty from 1988 through 1994, serving as professor of religion
and director of the Program in African-American Studies.
Princeton also appointed Eddie
S. Glaude Jr. *95, a Bowdoin College professor known for his
work in African-American religious studies, to the religion department;
and writer Chang-rae Lee, whose award-winning novel Native
Speaker recently was recommended as the book to be read and
discussed collectively across New York City, to a senior faculty
post in Princetons Humanities Council and creative writing
The name of Princetons Third World
Center is being changed to more accurately reflect its mission.
At their April 13 meeting, the university's trustees approved a
recommendation to change the name to the Carl A. Fields Center for
Equality and Cultural Understanding, effective July 1. The name
honors Fields, a former Princeton dean who was the first African-American
to hold such a high-ranking post at an Ivy League school. Students
who serve on the its governance board initiated the name change.
Demetri Porphyrios *80, one of the
world's leading traditional-style architects, has been selected
to design the university's sixth residential college. The principal
of the London-based Porphyrios Associates was named the design architect
for Whitman College (named for Meg Whitman 77) by the
university's trustees at their meeting April 13. His award-winning
portfolio includes a number of buildings and urban projects carried
out in England, Europe, the United States and the Middle East.
Charles F. Kalmbach Jr. 68 *72,
an undergraduate and graduate alumnus of the School of Engineering
and Applied Science, has been named Princetons senior vice-president
for administration, effective June 1. Kalmbach, whose career as
a management consultant has focused on developing sustainable strategies
for institutional change, will be responsible for the overall leadership,
management, and organization of the universitys administrative
affairs and for all matters pertaining to the effectiveness of the
nonacademic staffs.
Students on both sides of the issue debated
the political situation in the Middle East in Whig Hall on April
10. "Neither side could agree on what should be done to stop
the cycle of violence," reported the Prince.
The Center for Jewish Life sponsored a
24-hour vigil to remember the atrocities of the Holocaust. Students
read the names of victims throughout the day and night, reported
the Daily Princetonian.
Sila Maria Calderón, the first
woman elected governor of Puerto Rico, issued a progress report
that included strong support of the island's commonwealth status
and condemnation of America's military presence in Vieques. She
spoke in Dodds Auditorium on campus last week. "For half a
century, the commonwealth has continuously opened new doors for
freedom, self -government, prosperity and self-confidence,"
said Calderón. "It has provided a solid social platform
from which to move forward."
What is the state of civil liberties in America
today? "In a word, its precarious," said Anthony
Romero 87, executive director of the American Civil Liberties
Union, in a public lecture last week. Romero's talk at the Woodrow
Wilson School assailed the scope of some laws that have been passed
by Congress since the terrorist attacks. While intended to increase
our nations security, these laws also threaten individual
rights that are the very basis of democracy, Romero maintained.
After six years of work, Professor
of Chemical Engineering Christodoulos Floudas and co-editor
Panos Pardalos of the University of Florida have completed the Encyclopedia
of Optimization, which was published recently by Kluwer Academic
Publishers. With five volumes plus an index, the encyclopedia includes
500 articles by more than 400 authors in fields from astronomy to
computer science to biology.
In an effort to decrease the spread of conjunctivitis
on campus, university health services will provide all students
and staff with a free bottle of Care Instant Hand Sanitizer (waterless
soap). The outbreak of conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, has
continued after spring break, although at a lower rate than before
the break.
Andrew Appel 81, a computer science professor, testified last
week in support of an antitrust case against Microsoft Corporation,
reported the Prince. He testified in U.S. District Court in Washington,
The university is renovating McCosh Health
Center to improve privacy, convenience, and outpatient services.
Construction is expected to be completed by fall.
Samuel Atkins 31 *35, professor emeritus of classics at Princeton,
died March 20 at the age of 91 in California. Atkins, who served
on Princetons faculty since 1937, died of congestive heart
failure. The emeritus Professor of Classics on the Andrew Fleming
West Foundation, Atkins was an expert in Vedic philology and Indo-European
linguistics. He served as chair of the classics department from
1961 to 1972.
A USG committee reported last week that
their data "indicates a high level of dissatisfaction"
among students with precept. An online survey conducted in November
revealed that "68 percent of the approximately 1,660 upperclassmen
that responded expressed dissatisfaction with their preceptors
teaching abilities," reported the Prince.
The student-run Princeton Charity Fashion
Show will take place April 25 on the Frist lawn at 8 p.m. The
show, organized largely by members of the Class of 2005, will include
fashion from 10 major designers and performances by student dance
and singing groups. Any funds raised are designated for cancer research.
Also helping with the show are the student groups Princeton Against
Cancer Together (PACT) and the Asian-American Student Agency (AASA).
Ticket prices are $7 for students and members of the classes of
1980 and 1955, the Class of 2005's parent and grandparent classes,
and $10 for general admission. donations are also being accepted.
Clothing sponsors are Tommy Hilfiger, Laundry by Shelley Segal,
Anne Taylor loft, Betsey Johnson, Miss Sixty, Enyce, Bisou-Bisou,
Keiko, Laura Ashley, Nautica, and Prince.
Harvard professor discusses living-wage issues
By Melissa Harvis Renny 03
One year ago, a group of Harvard University students staged a 21-day
sit-in to demand that the university pay a minimum wage of $10.25
per hour to all its employees. They attracted the attention of the
media and the administration as they rallied around Harvards
lowest paid employees.
Because of these students, the Harvard Committee of Employment and
Contracting was formed, headed by Professor of Economics Lawrence
Katz. Under Katz, the committee examined Harvards labor practices
and determined many of them should be changed. Today, the minimum
wage for Harvard employees is $11.35 per hour.
"I think that this case study will clearly show an example
that while market forces are quite important in setting wages, things
like management policy, union strength and negotiating tactics and
political pressure, especially on a non-profit organization will
have a big impact on the labor structure," Katz said in a lecture
at the Woodrow Wilson School on Monday, April 8.
Katz spoke of the custodians, security guards, and dining services
workers as the lowest paid members of the Harvard University community.
He explained that in the past, Harvard had only hired in-house employees
employees contracted by the university and paid a certain
flat rate to fill these positions, but as the university
realized they could cut costs by outsourcing hiring employees
from outside the university for less they began to practice
outsourcing more frequently.
Due to this outsourcing, he said, Harvards standard wages
dropped, and there was a demographic shift in employees from non-immigrant
high school graduates to largely immigrant non-educated employees.
Katz spoke of museum security guards guarding $8-$10 billion of
art who were paid only $8-$10 per hour. He claimed that before outsourcing,
these guards were people who loved art and took an interest in the
museum, while after outsourcing the turnover rate for these guards
was so high that they werent considered trustworthy enough
to be given a library card.
"Why in the case of janitors and security guards is playing
hardball so important?" He asked, noting that at prestigious
universities faculty is paid much higher than average wages, while
janitors and security guards are often paid less than average.
Katzs discussed that an in-house monopoly with no outsourcing
was not the answer to the universitys problems, because often
employers were dissatisfied with the quality of work if there was
no competition. However, he said, unrestricted outsourcing brought
down wages. As a compromise, the Committee suggested that Harvard
use parity wages a set wage paid to both outsourced employees
and in-house employees.
Katzs committee also recommended that Harvard make immediate
initial wage increases, improve the quality of work life, and increase
the transparency of employment and contracting practices.
Although implementing these changes will by costly, Katz claimed
that in the case of non-profit institutions like Harvard, it is
beneficial to keep employees satisfied with their jobs.
Katz also encouraged student activists to be media savvy and learn
all they can about the universitys wage policies. He emphasized
that students with the right information can effect change.
"I have little doubt that without the students there wouldnt
have been any great change in wages," he said.
PAW seeks editor
Chapman Martin '89, who has edited PAW since February 2000, announced
that she will step down after the publication of the July 2002 issue
because of family concerns. Martin and her husband, James K. Martin
'89, have two young children. The position will be formally advertised
in the April 10 issue. Applicants may see the complete job description
Alternative to Alcohol Abuse: Housing Reform in the Residential
Colleges by Brian Muegge 05
Send us
news about you, a classmate, or any Princetonian
(Updated daily, Monday through Friday)
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Princeton area events
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Princeton area events
Hamit Bozarslan, associate professor at Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris: "Violence and Politics
in the Middle East: Violence in Turkey, 1968-2000"
April 23, 4:30,102 Jones Hall
Barton Gellman '82, national correspondent for the Washington
Post and Ferris Professor of Journalism at the Council for the
Humanities: "The War on Terror Before September 11: What Were
Clinton and Bush Doing?"
April 23, at 4:30 p.m., Bowl 1, Robertson Hall
Dipesh Chakrabarty, chair of the Department of South Asian
Languages and Civilazations at the University of Chicago: "Democracy,
Discipline and the Politics of the Multitude
April 23, 4:30 p.m., McCosh 40
Elizabeth McAlister, assistant professor of religion at Wesleyan
College and Joan Dayan, of the University of Pennsylvania
: "Vodou Spirits, Rara Queens and Small Men: Gender, Vulgarity
and Slavery in Afro-Creole Religion"
April 24,4:30 p.m., Frist Campus Center #302
Harold Pachios 59, chair of the U.S. Advisory Commission
on Public Diplomacy: "Influencing Foreign Public opinion
America's Role"
April 24, 4:30 p.m., Bowl 1, Robertson Hall
Jean Tirole of the University of Toulouse will deliver a
series of talks on "Egonomics: Explorations in Economics and
April 24, 4:30 p.m. in Dodds Auditorium, Robertson
David Hoffman, foreign editor for the Washington Post:
"The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia"
April 24, 4:30, 101 McCormick
Timothy Reiss, professor of comparative literature at NYU:
"Descartes, Slavery,and Race"
April 24, 4:30 p.m., 105 Bobst Hall, 83 Prospect Avenue
Edward W. Felten, Princeton professor of computer science:
"Cryptography: Secret Codes, Spying and E-commerce."
April 24, 8 p.m., Reynolds Auditorium, McDonnell Hall
Hamit Bozarslan, associate professor at Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris: "Violence and Politics
in the Middle East: Violence in Middle Eastern Politics - A theoretical
Perspective "
April 25, 4:30, 202 Jones Hall
Robert Jervis, Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International
Affairs at Columbia University: "The New World Politics: Great
Power Peace and Terrorism"
April 25, 4:30 p.m., Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall
The Electric Tabla. Ajay Kapur 02, electric tabla
and friends. Works of Ajay Kapur, Peter Lee, David Hittson, and
Program in Computer Science event.
April 25, 8 p.m., Taplin Auditorium
Five French films will be shown on campus starting March 28
as part of a film series sponsored by the Department of French and
Italian. The films will be screened at 8 p.m. on five Thursdays
in March, April, and May at the Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau
Street. All the films have English subtitles. For more information,
contact Rachel Gabara at (609) 258-6127. "Pièces
d'identité" (I.D.) by Mweze Ngangura, April 25
"Voyages" by Emmanuel Finkiel, May 2
The film Viridiana, introduced by Michael Wood, chair of
the English Department
April 26, 7 p.m., James Stewart Theater, 185 Nassau Street
The documentary The First Year, an award-winning film depicting
the emotional journey of five first-year teachers in the Los Angeles
public school system.
April 26, 7:30 p.m., Liberation Hall, Third World Center
SANGAM. A program of dance, music, and theater performed
by Princeton University Students. South Asian Students Association
April 26, 8 p.m., Taplin Auditorium.
Princeton University Orchestra, Michael Pratt, conductor;
Jennifer Borghi 02, mezzo-soprano; and Kueh Hao Yuan 02,
piano. Works of Tchaikovsky, Mozart, and Stravinsky. Stuart B. Mindlin
Memorial Concert.
April 26 and 27, 8 p.m., Richardson Auditorium. Tickets:
$15; students, $5
Kirsten Jerch 02, soprano, Christine McLeavey, piano,
and others. Works of Vivaldi, Fauré, Handel, de Falla, Lilburn,
and Hill. Friends of Music at Princeton student recital.
April 28, 3 p.m., Taplin Auditorium
Princeton Symphony Orchestra, Mark Laycock, musical director,
with The American Boychoir, Vincent Metallo, music director. Sacred
Music Concert: works of Martin, Messiaen, and Thomas.
April 28, 4 p.m., Richardson Auditorium. Pre-concert lecture
at 3:00 p.m. Tickets: $30, $27; seniors, $27, $24; students, $8,
Andy Luse 02, piano. Works of J.S. Bach, Beethoven,
and Chopin. Friends of Music at Princeton student recital.
April 29, 8 p.m., Taplin Auditorium
Sidney Brenner, Molecular Sciences Institute, Berkeley, "Biology
after the Genome Project"
April 30, May 1 and 2, 8:00 p.m. For more information
Five French films will be shown on campus starting March 28
as part of a film series sponsored by the Department of French and
Italian. The films will be screened at 8 p.m. on five Thursdays
in March, April, and May at the Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau
Street. All the films have English subtitles. For more information,
contact Rachel Gabara at (609) 258-6127. "Voyages"
by Emmanuel Finkiel, May 2
Charles Falco, University of Arizona, "Through a Looking
Glass: The Art of the Science of Renaissance Painting"
May 7, 8:00 p.m. For more information email
Charles Falco, University of Arizona, "The Art and Science
of the Motorcycle"
May 8, 8:00 p.m. For more information email
Charles Elachi, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory:
"Space and Earth Exploration 2010: Opportunities and Challenges"
May 8, 8 p.m., Reynolds Auditorium, McDonnell Hall
Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Closed
Mondays and major holidays.
Public tours, Saturdays, 2 p.m.
- "Anthony Van Dyck: 'Ecce Homo' and 'The Mocking of Christ.'"
March 9 through June 9.
- "Guardians of the Tomb: Spirit Beasts in Tang Dynasty China."
Through Aug. 31.
- "Klinger to Kollwitz: German Art in the Age of Expressionism."
Through June 9.
- "In the Mirror of Christ's Passion: Prints, Drawings and
Illustrated Books by European Masters." Through June 9.
- "New German Photography." Through March 24.
- "Anxious Omniscience: Surveillance in Contemporary Cultural
Practice." Through March 31.
Firestone LIbrary exhibits
"Seamus Heaney: Irish Poet in Greece" through April 20
Reunions 2002, May 30 - June 2, 2002
Reunions 2003, May 29 - June 1, 2003
back to top of calendar
New York area events
Illyria, adapted by Peter Mills 95 and Cara
Reichel 96 from William Shakespeares Twelfth
Night, April 12-13, 17-20, 23-27, 8 p.m., April 14, 20-21, 27-28,
2 p.m.; The Hudson Guild Theatre, 441 West 26th Street, New York
(, 212-206-1515).
For more information on performances, visit
"Lilies/Pale Yellow"
(2001) by Anne-Marie Belli 84 |
Watercolors by Anne-Marie Belli 84 are on view at
the New Jersey State Museum at 205 West State Street in Trenton,
New Jersey, through May 12, 2002.
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Washington DC area events
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Other regions
Send us news
about your events.
Senator Bill Frist 74, the Senates
only doctor, told his fellow Senators, "After considering the
overwhelming ethical concerns about human embryo cloning experimentation,
I conclude that a comprehensive ban on all human cloning is the
right policy at this time," reported the New York Times. President
Bush is rallying support for legislation that would prohibit all
types of human cloning for reproduction or medical research.
In a news article on April 8 titled "Googles
Toughest Search Is for a Business Model," a New York Times
reporter asked, "Can Google create a business model even remotely
as good as its technology?
The biggest challenge for Mr.
is balancing Googles increasing popularity
among Web users with the needs and demands of the other Web sites,
like Yahoo, for which it provides search technology." Eric
Schmidt 76, took over as chairman of the Internet search
company Google in March 2001.
Jim Flaherty 70 finished second to
Ernie Eves in a run for premier of Ontario, Canada. Eves told the
Toronto Star that "all four of his competitors will be in his
President Bush appointed Jeffrey N. Shane
62 associate deputy secretary of transportation. Shane,
who is currently a partner at the Washington, D.C., law firm of
Hogan & Hartson, will take office immediately.
With the Catholic Churchs sex-abuse scandal
boiling, the academic work of Harris Mirkin *67 on pedophilia
and adult-child sex has received attention of late. A political
science professor at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, Mirkin
has "questioned whether sexual abuse ruins every childs
life and suggested that some sex between children and adults is
acceptable" reported the Associated Press. He told the AP,
"Its frustrating because the position I have is distorted.
It makes me sound like Im head of a pro-sex-with-children
organization." He says he has simply tried to tone down the
"hysteria" around child sex abuse.
John McPhee 53, Princetons
Ferris Professor of Journalism, can be heard April 23 in the PBS
television special, Americas First River. McPhee provides
the voice of Washington Irving and will read excerpts from Irvings
work. "Irving is one of my all-time favorite writers,"
says McPhee, "as fresh and topical today as he was in 1819.
He is so sharp and funny, and the rhythms of his writing go across
time." The two-hour program tells the story of the beginnings
of Americas environmental awakening, which took place in the
Hudson River Valley. Hosted by Bill Moyers, Americas First
River was directed and coproduced by Monica Lange s76.
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Womens lacrosse crushes Harvard 14-4,
retains # 1 ranking
The top-ranked Tigers stretched their win streak to 11 games with
a 14-4 thrashing of Harvard on Saturday, April 14, and a 16-8 win
over 20th-ranked Temple on April 10. Princeton got a career-high
four goals from Lindsey Biles 05 and Charlotte Kenworthy added
three goals in the road win over Harvard as the Tigers improved
to 4-0 in the Ivy League and 11-1 overall.
Senior Lauren Simone led the Tiger attack against Temple at home,
scoring four of her five goals in the first 15 minutes of the game
and handing out two assists. Princeton now begins a three-game homestand
against Ivy League foe Penn on Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m.
Mens lacrosse still in the hunt after
rolling over Harvard 18-4
Princeton handed Harvard its first home loss this season on Saturday,
April 13, but more important the 18-4 thumping sets the eighth-ranked
Tigers up for a major meeting with fifth-ranked Cornell this Saturday,
April 20, at noon in Princeton.
If Princeton (5-4, 2-1 Ivy) beats Cornell (9-1, 4-0), the Tigers
could still win their seventh straight Ivy League title and the
automatic NCAA bid that comes with it. A Cornell win, and the Big
Red takes the conference. Cornell has won nine straight games, including
a 15-11 win over top-ranked Syracuse, which dropped in the polls
this week.
Softball rips Dartmouth, splits with Harvard
The Tigers traveled to Harvard last weekend and split a doubleheader
with the only other undefeated team in the Ivy League. Princeton
won the first game 4-3 thanks to seven strong innings from senior
Brie Galicinao. In the second game, Harvards Tiffany Whitton
cracked a game-ending grand slam in the seventh inning to give the
Crimson a 7-4 win.
On Sunday, April 14, the Tigers (23-15, 9-1) let loose on Dartmouth,
sweeping both ends of a doubleheader 9-1 and 5-1. Princeton hosts
Yale on Saturday at 1 p.m.
Baseball splits with Yale and beats Rutgers
for first time since 1991
The Tigers (13-16, 8-4 Ivy) needed extra innings to beat Yale on
Sunday, April 14, as they took the second half of a doubleheader
6-3 in 13 innings in New Haven. Princeton lost the first game of
the day 8-1. Earlier in the week, the Tigers got six strong innings
from pitcher Chris Higgins 02 to beat Rutgers 8-1, Princetons
first win over their Garden State rivals since 1991.
Princeton travels to Seton Hall for a 3 p.m. game on Thursday, April
18, before heading to Columbia for a big four-game series on Saturday
and Sunday, April 20 and 21.
Womens water polo falters in ECAC
Championships semifinal match
Princeton was unable to defend its ECAC title this weekend in Cambridge
as the Tigers fell to Hartwick 11-9 in the semifinals of the ECAC
Championships. The Tigers defeated Iona 11-7 and the U. of Massachusetts
10-5 to advance to the semifinal round.
The Tigers now head to Villanova for the Southern Championships
being held from Friday to Sunday, April 19-21.
Mens and womens track teams each
place second in weekend meets
The womens track team placed second at a Philadelphia meet
that featured Ivy rivals Yale and Penn. Penn won the meet with 75
points, Princeton finished with 64 points, and Yale with 63. Senior
captains Lauren Simmons (1,500m) and Catherine Casey (3,000m) each
placed first in their events.
On the mens side, Princeton played host to several Pennsylvania
schools and finished second to Penn State, which scored 190 points.
Princeton finished with 184, Penn scored 170 points for third, and
Villanova finished with 106 points. Seniors Ryan Smith (800m) and
Tora Harris (high jump) won their events to pace the Tigers and
earn provisional qualifications for the NCAA championships.
Womens golf takes third at James Madison Invitational
Mens golf places fourth at Princeton Invitational
Womens open crew defends Class of 75 Cup for 13th straight
Mens heavyweight crew brings home the Childs Cup
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