Web Exclusives: Rally 'Round the Cannon -- Princeton history
by Gregg Lange '70
October 10, 2007:
journey back into China's past
At Mudd Library, an arresting exhibit of John MacMurray
1902's photos
By Gregg Lange '70
To our readers: PAW’s
online column on Princeton history, called Under the Ivy since 2002,
begins the fall 2007 term with a new name: Rally ’Round the
Regular classes in Chinese language became established
at Princeton in 1956. Yet many alumni, even from years long preceding
that, carry the image of a campus highly attuned to global affairs,
especially those of the Far East. There are at least a couple of
reasons for this.
The first is the great Princeton Oriental Studies
Library, which essentially predates its own department by 30 years,
a pretty good trick when you think about it. It is built around
the Gest Oriental collection, which in one of those quirky early
20th-century archaeo-historical cloak-and-dagger tales (think Indiana
Jones meets Marian the librarian) wandered out of China, traveled
around North America, and came to rest in a fortuitous place. Its
originator, Guion Moore Gest, did much business during the chaos
of China in the 1910s and '20s and began by collecting Chinese medical
tracts to treat his glaucoma. Then things snowballed. He subsequently
lost his shirt in the 1929 crash, and McGill University, where he
had piled his idiosyncratic but formidable collection, was so financially
strapped it tossed the stuff out, too.
The Institute for Advanced Study accepted it in 1937
but had no place to keep it; thus, Gest and his staff demanded that
it be properly administered by the University Library. So through
no effort of its own, the 100,000 or so items, including multitudinous
unique and ancient manuscripts, were sitting there when the East
Asian studies department was formalized in 1969. And it found at
last a worthy home in what had been the beautiful old Fine Library,
where Einstein, von Neumann, and John Nash *50 previously roamed.
The second image, vivid to undergrads across many
departments and many decades, is Princeton in Asia, which began
with a flurry of post-graduate intern activity in China –
initiated primarily by the students – long before, in 1898.
In various places and guises it has thrived ever since and proven
a touchstone experience for its many participants, now numbering
well over 100 per year in 15 countries. Before 1949, it concentrated
in China and gave the entire campus a pronounced flavor of its activities
The same expansion of American vision to the Pacific
Rim (with the accession of the Philippines in the 1898 Spanish-American
War) that gave rise to Princeton in Asia clearly captured the imagination
of John Van Antwerp MacMurray 1902, whose matriculation coincided
with both. By his early 30s, he was the secretary to the American
Legation in Peking, the practical function of which was, if not
precisely cat herding, then doing an extemporaneous play-by-play
narration of a 12-sided cat-herding derby. The existence of a functional
Chinese government, following the inevitable abdication of the last
emperor in 1912, was problematic even before things fell apart completely
in 1916, with regional warlords scrambling for whatever they felt
like when they awoke each morning. (A map of their fluid spheres
of influence foreshadows Jackson Pollock.) That this was happening
during a cataclysmic European War (with everybody in Asia trying
to choose sides) in an agrarian land with prehistoric communications
and hundreds of millions of people made it unimaginably confusing.
So MacMurray, in his travels for the legation, took
his camera along. The current arresting exhibit at Mudd Library
(on display through Jan. 18) shows the results, which can only be
described as astonishing. Some of MacMurray's 1913-1917 photos –
he took thousands – of the majestic beauty of the land, the
otherworldly quaintness of the Chinese villages, and the grandeur
of ancient structures, offer a simple contrast to the various bureaucratic
trivia and palace intrigues of the day as clearly described in his
documents from the University Archives collection. If you want to
make any sense of it all, I strongly recommend attending the lecture
at Mudd on Oct. 20 by Professor Arthur Waldron, who will explain
as much as is explicable.
For novelty's sake, there's also in the exhibit 8mm
film footage from MacMurray's subsequent ambassadorial days in Peking
in 1928. Clearly a technology first-adopter, he shot home movies
of street scenes and a trip down the Yang Tze that leave a modern-day
viewer dizzy with the subsequent transformation of that land to
an economic and cultural world power in less than a century.
Lange '70 is a member of the Princetoniana Committee and the Alumni
Council Committee on Reunions, an Alumni Schools Committee volunteer,
and a trustee of WPRB radio.