at Frist. . .

Andrew Ferrer and Magalie Slater 03 use the computers
at Frist Campus Center. (Photo by Jo Sittenfeld 02)
The Princeton Committee on Palestine held a
vigil outside of Frist Campus Center on March 11 to raise awareness
about the conflict in the Middle East and to show support for the
Palestinian victims of the Israeli attacks.
Physicians at University Health Services are
working with officials from the Centers for Disease Control and
state and local health agencies to learn more about an outbreak
of conjunctivitis on the Princeton campus and to try to stop its
spread. There have been 247 cases of conjunctivitis, commonly known
as "pink eye," on the campus between February 1 and March
14. Those affected include students from all four undergraduate
classes and a small number of graduate students. Health officials
are trying to determine whether the illness is related to a similar
outbreak at Dartmouth College. Cultures are being taken from some
of the affected Princeton students in an attempt to identify the
organism, and the results received so far have been mixed. Preliminary
evidence points to a bacterial infection.
Northwestern University has awarded its Frederic
Esser Nemmers Prize in Mathematics to Princeton Professor of Mathematics
Yakov Sinai. The award, which is given every two years and carries
a stipend of $125,000, recognizes Sinai for his major contributions
to the study of chaos. Sinais work deals with measuring complex
systems that change over time, such as the weather and economic
systems. He was the first to develop a mathematical description
of the complexity of changing, chaotic systems, creating an approach
now called Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. This work gives mathematicians
a critical tool for solving the complex equations that describe
such systems.
Two Princeton seniors have been awarded inaugural
fellowships by the class of 1956 that will fund their participation
in programs working to improve our comprehension of the events of
September 11 and help heal the wounds created on that day. The ReachOut
56 Fellowship program awarded its first grants to Lindsay
Campbell and Aili McConnon. Each will receive $25,000 to pay their
expenses while they devote next year to working for public interest
organizations. Campbell, a Woodrow Wilson School major who is earning
a certificate in environmental studies, will work with the Living
Memorials Initiative, which is constructing green spaces around
New York City to remember the victims of September 11. McConnon,
an English major, will spend next year working on The Legacy Project,
an undertaking started in New York in 2000 that collects artistic
and literary works which address the experiences of war, ethnic
conflict, genocide and other tragedies around the world. McConnon
will assemble a literary anthology to accompany the 500 artworks
that already exist on the projects Web site.
Speaking to a capacity audience at the Woodrow
Wilson on March 12, Harvard University lecturer Samantha Power related
a hair-raising account of the startling absence of American response
to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Power insisted the U.S. has justified
its lack of intervention in genocide situations with two platitudes:
"we didnt know," and "we couldnt have
done much about it if we had known." Power rejects these excuses.
Powers talk was based on the Rwanda chapter of her recent
book, "A Problem from Hell: American Bystanders in the Age
of Genocide," which details American responses or lack
thereof to cases of genocide, from the Holocaust to the former
According to author Dava Sobel, a science reporter
for the New York Times, 16th-century astronomer and mathematician
Galileo Galilei faced problems that would ring familiar with todays
scientists, including finding funding, securing patent protection,
and dealing with publishing pressure. And, while he did most things
extraordinarily well, his career was not without its failures, said
Sobel at her lecture on "Galileo: Working Scientist" on
campus March 14. "In his day, Galileo had the same issues as
todays scientists," said Sobel. Her book Galileos
Daughter is based on the Italian scientist and 124 letters to Galileo
from his eldest daughter. "He held a low-paying job as a teacher
and used his income to support his three daughters and widowed mother;
pay for his sisters dowries; and help take care of his brother
and family," she said. "He was a kind and giving man."
seeks editor
Chapman Martin '89, who has edited PAW since February 2000, announced
that she will step down after the publication of the July 2002 issue
because of family concerns. Martin and her husband, James K. Martin
'89, have two young children. The position will be formally advertised
in the April 10 issue. Applicants may see the complete job description
Alternative to Alcohol Abuse: Housing Reform in the Residential
Colleges by Brian Muegge 05
Send us
news about you, a classmate, or any Princetonian
(Updated daily, Monday through Friday)
area events
New York metropolitan area
Washington DC events
Other regions
Princeton area events
Lisa Beamer, widow of local hero Todd Beamer, who died aboard
United flight 93 in Pennsylvania on September 11: "To Lay Down
His Life..."
March 26, 8 p.m, McCosh 10
Alejandro Portes, the Howard Harrison and Gabrielle Snyder
Beck Professor of Sociology: "From Assimilation to Transnationalsim:
Patterns of Political Behavior Among Latin American Immigrants"
March 28, 4:30 p.m., 165 Wallace Hall
Alan Wolfe, professor of political science and director of
the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston
College: "Real Religion: How Americans Actually Practice Their
April 2, 4:30 p.m., Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall.
Marjorie Perloff, the Sadie Dernham Patek Professor Emerita
in the Humanities at Stanford University: "But Isn't the Same
at Least the Same? Wittgenstein and the Question of Poetic Translatability."
April 3, 4:30 p.m, McCosh 40.
Susan R. Wolf, professor of ethics and of philosophy at Johns
Hopkins: The Meanings of Lives
April 4, 4:30 p.m.,in Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall
Tony Kushner,
April 4, 8 p.m. at TBA. For more information email
Sydney Brenner,
Oxford University and Molecular Sciences Institute, Berkeley:Biology
after the Genome Project
April 9-11, 8 p.m. at TB. For more information email
Timothy J. Clark,
University of California, Berkeley: Poussins Mad Pursuit:
April 17, 4:30 p.m. at TBA. For more information email
Timothy J. Clark, University of California, Berkeley: Bruegel
in the Land of Cockaigne
April 18, 4:30 p.m. at TBA. For more information email
Michael Graves, architect, "Telling Stories"
April 22, 7:30 p.m. For more information email
Elizabeth McAlister, assistant professor of religion at Wesleyan
College and Joan Dayan, of the University of Pennsylvania
: "Vodou Spirits, Rara Queens and Small Men: Gender, Vulgarity
and Slavery in Afro-Creole Religion"
April 24,4:30 p.m., Frist Campus Center #302
Sidney Brenner, Molecular Sciences Institute, Berkeley, "Biology
after the Genome Project"
April 30, May 1 and 2, 8:00 p.m. For more information
Charles Falco, University of Arizona, "Through a Looking
Glass: The Art of the Science of Renaissance Painting"
May 7, 8:00 p.m. For more information email
Charles Falco, University of Arizona, "The Art and Science
of the Motorcycle"
May 8, 8:00 p.m. For more information email
Art Museum
Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Closed
Mondays and major holidays.
Public tours, Saturdays, 2 p.m.
- "Anthony Van Dyck: 'Ecce Homo' and 'The Mocking of Christ.'"
March 9 through June 9.
- "Guardians of the Tomb: Spirit Beasts in Tang Dynasty China."
Through Aug. 31.
- "Klinger to Kollwitz: German Art in the Age of Expressionism."
Through June 9.
- "In the Mirror of Christ's Passion: Prints, Drawings and
Illustrated Books by European Masters." Through June 9.
- "New German Photography." Through March 24.
- "Anxious Omniscience: Surveillance in Contemporary Cultural
Practice." Through March 31.
Reunions 2002, May 30 - June 2, 2002
Reunions 2003, May 29 - June 1, 2002
back to top of calendar
New York area events
The photographs of Fazal Sheikh 87, who went to Afghanistan
after the Taliban had taken power, are on display at the Jane Voorhees
Zimmerli Art Museum at the State University of New Jersey, at Rutgers,
71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, through March 31. (732-932-7237)
The show is titled "The Victor Weeps: Photographs by Fazal
Sheikh of Afghan Refugees, 1996-98."
Jill Sigman 89 *96/thinkdance presents "Vision
Begins," a multimedia dance/theater work created and performed
by Jill Sigman. March 22 and 23, 8 p.m., March 24, 3 p.m.,
at Williamsburg Art Nexus, 205 North 7 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211.
For reservations and information call 718-599-7997.
Ellen Beckerman 91directs the play Fanatics,
about the life of Galileo Galilei and how his discovery that the
world was actually hurtling through space placed him at a tragic
intersection with science and religion. Staged by the EB&C company,
the play runs Thursdays through Mondays through April 1 at
HERE, located at 145 Avenue of the Americas (one block south of
Spring Street) in New York City. Box office: 212-647-0202.
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Washington DC area events
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Send us news
about your events.
John F. Nash *50, the schizophrenic Nobel-prize
winning mathematician, will talk about his life and the movie based
on his life, A Beautiful Mind, on CBSs 60 Minutes.
The interview between Nash and his wife, Alicia, and correspondent
Mike Wallace will air March 27.
John Eisenberg 68, the director of
the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, died on March 10, at his home in Potomac,
Maryland, of a brain tumor. A memorial service was held March 17
at Washington Hebrew Congregation in Washington, D.C.
Jonathan E. Clodfelter 93 was killed
March 8 by an avalanche near the Sugar Bowl Ski Resort, in northern
California. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Clodfelter
"had hiked up to the summit of Mount Judah, just outside Sugar
Bowls boundaries, with two friends about 1 p.m. [March 8].
Clodfelter was on skis and the others were on snowboards,
preparing to cruise down to the resort, when the snow ledge they
were standing on gave way, triggering an avalanche." His two
friends were not injured. Clodfelter was an investment banker and
financial analyst.
Joseph Alexander Boston III *93 (MPA) is Baltimores
new homeless services director, reported the Baltimore Sun.
The National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Law Center
on Homelessness and Poverty has called Baltimore, his hometown,
one of the 12 "meanest" cities to homeless people.
Con Man, a documentary about James Hogue,
who lied his way into Princeton, aired on March 19 on Cinemax. Hogue
applied to Princeton as Alexi Santana, earned a track scholarship,
and became an A student. He was later found out and was sent to
prison. The filmmaker "goes in search of the real James Hogue,
the man behind these deceptions, and sets out to find where
and who he is today," stated the Web site.
Hunter R. Rawlings III *70 announced he will
step down as Cornells president on June 30, 2003. A classicist
who has served as president for seven years, told the New York Times
that he wants to return to teaching classics and writing.
Cheryl A. LaFleur 75, a former Girl
Scout, was the featured speaker at the Montachusett Girl Scout Councils
10th annual Women of Distinction luncheon March 6. The council serves
Central Massachusetts. LaFleur, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, became
president and CEO of Massachusetts Electric Col in 2000.
M. Dane "Duke" Picard *63, a recently
retired geology professor at the University of Utah, was awarded
one of the Society for Sedimentary Geologys highest honors
on March 5 in Houston, Texas, for his scientific contributions.
"Picards geology work has ranged from gathering data
about long-gone rivers on Mars to examining ancient lake deposits
on Earth," reported the Salt Lake Tribune. Picard is also a
poet, whose poems have been published in journals and newspapers.
Send us
news about you, a classmate, or any Princetonian
Mens lacrosse cruises
to first win
B.J. Prager 02 scored four goals and Julian Gould 03
allowed just three goals on 16 shots as the defending NCAA mens
lacrosse champions earned their first win of the season against
Hofstra on Saturday.
The Tigers now 1-2 and ranked eighth in the country host Syracuse
at 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 23, in a rematch of the last two NCAA
Tiger coaches honored
After leading the womens hockey team to a 15-11-3 record in
his sixth season behind the bench, Jeff Kampersal 92 was named
the ECAC-North Coach of the Year. It was the Tigers best season
under Kampersall, who saw his team gain some national recognition
in several polls this year.
Mens track and field coach Fred Samara earned his second consecutive
NCAA Regional Coach of the Year honor.
Womens lacrosse beats Virginia
The third-ranked Tigers held off a late charge from Virginia at
home on Sunday to garner a 13-11 win. Lauren Simone 02 and
Theresa Sherry 04 led the scoring with three goals apiece.
Princeton (3-1) host top-ranked Duke on Wednesday, March 20, at
2 p.m in Class of 1952 Stadium.
Fencers at NCAA championships this week
Seven Tigers will be competing at the NCAA fencing championship
at Drew University (March 21-24).
Seniors Lindsay Campbell (Epee) and Maya Lawrence (Epee) and freshman
Catherine Pack (Saber) will represent the womens team.
On the mens side, defending Epee champion Soren Thompson 04
will be joined by Matt Fitzgerald 03 (Epee), Eddie Chou 03
(Sabre), and Eric Stodola 04.
Divers qualify for NCAA championships
Three Tigers earned spots at the NCAA championships with strong
performances at this weekends 2002 Zone A Championships in
Freshman Kent DeMond blew the field out of the water in the mens
platform, finishing 140 points ahead of the nearest competitor with
513.85 points.
Katherine Mattison 02 won the womens platform competition
with 412.60 points and Danielle Stramandi 02 finished second
on the 3-meter board with 456.80 points.
The Princeton women swim at the NCAA Championships in Austin, Texas
from March 21-23, while the men compete at the NCAA Championships
in Athens, Georgia from March 28-30.
All-Ivy and All-ECAC honors for mens
and womens hockey
Defenseman Aviva Grumet-Morris 02 was named first-team All-ECAC
this weekend and freshman defender Katherine Maglione made the All-ECAC
rookie team. Forward Gretchen Anderson 04 received honorable
Grumet-Morris and goalie Megan Von Beusekom 04 were also earned
first-team All-Ivy honors. Anderson, who led the Tigers with 37
points this season, was named to the All-Ivy second team.
For the mens team, goalie Dave Stathos 02 was named
to the All-Ivy second team and defenseman David Schneider 02
received honorable mention in the Ivy League.
Golf teams get swinging
The mens and womens golf teams begin the defense of
their Ivy League titles with spring trips to Texas and Hawaii, respectively.
The women's team opens the season at the Hawaii Invitational in
Kaneohe, Hawaii on March 19-20.
The men's team tees off at the Pepsi Intercollegiate in Pottsboro,
Texas on March 23-24. Both teams will compete in five spring tournaments
before the NCAA Regionals
Baseball falls to 2-6 in North Carolina
On Monday, the Tigers dropped both ends of their second doubleheader
in three days against Duke, losing 13-5 in the first game and 10-8
in the second.
In the second game, Princeton used a seven-run sixth inning to tie
the game at 8-8 after sending 12 batters to the plate. But Duke
scored runs in the seventh and eight innings to hold on to the win.
On Saturday, the Tigers split their doubleheader with Duke. In the
first game, Princeton scored two runs in the top of the ninth on
a double from Steve Young 04, a misplayed bunt off the bat
of Eric Fitzgerald 04, and a sacrifice fly from senior Pat
Boran. Princeton lost the second game 17-3.
Softball stumbles on Georgia trip
Princeton lost three of four games in Georgia, bringing their record
to 5-5 this season.
The Tigers split a doubleheader with Georgia State on Monday, winning
the first game 5-4 thanks to Kristin Del Calvo 04s two
doubles and Brie Galicinao 02s second win of the season.
In the second game, the Tigers bats went cold as Georgia State
shut them out 1-0.
Georgia Tech handed Princeton two losses on Sunday. Galicinao had
two runs batted in a 5-4 loss in the first game. But the Tigers
once again went scoreless in a 7-0 loss in the second game.
here for The Varsity Typewriter
by Patrick Sullivan '02
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